How can the French threaten us with sanctions when they can't even reach the microphone ?

How can the French threaten us with sanctions when they can't even reach the microphone ?

What sanctions?


the white flag is bigger than him

Sanctions ?

Is that in Portugal?

At least foreigners are starting to learn how to deal with our leaders

EU sanctions. Same for Spain btw.


Dwarftugal pls

I swear, this is the least charismatic president ever.

Jokes on you our young have been learning with the Dutch!

Not even joking I'm 185cm and I've always been above average when I was in school but these days kids seem to grow non-stop.

I wonder what they actually eat these days.

I've 1m93 and very introvert, it hurts to live

obamas pants are way too large. americans have the worst fashion sense

EU never enforced any sanction on any country anyway. Don't worry, you're safe.

Very old population who grew up in a poor dictatorship does that to you.

The new generation is much taller, but then so is everyone else's.

Something something napoleon.

Sorry we haven't caught up with euro male fashion of wearing yoga pants

m8 hit the gym with that height you can literally smash people.

>american fashion

There is literally nothing wrong with this photo. The shorts look kind of silly because they're not full length do if he tries to hide he'lol sick out, but besides that I approve

American Cut suits are pretty ugly though. It's like they are stuck in the 90's.

Italian and British cuts look much better, generally.

It's not like he's going to his wedding dressed like that, either.

Not too bad

Kinda won the genetic lottery with very large shoulders and fairly low body fat, but since it only appears late in puberty, I was shit at sport my whole childhood so I caught a little fear of them

Will be trying the gym next semester, as well as biking/rock climbing.


I don't know why someone would cut their suits. Just put it on and if you don't look like batman you're good

>hitting the gym for the girls
Mate that's not how you do it. Enter a music school or a photography class.

There's a huge difference between a store-tailored and an custom tailored suit. I didn't think so either until I tried it.

I'm not as tall as you but if you want something to develop all the body is swimming.

Try that.

I go to a river here since I hate pools and I just swim back and forth in various styles. Does wonders.

You even fell faster in land.

I don't do it for the girls (not interested by them), mostly more self-assurance.

Oh, I crossed threads and thought I was in the one where they are all complaining about it.

Then Gym should be good.

>literally nothing wrong
shorts have a retarded pattern
shorts are too long
that blue and brown colours together
fugly blue jacket
brown florida state tshirt with some red pattern on it
awful shoes
shit beard
fake smile
shit beard

Is the EU tearing itself apart or something?

Pierre wishes to join the fashion industry
No surprise there

Nah, image is a normal European institutions working as intended.

Yep, hope I'll meet a qt there

Thanks for the advice, will try it

What does USA do to the states who take too much debt and are on a brink of economic collapse?

Photography class works great if you have a weird-yet-not-unatractive face like Cumberbatch or Brody, I've heard.

I went the music route. All woodwinds are qt, drummers and always girly tomboy for some reason and bassists are boyish tomboy. Avoid singer chicks like the plague.

I'm not into girls, in fact. I'm already in the gaming club of Uni (Uni is like 95% male) but no luck.

Obamas pants has to be photoshoped right?

The "muh actually it was the poorness all the young people are actually about 1.90 about the same as the netherlands" meme

Portugal has the shortest football team in Europe AFAIK and those people are above the average height of the normal population.

Height recordings in portugal

174cm, 18 year olds
172.3cm 30-34 year olds
171cm 20-50 yaer olds
173.7cm 21 year olds

Also been to Portugal, am around 5'11 was easily above average as opposed to being averageish in the UK.

>european males have time to be fashionable every day

Not impressed . We have more disposable income then you; we can outdress you if we want. To be fair, guy in pic could not be any tackier if he tried :/

>more disposable income means you can outdress people

Americans ladies and gentlemen.

>are actually about 1.90
No no, definitely not. I'd put the average for males from 18-30 in the 178-180 range, but maybe I live in an above average region. Short people always gravitate towards soccer.

I know for a fact that this generation is much taller than the previous ones, so the average is being 177 makes sense if you include every old dude and those are all very small (we don't have Michael Caines here, for example).

I could be wrong, though.

How come Brits have their huge giant towers and their short as fuck manlets? It's a bit weird. Every British teacher I had at British Council was either over 190 or below 170 for some reason.

cant even tell if you're being serious or not

>We have more disposable income
But you pay it to banks, doctors, colleges, etc. Damn, Americans are brainwashed like Russian students of 1910s if they think they live better than super countries like Sweden :^(

idk I've never understood pointing out people looking tacky other than to imply they are poor...

I fuck french bitches while frenchlet cucks watch

Calling someone tacky (who even does that post 2009 anyways) implies nothing about said persons financials.

>europeans berating americans for not being fashionable enough and proceed to say american culture is shallow and superficial
top kek

Portugal's tallest region is Lisbon with an average of 175, Portugal's total average is 173-174 not above 177.
However we do have the fastes growing population in Europe, our average grows over 1cm every 10 years.
And men from ages 15-25 are indeed much taller, I would say their average is around 175-180.

Ok that is fairer. I wouldn't be surprised if the average young height gravitated towards about 1.80 as that seems to the general European average.

I'd say thats a bit unfair for British people, though i do agree. In my friend group like

3 are 188 or so
I'm about 180
and then 6 are around 173ish one maybe like 170

Even though average is like 178 i pretty much mainly see people taller and shorter than that. I think being a manlet range (like 170 not actual manlet) is okay in the UK because there are always squads of people that height so you aren't alone.

oh, ok

Invade them


Why would anyone want to know this?

>mapa """útil"""


Zuckerberg is richer than I'll ever be and I would still say he dresses worse than me

The money that goes to pay for those services doesn't count as disposable Vlad.

How old is this map?
Portugal has literaly over twice as many regions.

When I recieve vacancies list from Linkedin I count money and after tax + rent + necessary expenses only a poorfag part left. No idea how do people make it in big American cities.

Our deficit is too high so we'll have to pay 5bn euros

Yeah that's probably more close to the truth, actually, I was young and shorter back then. I only know one dude that's smaller than 170, and he's absolutely mocked for it. I know a bunch of dudes over 190, but they are not the rule at all and I only know them because they were on a Basketball team at my school.

If I'm not mistaken we also have relatively tall women on average. As in, we're the shortest male average but not the shortest female average. Weird.

>Answering to a Spaniard King
>Using words like "platano" or "melocoton" instead of banana and pêssego.
Ew, no.


hes down with the hood
its gotta sag a lil

our king is our king.

you are only our poors and autist cousins. come back to iberia. togheter better

It doesn't make any fucking sense tho
>you're wasting too much money, in retaliation you'll give is your money so you don't disrupt economic order
Fucking totalitarian and centralist logic

If not for Catalunia and the Basque country you would be as poor as us.

Only Catalunia and the Basque country are France-Tier, the rest of Spain is Portugal-tier.

>you are only our poors and autist cousins
We are your manly, fearless and non-retard-speaking cousins, eternally pioneering the way for the Spaniards to copy.

>fought the moors faster
>sailed the sea earlier designing our own ships
>got to India correctly
>beat your shit time and time again
>elected a dictator first
>got rid of said dictator first
>got a shitty leftist government with a minority vote first

This "Iberia" you talk about is called "Greater Portugal" and would require your "men" to move further east to France or the sea. Galiza is cool though, I like octopus.


>stolen ship designs on the wall
Come up with your own shit, REEEE

