WTF?! I hate Japan now

>The Anti-Japanism theory posed that Japan's actions since the Meiji period had been tainted by imperialism, and a new regime was needed. According to Anti-Japanism, Japan's moral failure can be redeemed if the Imperial family is purged and the country forcibly transitioned to a communist "people's republic". Anti-Japaneseism radicalized this argument by claiming that even communist revolution could not redeem Japan because the Japanese themselves possess an inherent "aggressive nature". Proponents of this theory believe that the only way to redeem oneself from the "oppressor and criminal Japanese race" is to fight against all Japanese interests until the "Japanese" archipelago has been purged of anything Japanese.

>your pic
>the estate information are written in Japanese language also
>anti Japan


Go away occupant!

I just found that funny video and needed some anti-Japanese pic to go with it

why the hell are slavs always retarded? Need fucking ODA from Japan?

tokyo governor election always has some crazy candidates for some reason.
it's like an annual event for the citizens of tokyo to see nuts like him.

chill out, netouyo
why are you so short-tempered


He is paid by Chicomm, LOL

Anti-Japan thread by slovak? I'm ashamed of my country now

id do it. what kind of shop is that? an estate agent?

I never understood how is my business that which country owns more fucking rocks or islands

Why do i give a fuck? Why do i even have to? Does rocks make me more money? Fucking asian logics man

Are all Japs autistic?

It couldn't be more obvious that this is banter ffs. It's fucking over the top.

I have no idea but I would guess they have a strategic value for military

wtf I hate Japs
will commit sudoku soon

>Admit belong to china
>Only discount 10%
Even Jew meme not this Jew...

What is this? Yellow guilt?

ideological shit cant be banter. its only availbable in 3rd world scum and only those living in.
theres neither Sup Forums nor Sup Forums out there, nerd

not all but netouyos
they are literal retards - no reading comprehension even in their mother tongue.
we are fed up with them as well.

You don't think it's a bit funny that your country has an ideological movement which advocates a genocide of your own nation?

It's hilarious desu

I never understood how is my business that which country owns more fucking land or slaves?
Why do i give a fuck? Why do i even have to? Do slaves make me more money? Fucking asian logics man

They are more of an entertainer than a serious advocator or candidate tbqh.
Nobody takes them seriously, but what is fun here is the NHK (national broadcast company) is prescribed to air their speech on series of election broadcasts without censoring even when their argument is utter nonsense/politically incorrect subject spoken in a very unnatural, theatrical way like the OP video. Viewers enjoy watching that mismatched situation on supposed solemn election broadcasts aired by NHK, which is a public company and so inherently very serious, bureaucratic and politically correct. It's, so to speak, a lawful broadcast hijacking on the pretext of election with intention to make people laugh.


If you own some little island out in the middle of nowhere you can claim a swatch of ocean between it and your mainland to be your territorial waters.
Then you fish/drill/tax ship traffic/conduct military exercises up in people's face/hinder your neighbors by forcing them to send their ships the long way around, making their trade less competitive.