How can people move to your country legally?

In this thread we post some of the loopholes that exist for people to move to our countries.

Come on holiday. Meet a girl/guy who has a job via Tinder. Automatically have right to stay based on your relationship.

Getting married works for almost every country

You don't even need to get married here.

Have a wild guess.

It kind of works here, but the person needs to be put on a path towards citizenship or permanent residence or otherwise their stay can run out. We've had couples with children where one parent gets kicked out since they did fuck all.

literally none except for the desperate pregnant mainland women who give birth in Hong Kong so their children get residency

Grow a lush beard and say you're 14.


Be from the EU, get a work visa, or marry a Lithuanian.

What if I can't grow a beard? That's patchybeardophobic, Wallah, Sweden.

I've heard this is an extreme problem -- why were laws never changed to deal with anchor babies in Hong Kong?

EU,Work Visa (they give it faster than a whore her pussy) marry a Pole,have a Polish relative

just walk across the border

keeping an eye on this thread to be honest

The plan is to outbreed the Cantonese

they can't, we're niggers, rapists and thieves

also, we're full

thanks to our boi harper's """temporary""" foreign worker program we have a bunch of Flips that won't go back

we take just about anyone that wants to stay in this hellhole

Why don't more Argies travel to EU countries when you guys can come here visa free?

If Hillary wins just go to the USA on vacation and dont leave