Shit thread tbẖ
We Mr. World now
looks stupid
do you want to join our /desi/ skype chat
looks arab
Triggered. Don't speak to me in that filthy tongue
Look like a manlet version of my elder bro
Why do you post ugly chicks op?
Hi friend.
Triggered by Indian flair. Are you Gangetic by any chance? Because that'd make it worse.
North south mix.
Plus the chicks in op are ugly as sin.
Free Kashmir.
India out of Khalistan.
Indian dogs, leave Nagaland.
Azad Manipur
Azad Kashmir best Kashmir
Rohan what are you doing in canada yaar, isn't it too cold there'?
Honesty Kashmir has become a shithole. We should just divert all the funds to based north east bros
>tfw can actually read and write devanagari just don't know what any of it means
hear pajitis out my window
start blasting filmi music at them
blinds closed tho
>there are a people and language named after canada
Tell me about them /desi/
have you guys gotten anything other than "South Asian" on those ancestry/dna tests?
>those ancestry/dna tests?
they are south indians
that's all i know about them 2bh
Indians are disgusting, meu Deus.
They existed before Canada ever did plus pronunciation is different.
They had one of the most based empires of all time. Look up Vijayanagara empire, they caused such massive muslim butthurt that when the muzzies finally won they just spent days destroying the city
we have quite a few lusophone pajeetinhos in our poomunity 2bh.
We never claimed to be good looking
me and you
>tfw many Indians left Sup Forums bc of le poo meme
Get back lads I miss you
me on the right
It got rid of redditors and uber patriotic fags. Good riddance
bc they're good posters
Friendly reminder that dalits are not invited.
You may continue.
> THICC desi girls will never grind their vaginas on my face, while speaking incomprehensibly in some retarded regional language only 3000 people speak
You don't know how good you've got it lads.
>You don't know how good you've got it lads
>implying I've got that
Why do sikhs want their own country and to name it 'empty place'?
make it happen senpai
simply destroy all obstacles
Your parents haven't arranged a marriage for you?
Either way, I've only seen desi girls date Indian guys. Occasionally americanized whores will date white guys, but I'm not white :(
They wanted it a while back but Indra Gandhi best the ever living crap put of them and they just became drug addicted cucks ever since
Wtf I love India now
>but I'm not white
w-what are you
Wow I want to breed a traditional desi girl like this
>incomprehensibly in some retarded regional language only 3000 people speak
Telugu is spoken by 77 million people
Half the chicks nowadays are spoilt as fuck and can't do a single household thing properly.
pakis out
this meme > +
< this meme
p much explain it
You'll fit right in
she's not actually a pajiti right?
Show me good sides of India
I'm tired of poo in loo memes
Here's some good side
i am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off.
Here's a better side
Half Pajeet or southie not sure
Pic related is north east Indian
>mfw india has the cutest asian girls
Used to be living rpg land few centuries back
wew. Dodged a bullet there. I thought you were going to say your are a Habshi.
Post more girls in sarees
Ignore the filenames
Designated Death Streets
are you anime-pajeet
As a white guy, how do I get an thicc indian girl in britain?
Let a desi guy fuck your sister and in return you can fuck his.
Gift her father a cow.
Dat landing strip
Rape her father and ask for dowry
same way you get any girl 2bh.
(you probably don't)
Is this girl paki or arab?
paki iirc
Iirc she is either a libtard Indian or bong. So desi/paki
Cheers lads, keep it real
I am working on breaking down my brown qts folder into more specific categories.
Since you are such a lad
This is the best answer. Be good looking and have a decent job and you can slay desi puss
>This is the best answer. Be good looking and have a decent job and you can slay desi puss
be confident in yuorself and treat girls as a means to the end goal of your satisfaction rather than a end in themselves
>be white
>Rija Rehan
desi probably indian
No desi girl will date him if he is a neet or ugly. Heck no girl will, no amount of self confidence bullshit will help you there. Maybe a one night stand nothing more
There is scope for people without their shit together to get desi girls in the UK.
Desi girls here have a streak of wanting to rebel against expectations.
Anything is possible my man.
As Bhagwan (the original Chad) said: don't concern yourself with outcomes, just make sure to do your action
Sneaky Jesus doing a cheer haran of that qt.
how do i convert to islam lads
Step 1. Cut your tutti
step 2: declare there is no god but allah and muhammad is his final messenger
my gf
*chops off tutti*
la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah