edition: buttblasted /qa/
edition: buttblasted /qa/
Other urls found in this thread:
death to fashisty
third for venegite
fourth to elton john
Fifth for Sup Forums
fifth for sexy roos
fuu fuu rattatta rattattatta
if you read it backwards you'll find a special surprise
What's happens in this thread?
one more for Alex which means rhe world for me.
anime and stuff
>slavshits calling us fascists
>have a textbook fascist leader
>also a cleptocrat and slut to oligarchs
haha, i laughed more than i should have :DDD
all the bullies are banned, so comfy now.
when will you become my wife?
fuck /balt/
fuck off to r9k frogposting scum
I thought you abandoned the general, Estonia.
i did, it's inane shit. just thought i'd point out you're a hypocrite.
eesti comes to talk about music with us, slavshit
Russian flags are not welcome
don't touch my future wife, faggots
Kys weeb
gays are still not accepted in lithuania tho
There really are too many russian posts here.
ignore it, they're just proxies
t. Sergey Ivanov
really excited for door kickers 2
Going to have a fat wank tonight lads
oh hello commie soviet riflemen!
Have a bit of a predicament lads.
I have a case of jungle fever, one between an Ethiopian qt and a Nigerian qt.
Who do I pick?
>tfw had nothing but old moldy cheese and crackers left
At least I am not gonna go hungry today!
communism > everything else
>two of the worst african ethnicities
wtf lad
ethernal faschist butthurt itt
you = nigger
go back to watching anime, boy
>this wasnt real communism
dont wanna be that guy but hes right
might do a sleep haha
night lads
Well then who are the better ethnicities?
north africans and deep west africans
Literally just spent an hour discussing sexual encounters that I made up with a 17 year old fat girl on tinder lads
Not really sure how I feel about myself right now
Pics or I won't believe you.
50th for America
Is she at least cute?
>north africans
>Literally just spent an hour discussing sexual encounters that I made up with a 17 year old fat girl on tinder lads
How much of a one-sided conversation was that m8? You can be honest.
Just forget about it and keep on shit posting.
end yourself
why have you betrayed me
Not really, moderately okay face. I just did it because she talked about "thick girl pride" and her insta has her in a bikini being all OMG DON'T SLUT SHAME so I fucking KNEW if I went in being all "hey want to fuck" she would react positively rather than being all "omg you're a creep" because she seems really desperate.
It started off as a bit of a social experiment meme, but idk it feels good after a while. Something about the fact that she wanted to bang me, even if she was 17 and fat.
She was evidently making as much up as me, was all "yeah I've banged 10 guys from here" and shit.
more cushion for the pushin amirite?
>mfw obese girls refer to their fat as "meat"
>"yeah I've banged 10 guys from here"
I wouldn't think how many guys you've (supposedly) fucked from Tinder would be an appropriate thing to discuss with another guy you want to fuck
Being fat is unhealthy.
Will they still push for the body positivity knowing that it will kill them faster/ make it far more expensive for our economy.
Maybe they've all secretly got a vore fetish and it's their way to secretly let you know
She was like 100km away (I was getting desperate so put the filter up) so we concluded that it wasn't likely that we were going to bang
I probably also wouldn't have shitposted at her if she was close because she may have wanted me to go through with it
Tinder is interesting, it feels so much like Sup Forums at times because it's almost anonymous, but there's something that makes me uneasy about total shitposting when my face is involved. If I decide I don't actually like a girl I often go full fuccboi and be all "hey wanna fuck got a big cock lol"
>implying New Zealand is even 100km long
ron paul should have been president
He was the president we deserved, but not the one we needed.
>100km is far in New Zealand
Fucking countrylets, gets me every time
go back to sucking cock you fucking commie
kek that pic
did i hurt your feelings, animeboy? post some more anime pictures, that will show me
Best pic I've seen about communism 2bh
is that supposed to be an insult on a website founded to discuss japanese culture?
It is for sex with a stranger you mong. If it was like 20k she'd probably be all "yeah let's fuck" after I ironically told her I was a chubby chaser
She was pretty desperate though, even said I was "hot" and would "definitely do me", which was probably what kept me responding, things like that are like crack even if they're probably not true and from a fat girl
does anyone else play cities skylines
Just google ''fully automated luxury communism''
used to play it, great game until it gets boring
this is fuckin with my brain tttt
that's not how you annoy the shit out of people the weeb way, no one will click on the webm to see how smug it is. with a smug jpeg, people are forced to see it and you'll annoy people like a proper weeb
>you will never hear her beautiful voice again
When did phenomena kill people these days anyway?
I've still need to make the rivers in my city filled with shit
fucking brisk tonight lads, perfect to go out and drink until I pass out.
Please be nice to each other, we're all Baltics here. Don't fall for the ruskie ''divide and conquer'' tactics.
really really good post with excellent culture accompanying it
Dmitri "Fuck your prayers" Dmitrov
I love all baltics equally
fucking bigot stop assuming our genders
i identify as a tsar killing entity and you to even assume that im a pussy is just bigoted and tsarphobic, you fucking shitlord
1 Current monarchies
1.1 Andorra
1.2 Belgium
1.3 Denmark
1.4 Liechtenstein
1.5 Luxembourg
1.6 Monaco
1.7 Netherlands
1.8 Norway
1.9 Spain
1.10 Sovereign Military Order of Malta
1.11 Sweden
1.12 United Kingdom
1.13 Vatican City
really makes you think
new cringe from our artists
1.14 Latvia
jebać separatistów
>Latvian """Music"""
Latvians are literally the shittiest posters in this general and their shitty gimmicks suck.
>Muh tsar XD
>muh riflemen
>muh communism
>muh speaking russian axaxa xa)))))
This shit makes up 50% of their posts, the rest are anime tripfags posting shit.
This. There's a reason people hate l*tvians
quality contribution, this is why we all love lithuanians haha
>muh niggerball XDD
>muh grand duchy XDD
>muh anime XDD
>muh polish language kurwa))))
qualith lithuanian posting, now follow your fathers footsteps and kill yourself
Who wants to move to PNG with me and rule the savages like heart of darkness?
me me me me me me
You'd be part of the savages desu