Why do Latinos love the Simpsons so much?

Why do Latinos love the Simpsons so much?

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Because una vela.

Why do americans post static gifs?

mexican dub > english

it is a meme

latinos, especially argentines, are infatuated with American culture but hate to admit it

The Simpsons is so 90s. Everybody here already got over them, but it looks like they're still a thing in the southern cone


I think nice, but after of 17 season is a shit

You people are only up to season 17?

kind of like how they are infatuated with other countries islands?

I don't think they hide it at all. I follow a lot of small time American indie bands, and many of them have Latin American fans who post some bullshit in all caps and spanish on the band's Facebook page as if they'll understand. The more popular an American artist gets, the exponentially more latin american fans they get. Look at Lana Del Rey. Like 500% of her fans are Latin American

Already have the new translated, is a shit

the simpsons portraits the core and escence of what it means to be an argentine and everything that constitutes our national identity like no other televised show ever produced.

that's why it's so popular here

Love? They went to shit since 2008


Latino families should be a lot more like the Waltons and a lot less like the Simpsons.

DESU I'm not sure myself, I remember early 2000's Simpsons were so much of a fixture of Mexican NEET culture it became taboo to make any reference in polite conversation... I guess it cycled back into being edgy/subversive as a backlash. You're pretty much blowing any chance of getting laid with a fresa/hipster girl in Mexico City if you make a Simpsons joke (it is that bad) it's an eye roll thing. Meanwhile the Simpsons are a recurrent graffitti/sticker meme in lower income neighbourhoods and you can find them in buses or in street torta stands... It's sort of ñero culture... So I guess that makes it camp for these guys or they legit come from the uber geeky angle. I imagine a similar evolution elsewhere in Lat and certainly in here it seems to be as much of a thing as pepes for Latin posters and gets used in much the same way.

I don't get it, I was a fan of the show when it came out and it had some good solid seasons the first few years when episodes still had a plot and hadn't become just gags... Must be a full decade since I've seen an episode at all and certainly I stopped regularly watching long before that.

>no cable tv
>nothing to watch but national channels
>on of them airs The Simpons
And because they are good, or at least the old seasons.

> Ñero culture
Wew, I didn't know mexicans used this word as well

lelel lalala chile
sorry, i always liked this chant

What does it mean?

south american culture is very influencied by the gringo one, but with 20 years of delay. thats why everyone hate the new episodes, but the 2000´s one are a great deal here.

these niggas have good taste in anime son

Don't redpill me

Doing Simpsons references in real life is not weird at all in here.

No one hides it

Who doesn't like the Simpsons?

Ñeros = ratas reggaetoneras de barrios bajos

Wait it is a real thing?
I thought it was just a forced meme on /lat/

Not even joking... My teacher at university used several Simpsons joke references while giving her lessons.

t. simpsons hater

we like the simpsons as much as any other person, pretty much love the old stuff and not really digging the newer seasons, if you're asking why people posts pictures of bart smoking weed then that's another thing entirely.

>mfw many of my teachers have used them in class

Bazars in buenos aires are full of simpsons and weed shirts

Flaite en Chile sería sinónimo pero incluso más bajo que eso

Futurama is much better

my supreme nigg

ded bort?

You white Mexicans are fucking weird

got over them? nigga every page of normie memes on facebook is full of simpsons images.

I make several references to the simpsons every day, not only online, and everyone catches them, also when I don't know how to explain something I say "do you remember that the simpsons episode when..."

You don't deserve to be a 4channer.

More like season 9


Ok your right, what I really meant is 9 is the cut off point but ya, I can't think of any golden episodes from that seaason, they're all sub par at best

I'm thinking of getting a few seasons in a Spanish dub, to aid in learning the language. Where do I get them?

everywhere, just google "simpsons temporada # capitulo # latino" (simpsons season x episode x latin-american-)

Latinos love the american culture. It's always weird when they pronounce english names with an english accent. They don't that in other languages. Just imagine if your countrymates pronounced Vladimir Putin with a heavy russian accent. Well, latinos do that but only with the english ones.


Is there no good public tracker to torrent them from?

Here, if you dont have cable tv, there is a channel that shows the simpsons all the afternoon the sundays. (But no longer, it being replaced)
But the new seasons are shit, and people only like the old ones.

Also, this


>Wanting the lobezno a todo gas version

I'll fucking onda vital your ass

>many of them have Latin American fans who post some bullshit in all caps and spanish on the band's Facebook page as if they'll understand.
How can you be so fucking dense? Whenever someone posts in Spanish on an English-language imageboard outside threads related to a Spanish-speaking country, I reply with "Taco supreme!" and pic related.
