Jesus christ is the only saviour, and the only way to avoid roating in hell

Jesus christ is the only saviour, and the only way to avoid roating in hell

Accept him in your heart, it's not too late brothers

The truth is hard to read I know

Jesus can suck my dick!

how do they treat Christians in Algeria?

Why do Algerians on Sup Forums hate themselves so much?

Even the ones living in France are huge self-haters


Il n'est pas trop tard pour te repentir

Surprise! Algeria is a developing country. It is obviously developing, but as of right now it's still mostly shithole. France is the polar opposite - a developed country undeveloping. Algerians are obviously sapping France's energy. Wake up sheeple!


anyway thats better than islam tho

If you don't do proselitism, pretty well

Hate is not good is better

The spread of the truth must be the only thing we should developp

That Christians are less shitty than Muslims doesn't mean that Christianity isn't dumb.

You should be ashamed to critize our god

Please Jesus, give me the strength to endure this

jesus drawn with brown eyes and hair always triggers me
jesus was a sandnigger
jesus had black eyes and hair
jesus probably looked more like me than most of the christians
if you have seen jesus on the street you would probably think he was a terrorist or homeless

nice try, islamic devil

jesus looks like the average "sandnigger" of these areas before they were cuck'd by halfnigger arabs. they looked like average southern europeans back in times. as you can look in roman portraits of deliquents in judea.

thank you user i wasn't waiting for an actual explanation

But it's true even with the Arab conquests and the obvious mixing of darker skin tone it must've brought Levantines are still mostly white
You guys are trying too hard to "really make us think" lel

But Jesus didn't exist

>believing in god

it did. he probably was just a political leader who used the local trend of "i'm the messiah"

in times of jesus almost 90 more people claimed to be the messiah in judea.

>yfw half of the world praises a jewish supremacist that just wanted the independence of the chosen superior people

If so, then why did Tacticus, the author of the first piece of evidence regarding any mention of "the Christ", only write about him about 40 years after his supposed death, and then only really in passing?

I know folks weren't really the most fastidious record keepers back then but something like this introduces some serious doubt into Jesus the man.

Because he was not an important man, he was just followed by a bunch of people that after his dead started to create a religious movement that after that created the first written papers and started to spread in the middle east. then romans adopted it as the official religion and then modern christianism starts.

p.s I think there is a paper from roman times who mention that someone called "chrestus" was making some noise followed by some people in judea. that's all the importance jesus had: between 0 and nothing.

the sect that was born after his death is another thing.

This makes sense
You're my favorite Jesús