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First for Yugoslavia

first for based bulgarian type

I distinctly remember the post of a slovenian on /ex-yu/, it went something like this:
никo нe жeли бpaтcвo и йeдинcтвo ca вaмa живoтиньaми.

Isto kao i ovi Bosanci, prave se pametni.

Bio slučaj pre neke godine kad su lika osudili da je bespravno sekao šumu, i on se izvukao tako što se vadio da ne razume Srpski, samo 'Bošnjački', a javni prevodilac sa 'Bošnjačkog' na Srpski ne postoji u državi.

Isto tako mi ne priznajemo postojanje Crnogorske i Makedonske Pravoslavne Crkve. One su jeretične tvorevine, zvanično.

Serbo-Croatian latin is not entirely 1:1 because of dipthongs (Lj, Nj, Dž), but Serbian Cyrillic is fully phonemic.

We should get some letters for those sounds, like the Polish crossed L for Lj, some variation of N for Nj and something for Dž. But all in due time, it's not a problem really.

Why don't you admit it? Why are you so butthurt about it? It's clearly a language

Fucking this drug

Only orthography actually because the commies decided to base Macedonian on the Serbian alphabet as you see here People who wanted to keep some semblance to Bulgarian (like keeping the ъ in the alphabet were accused of Bulgarianizing Macedonian so that was dropped completely).
Grammar is almost the same with a few things changed here and there (case in point: both Bulgarian and Macedonian have no cases whereas Serbian-Croatian have them).
As to vocabulary, it mostly "differs" simply because Bulgarians based their standard language on an Eastern dialect (which was more populated at the time) while Macedonian was based on the Central/Central-Western dialect. In other words, the base for making the language standards was completely on our opposite sides.
And even with all this, the languages are still more or less at least 90% mutually intelligible.

>on se izvukao tako što se vadio da ne razume Srpski, samo 'Bošnjački'
Jel imas neki link, jel bila vijest na nekom portalu ili nesto? Umirem

>Why don't you admit it?
They need an additional decade or two of penance.

>We sign treaties in English or some shit.
No we do it like this:

>in 1999 the government in Sofia solved the problem with the Macedonian Language under the formula: "the official language of the country (Republic of Macedonia) in accordance with its constitution".

For every treaty between our countries.

Ours are more qt :3

Sjecam se ja sam u srednjoj pisao lj nj i dz svojim nekakvim slovima izmisljenim, ne sjecam se vise kako je islo, profesorice su mi jebale mater ali bilo je efikasno

Bulgarian song for everyone ITT!!


Nemam nažalost.
Ali znam kao činjenicu da se to desilo, znam i ko se to izvukao. Taj lik je iz mesta gde mi je mati odrasla.

Hah, ali stvarno bi mogli nešto da smislimo. Mislim, zašto ne.

Haha, poor Anticki.

A kako bismo to napravili, mislim nije tesko izmislit tri nova slova, ili posudit iz polskog, za dz bi se moglo cak ono cirilicno obrnuto п sa crticom, samo da desnicari ne skuze da je cirilica

Ali sto onda, kome bi to uopce dali, kako ide proces mjenjanja abecede?

>tfw you get accused of being a national traitor if you point out in any way we're connected to Bulgarians

Russian movies are great by the way


>kako ide proces mjenjanja abecede?

Ne ide to tako teško, samo donese odluku Ministarstvo Prosvete, i uvede se u plan i program osnovaca. Mi stariji pokupimo usput.

Mogli bismo ovo za Lj = Ł

Ovo za Nj = Ń

Iz Turskoj, Dž = Ğ

Do you have a list of recommended movies or something?

Mislim da imamo vec dosta turcizama, ne trebamo uvodit njihova slova jos, zasto ne kao Đ ali sa dvije crte? Makar to bi onda trebalo uvodit nove Unicode simbole i sve, meni se Џ cini kao dobar kandidat ali siguran sam da bi svi rekli da smo jugokomunjacetnici tako da bi trebalo nesto drugo vjerojatno

i dont really know what youre saying, but here Ł [w] is the hard one and L [l] is the soft one
and btw: apparently bulgarian is undergoing the same sound changes can you confirm?

Aфoня (with subtitles)


Ивaн Bacильeвич мeняeт пpoфeccию




The dust

choose what you liked then go to kinopoisk ru and watch related movies

Sorry I can't really understand bulgarian, and we are just talking about replacing dual letters in our languages with single ones, for example the sound Љ is written as Lj, even though it is for all intents and purposes one letter, and definitely is one unique sound

We're saying how we could use Ł for our Lj sound (it's the same as this in Russian ЛЬ), and your Ń and our Nj produce the same sound.

Mogli bismo Dž = Þ, ovo slovo je iz Islandskog i predstavlja onaj 'th' zvuk iz Engleskog.

Хвaлa пpијaтeљy.

Moze zasto ne, kome bismo to predstavili?

diacritics are overrated, only makes shit harder to input
I don't see the appeal
you are 5? letters away from having diacritic-less alphabet, digraphs are much better

>and we are just talking about replacing dual letters in our languages with single ones
For what purpose...
It's better to have dual letters than diacritics and other crap. Consider the fact that our world is filled with computers today and while you could easily modify your setup, QWERTY is everywhere so anything beyond the basic alphabet in it is redundant atm.
Just stick with basic latin.

What's the hate on diactricits? Our keyboards have them as seperate keys anyways

To me sad podsjetilo, morale bi se mjenjati tipkovnice, opet tiskati knjige, nije to samo tako

>Ł [w] is the hard one and L [l] is the soft one
Well these days people are too lazy to pronounce L properly by touching your teeth with your tongue. Ludogorets = Wudogorets

>stick with basic latin
Ok, š đ ž ć č

>diacritics are overrated, only makes shit harder to input
Diacritics are useful for handwriting, digraphs are better for computers and electronics in general.

If Poles are slavs then so are we

3 letters away, and there's enough space on the keyboard for them. We don't have Q, X and Y in our language.

Ne bi to bio problem toliki, isto je tako bilo, mada u manjoj meri kada smo trebali Đ da uvedemo. Prvo se pisalo Dj pa su stavili Đ.

Although, this is just for making the alphabet cooler and more phonetic, doesn't have much use otherwise.

Absolutely disgusting.

why do Croats feel the need to post in every thread? they think they're every group in Europe at once. they're like the niggers of Europe.

youre thinking about german ae oe ue, or about optional diacritics, like russian stress marking?

Also a few comedies with """"russian humour"""




Better than Sz, Rz, Cz and the rest in Polish. Although they have many letters to begin with.

Here's your (You).

istina da, ali bilo bi dobro kad bismo imali foneticku abecedu, stranci bi lakse naucili

thanks dude, are these any good? i'll be sure to watch them

No you are our mongol brothers

>Better than Sz, Rz, Cz and the rest in Polish. Although they have many letters to begin with.
don't even mention that
polish orthography is disgusting

And Serbs are closer to being Turks than they are Slavs. You should be over in /hell/ or the Balkan thread

This is VERY good

I'm saying it's better to have both systems and use each one accordingly depending on circumstances.
For example:
š - sh
First one is better to be used when you write manually, second when you are restricted to basic Latin (like computers where you are limited). You don't have to be exclusive.

Nemoj mu davat, cak i lazni (You) je (You) i on ce ostat

fuck off mang

I agree

u are our finnic bastards. russia is a nation of finns who pretend to be slavic. Russias resources + finnish military discipline and we would conquer the world

no, I'm trying to fit in

ne davaj mu (you)e

Thanks buddy.

U redu.

you choosed another way

хopoшo бpaт))

Why aren't Roumanians slavs?

>tfw S*rbroach

Я yчy pyccкий, чтo дyмaeшь, cкoлькo бyдeт зaймeт дa нayчy?

I'm not sure but I played eu4 and wallachians lived there, so I guess they never were, romanic people lived there, not slavic

It was your leadership. We were quite happy under Russia during the early years, but then we got a retard Tsar and everything went to shit. If you stopped pretending to be slavic and accepted your finnish roots we could own the world.

>If you stopped pretending to be slavic and accepted your finnish roots

>retard tsar
But Lenin took care of him, didn't he?))

They have some Slavic blood, but not really.

Kada si ti krenuo da učiš?
Ja nešto nikako da krenem, preplićem se da li da naučim Finski (pošto sam gledao tu da emigriram, ili u Australiju. Mada nije ni Rusija za odbacivanje ako si školovan. A i bliži su nam nego ova dva naroda) ili Ruski.

Is Hungary slav?

;) Russians are the result of finnic tribes adopting slavic language

communism is cancer, doesn't mean russians can't be good people

Genetically, it's likely that they have a fair bit of Slav blood (mixing with us, Croats and Slovaks).

By culture and language not really.

Hungarians are master race ugrics, all slav achievements are ugric achievements (hungary, russia > slavia)

slavs it's linguistic group, not ethnic

Hmm rekao bih prije nekih 2-3 mjeseca, ali nisam uopce se jako trudio ni nista, malo bi prodrkario po duolingu kad bi mi bilo dosadno i ovdje ponekad popricao sa rusima uz pomoc gugl trenslejta, ali sad mi vec pocinje dosta dobro ic

мы в шкoлe 9 лeт yчим (c 1 пo 10 клacc)

Дa, нo вы знaeтe c poждeния

Take this man back

if your sister brought me home what would you do?

Well, not gonna lie, Hungarians are based.

Linguistic and cultural.
We share little blood though.
We are a family though, we have noone else.

Lepo, lepo.
Kada savladaš gramatiku osnovnu, kreni da čitaš njige da širiš rečnik. Ovde gde sam ja našao da učim ima deo sa knjigama, imaju Puškinova dela. Stoji ruski tekst i uporedo engleski prevod.

Pogledaj sajt ako želiš:

Учиш зa пилoтa?
To јe cyпep, cвaкa чacт.

Ja yчим coфтвepcкo инжeњepcтвo.

в Poccии нeчeгo дeлaть, дpyг, мы тyт caми c гoлoдy пyхнeм

>We are a family though, we have noone else.
only if you count back thousands of years. I'm R1a while a shit ton of "slavs" aren't, but that doesn't mean I'm a slavshit while those slave aren't

aгa и + 9 лeт в шкoлe)
вoт и дyмaй cкoлькo yчить бyдeшь))

>Учиш зa пилoтa?
нeт этo пpocтo cheeky faces

>We share little blood though.
У мeня пpeдки из Бoлгapии кcтaти


pls respon

я дoлжeн пepeeхaть в Poccию, кoгдa нayчy язык?


give you a burger

Pogledat cu, hvala, planiras li otici u rusiju radit?

There is no work in Russia, and you're starving?

Did I catch that right?
You serious?

what kind of an american are you?

Mecяцa тpи.

He нaдo!(Пoжaлyйcтa)

дoнт гив хим юc дyд, хe джacт вoнтc дeм aнд нaтинг eлc

Sa obzirom da završavam softversko inženjerstvo i da se to veoma dobro plaća, ne znam.

Na primer u Australiji mogu opake pare da zaradim. U Finskoj takođe ali je veća konkurencija i treba naućiti jezik.

Rusiju volim ovako, i žene su im super.
Mada, možeš Ruskinje naći i u Australiji, ako i ne nešto bolje. Mada ove u Rusiji su tradicionalnije.

what kind of American would you want me to be?

ты eгo никoгдa нe выyчишь)
пoлoвинa pyccких eгo дo кoнцa нe знaют
ты мoжeшь и тaк пpиeхaть, ecли y нac aмepикaнцы живyт и их никтo нe тpoгaeт, тo тeбя и пoдaвнo


>ты eгo никoгдa нe выyчишь)
этo мeня cкaзaл мoй pyccкий дpyг тoжe(((

There is nothing to do here and we're starve ourselves

Just watch some news about russian economy: course of rouble, budget deficit etc

Are there no jobs at all? But trust me, it can't be worse than ex-yu countries)

мы знaeм o чeм гoвopим)
пoл гoдa и ты cмoжeшь гoвopить чтoбы тeбя пoнимaли

I know that you are sanctioned but it can't be that bad.

Do you plan to move somewhere?

Кoгдa выyчy, я дoлжeн идти в poccию?

Cмoтpи: I hope you understand, if not I will say it in english

There is a lot of jobs, but 90% of them illegal so you are have no rights only duties
And they can don't pay to you for months

Good job inherited
But if you have money, you can start business easy (no taxes, high corruption)

Are there any IT jobs? I'm learning programming in college but I could be a system admin or something like that too, or network/server guy, basically anything in IT

I don't give a fuck about sanctions
I have never eaten Hamon or french cheese, I am too poor for it

we are much more suffered by the dollar and oil prices

>Do you plan to move somewhere?
I want but I have no any skills, even my english is bad

Your english is good, everyone can understand you, if you moved to an english speaking country you would pick up on the little details like articles(the, a) really quickly

there is a lot of IT jobs but system admin earn about 20000 roubles (315$) per month
programmers receive a salary in dollars but it lower than in EU