We're going to be alive to see whites become a minority in their own country

>we're going to be alive to see whites become a minority in their own country

I would laugh if third world countries wouldn't still be shitholes desu.

Sucks to be you


The USA isn't, has never been, will never be a white country. Same goes for the entire new world.
And not a single European country has less than even 80% white population. Fuck off.

feels good man

Shouldn't you be throwing acid on someone's face or blowing up a school?
Fuck off

well done america

Y-You're all mean!!!

>their own country
>United States

>United States
>white country

Did I hit a nerve?
Also, show me the last time a Jordanian person threw acid on someone's face or blew himself up.

USA was 90 percent white except for black slaves in the 1800's, Benjamin Franklin said America was unique because it was the only country without a swarthy population (he deemed that only anglos and saxon germans were truly white).

You just have a personal vendetta against white/USA because of our affairs in your region.

Also it's hard to have a positive view of non whites and non Americans when they are always cheering our failures and hoping for our demise. I'd love to love you guys but I never see it reciprocated

>own country
>white country

fuck off land of trash immigrants

We took this land for our own the same way you slavs conquered the area you are in today. If you want to play semantic games you are a country of immigrants just as we are


>USA was 90 percent white except for black

I can't wait till everyone in USA is hispanic/mestizo
>half beaner half canadian
I get scholarships but still have the secure family best of both worlds

why the fuck are you people glorifying Kennedy, he was one of the worst presidents we had, dude could not stop fucking up.

Ay every country is gonna be multicultural soon enough because technology and globalisation

You guys just have it a lot sooner because of slaves n being the strongest nation at whatnot

Pssst. Hey, Whitey. Want to know a secret? Here it comes. America is not your rightful clay. Go back to Saxony.

I'd laugh it up if we weren't already importing enough arabs and poo in loos.

Fun fact: There is literally nothing in the constitution that says English has to be the official language of the United States.

This tbH

Uh I think everyone knows that captain obvious, why would it?

Canada is about 75% white. In recent years that's been in decline of course, but in decades prior to the last two it was definitely above 80%, as it was for a very long time.

Its rude as fuck to not speak the language of the majority. I learned Japanese when I lived there and felt like an asshole whenever I couldn't get through the full conversation in Japanese.

At the same time people in the US shouldn't be total fucking dickheads like the French when people who are trying to use English have some issues. So long as you are putting the effort in people should be patient, its embarassing and you hate it when you can't fully express yourself, no need for the person to be a dick about it.


Seeing Chinese painted all around in some places is an insult to the constitution of the country. It's recent immigrants forcing their language upon the already vastly established, as if they've got some sort of entitlement to do so. It's extremely disrespectful to hardly learn the language(s) of the country.


Can't wait, cumskins suck major ass.

>Ay every country is gonna be multicultural soon enough because technology and globalisation

Stimulates my cognitive abilities