Do SJW exist in Asia?

Do SJW exist in Asia?
Do they have yellow guilt?

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>that nigger who thinks she's yellow


They do. Every girl I know is one.

In Japan,yes
But they are minority and nobody fucking cares


Thank you america for infecting us with your shitty liberal culture and cultural marxism

do you have the same thing like europeans where people who live higher in the north are considered whiter and "superiour?"

They have the potential to be better at it than sweden

Not really because singapore is too small and too diverse. Differences are usually inter racial rather than intra racial.

Because the majority of singaporeans are ethnically chinese, there's the whole concept of chinese privilege floating around. I don't consider myself any more superior to the malays or indians tho

its all down to zainichi vs netouyo

there are no sjws otherwise

>Kappa Delta Phi

God damn those chicks are rank... almost as bad as Alpha Gamma Delta or Alpha Omicron Pi

You'd never catch DGs pulling this bullshit

>all of this greek lettered mumble jumble

what for really?

Don't worry, SJWery will never catch on, too many religious people and outright racists


>Actually knowing about frats/sororities
Fucking Canadians

Your student fraternities are wierd, I bet they dont even duell with sharp blades.

Chad and Stacey

>Not being in a frat
Sounds boring
We had to learn about German fraternities during pledging. They sound cool.

Lefties dont like em and some are still very nazistic.

Most are cool.

I can remember there were two kinds, Corps and another that started with the letter B
And they're generally only for elites, right?

We could learn a lot from you lads

She's way better looking than any other girl in that picture
Truly yellow fever is a mental illness