I`ve heard that many people in Japan are unable to read newspapers. That`s reportedly because the hieroglyphs which are too complex and rare in daily life are used there. In short, some people simply don`t understand texts.

I wonder to know whether it`s true or not?

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a bunch of netouyos with those figures are coming here



For the emperor`s sake!

yes, it can be.

I've read somewhere that you need to know more than 2000 moonrunes to be able to read a Japanese newspaper.

The literacy rate of Japan has been always high.

So you think that`s not for real?

>summoned netouyo

here shit you wanted comes!

What does it mean?

Kids can't read newspapers for grownups but that's all
Everybody is able to read and write here

>I`ve heard that many people in Japan are unable to read newspapers.

That may be a hoax from a unkown source.

Go back to your shit hole, chonmou retard.

>That may be a hoax from a unkown source.
Ok. Got you.

>gooks making a writting system that follows the ancient Egyptians without changing it

God gooks are fucking retarded.

it must be neet, i guess

primary school

>it must be neet, i guess
I`m tend to think so too.

What you post is the advertisement on a newspaper in WW2 era, where we can see many difficult chinese characters that we do not use nowadays and used in Taiwan/Hong Kong/ Makau today.
Also, the Japanese sentences in 1930ish-1940ish was writtern from right to left when it was horizontal, like Arabic and Hebrew.

>primary school


The attached pic is just random. I`m talking about modern newspapers.

Jōyō kanji is a list of kanji characters Japanese learn by the time they finish compulsory education (elementary school and high school).

It's enough to read official documents, newspapers etc. Baseline to be considered a literate adult.

They also have a syllable system, kana, which is easy to learn even for children.

Japan has one of the highest literacy rates in the world. So I guess it seems to be working rather well.

Japanese Sup Forumstard

there is something called the character set for daily use in japan, which is made by the government and all japanese learn it in school, and modern publications including newspapers comply with it as much as possible, so it's not likely unless they are mentally challenged. also, they often give kana alongside difficult/uncommon kanji words to help reading.

what kind of bs are you saying?
All Japanese can read Japanese news papers. Korean/Korean-Japanese cannot since they discarded Kanji.

>what kind of bs are you saying?
Slow down. There`s no need to be so rude. I just wanna to verify disprove the info I got.

Kanji/Hanzi/Hanja/Chu Nom always really fascinated me, the idea that somebody in Korea could write a letter to somebody in Vietnam or Japan and the other person could still read it even though neither could speak each others language is amazing.

It's something like Greek and Latin cognates in European languages

If you have a few minutes, here's a video explaining why Japanese use kanji:

Of course almost all Korean-Japanese can also read.

Why did you guys borrow such an annyoing writing system (Chinese characters) instead of creating a better one from scratch?

Same reason why European nations adopted Latin script.

Chinese culture was dominant in the region at the time.

It's true, there are many 11-year-old kids that can't read the newspaper.

>this comes from Cyril nigger

Cyrillic is alphabet just like the Roman script

>Cyril nigger
Shut your mouth you racist sicko.

But the amazing thing is that unlike Greek or Latin where they learn the language itself, you (used to) don't have to learn to read Chinese to read a Hanzi letter if you could read Kanj i or Hanja all these different languages that are from entirely different families and who wouldn't know any other language but the TEXT is always the same no matter what language the writer is writing in his head

you hate kids

Isn't Japan the largest market in the world for newspapers, or something? I doubt it's a problem for them.

It's not true, the newspapers only use the kanji taught in schools.

All of these

what the fuck gaijins.
why gaijins hate newspapers?

The internet happened.

US newspapers aren't sold nationally, the country is too big for it, they're sold regionally. Japan has 120 million people in one market for papers, the UK only has 70 million.
Also you have more old people. Everyone here now uses the internet for news.

Yes, it encourages you to think in concepts istead of words.

all that wasted paper