can you imagine being a janny haha edition
Good ha ha lad.
remember that lad who said he still wore nappies when he was 5?
Jenna Haze 2bh lads
well lads, it's been a long time coming but i've finally perfected my time machine. to what end, you ask? kill hitler? stop 9/11? no, no, my naive friend. you see, i intend for my delicate ballsack to be poking out of the soil in the centre of hiroshima on august 6th, 1945
rather unusual
cara 2bh lads
that's a man btw
Cannot wait for a new King George lads. Banter will be insane.
Did a cheeky wank
yeah he just made these two posts
5 days into nofap lads
ask me anything
hate yankophiles tbqhwylal
have you got a gf? how tall is she?
just matched with a tight little slice on tinder lads
exceptional post
How many (You)s do you want, be specific
haven't got a gf
Yanks are the master race you runt
Having a new holiday Yank?
ask if she does anal on the first date
Dangerously close to being overweight with soon-to-be pancake tits
my arms are quite red
yank isnt an ethnic group you little cunt
2 months into nofap
not even trying haha
post eejit gattos
>but Irish is
lads i've lost my dream girl i don't know what to do
Spoiler this heifer
Is kev racist
what about tim
Brought a small explosive device online to bomb Ulster with
Police intercepted it though
Hope I don't go to prison
it literally is
>new thread before the old one has passed page 8
Janny's going to be absolutely livid when he's released
don't say cunt americans are shit at saying cunt it's our word, you can't use it brits excepted
spolier yourself you faggot
He'll bump the limit down to page 9 he will
>Yank not a race
>Irish is
I can see why Henry resented you choosy cunts
alt righters (particularly pards) are the worst thing on the internet with thicc posters/furries/bronies
literally derail every conversation they touch with their trash
>mfw y*nks pronounce "twat" as "twot"
think they're just soft cunts by birth, can't even swear properly 2bh
>who were the celts
thats like saying anglo saxons arent an ethnic group
anyone got a link to the video of the pizza guy comes round to tims
Islam is a rather shite religion.
Thought no porn would help me stay harder longer but it appears it was just a meme, have yet to try myself out on a girl though
white genocide is real you nigger
>t. every reasonable person for the past 2000 years
is the film 'Everest' any good
>not liking Islam is racist
>not liking Christianity isn't
Good memes
alright mate
it was directed by an icelander, so i am legally obligated to say it's good
meh. it's alright
i prefer The Eiger Sanction
NEED a Yank gf to bully me
have a rest
she's an absolute dog
really must stop drinking
don't even want to know what the state of my young liver is in
Yanks should stop appropriating anglo culture.
It's not for you. Daft cunts.
Why do American girls always have those weird pudgy faces even if they're thin
Business Idea: rewrite film synopses to /brit/ sensibilities
>The Proposition
>The story of a proper English bloke dedicating himself to civilizing Australia by savagely murdering every Irishman he can get his hands on with the full power of the law and manipulating other Irishmen into doing it for him. Even his wife has a retarded Irish boy flogged to death!
tate modern is a literal joke
there was one room dedicated to old TVs showing repeated videos of bottles going into peoples arses
the jew who runs the tate must be mentally ill
and people actually fucking donate to this shit on the way out
Listening to BBC World Service even though I am 100% British
well you've got me there partner
I don't know
>he doesn't understand art
seems it chickened out in the end
good rare gatto vid
need a body positive assertive gf
They don't look too imposing
The black guy looks cool and I bet the white dude would be fun to chat shit with
Hows it going Pardner
YEEE HAW. Happy thanksgiving god bless Amurrica.
yeah no
bad genes
>size 14 with a personal trainer
She's below average by UK standards user
give it a watch. i guarantee you'll enjoy it
It's going alright, thanks for asking. :) Yeah haha America's a nice country isn't it
I'll be watching this webm for some time ...
Don't think they do Liposuction on the face.
Yank """"""""""""""""""humour"""""""""""""""" makes me pull a sour face and want them nuked
can't stand summer
have to wear short sleeve shit and my arms are like twigs, I look like an anorexic victim from auschwitz
this 2bh
just know that every fatty envies you
you're halfway to being ripped without doing anything
>She said "I suspect there are many members on the Opposition benches who might be familiar with an unscrupulous boss; a boss who doesn't listen to his workers; a boss who requires some of his workers to double their workload; and maybe even a boss who exploits the rules to further his own career."
>Leaning forward and fixing Mr Corbyn with a direct stare, she added: "Remind him of anybody?"
Go away
London. Need a Twink bf
Yanks aren't anglos and they should stop doing this weird impersonation immediately.
brit on vacation here
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