Would you drink a Japanese girl's bath water?

Would you drink a Japanese girl's bath water?

Hell yeah I would, I'd freeze it into ice and make a cocktail

Why does every male with yellow fever have to be so creepy..??

ew no

Virgins that can't get white girls

you type that like it's harder to get white girls than asian girls

because east asians display high degrees of physical neoteny, hence the people who are into them are pedos.

Uh, it is, unless you settle for a 4/10

And unless you settle for a 4/10 Asian girl, Asian girls are not easy

Let's be real, all girls are easy if you're gay.

this is a new level of stupidity

Of course !!
I want to drink your bath water too!!

No, gooks smell like shit.

>I want to drink your bath water too!!

I'd freeze it in the shape of a dick and fuck myself in the ass.

post japanese girls
or any other schoolgirl

Only if we are married ;_;

>I'd freeze it in the shape of a dick and fuck myself in the ass.
I think that would be quite painful


Here's a superior Russian school girl

Would you drink my bath water? I'm a male btw

Have you ever tasted soap?

She is actually inside a pot of her own breast milk

I like milk

>I like milk

No, I'd rather fuck her tbqhwymf

only if she's anime

If only if she's mai waifu


Only if it has no soap.

Hell, I'd even distil what water and use it as perfume

But what if she peed or farted on the water?

Even better



not if you're Protoss

Because they're fat fucking autists

have some ugly guatemalan schoolgirls




Hell no. Escherichia coli bacteria.


Only if she pees in it first.

number 2 is cute as FUG user

Why do japs bathe in metal barrels?

m8 if any hot woman like Ana Cheri or any asian equivalent pissed on my in the middle of the street I would celebrate my new baptism

well if you think that resolution is cute you aint seen nothing

It is highly efficient (relatively speaking) to light a fire underneath a metal barrel when you are roughing it in a cabin in the woods.

I cant believe I actually considered this

it's a no btw

the pot is now completely 100% filled with her various bodily fluids accumulated over time

there's her piss, saliva, mucus, cum, breast milk, tears, sebum, amniotic fluid, stomach bile... hell, there's even a little of her dad's smega in there. would you still drink it?

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude please post on Sup Forums so I can save your flag

Foreigner is so strange.

Done bro, enjoy the Sup Forumsitical attack on me there

tyty :D

inb4 "RARE FLAG!" posts

No, soap is bad for you.

are you girl?

>Would you drink my bath water?
>I'm a male btw



No, I grew out of my yellow fever phase years ago


disturbing as fuck


cute as fuck

I would feel honored and flattered if a cute boy wanted to drink my bath water

>not liking cute girls of all races

T. Plebeian.

Every Asian girl is a butterface

>t. jealous whiteboi buttmad his womyn can't compete with asian goddesses

I would drink water double-filtered through a Japanese girl's unwashed asshole

prove it

i like you

You. I like you.

I be the bathwater

NO, that sounds gross

that guy on the right looks like a japanese combination of stallman and danny devito

so kinda like japanese ron jeremy
with a small peepee

fucking racist

>a Japanese girl's bath water
Still better than russian tap water.

here comes authentic jap girl
ask me anything

what does your butthole taste like compared to girls of other races

Prove your authenticity by drinking your own diarrhea.

i don't know because i've never tasted other race's asshole. yuck.

That's not how you spell "WHERE ARE THE PROOFS?"

Are you really a girl? You're starting to make me nervous. pls be honest my heart is racing

Sounds like you've had a taste of your own butthole though.

why are gaijins always scatologist?
Oppressive rule drives you mad?


during WW2 europeans made their prisoners of war live off poop water so it became ingrained in their culture and is a major fetish for europeans now

The request was made entirely to prove that you're not lying to us. It has nothing to do with my equine necroscat fetish whatsoever.


>>t. jealous whiteboi buttmad his womyn can't compete with asian plastic surgery industry
Fixed for accuracy.

I like YOU.

I want to slap all the qt japanese girls in the face.

Why does everyone want to drink your bathwater?

I dunno, why does everyone in this thread act like they have any experience with women at all?

Do you love Japanese girl

I do, user. Should I commit seppuku?

Send me a cute japanese schoolgirl please.

pls be gf

yes I love Japanese girl
do you love Japanese girl?

nihon no onaatachi wa daisuki desu

I like you MORE


>Drink a mixture of dead cells, bacteria and fungi.

Yeah, no.

>ask me anything
how old are you
do you like japan
why are you on Sup Forums
do you think japanese society is sexist towards women?

what does your bath water taste like

I'd eat a mile of her shit, just to see where it came from.

I wanna drink white teen girl's
bath water