What happens here?

What happens here?

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true socialism

fake socialism

Everything and nothing at the same time.
Terrifying, isn't it?

Sub-Saharran Africa tier violence.

You're going to liberate it in five years.

my particular kind of socialism, I gave them my manuscript

Obviously not breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

True niggerism.

>five years
more like a few months, a year max. venezuela has already collapsed almost completely

reforming economy

next year they will be growing like crazy

the state decided to nationalize their oil and someone decide to sanction them

there is no socialism of any kind at least not redistribution of anything

By then they will have been liberated, so yes, they will be growing.


>nationalize industry
>America and pals sanction the shit out of you
>"socialism has never worked because it doesnt work lol"

Looting, blackouts, mob lynchings, gang violence, hospitals with no supplies, supermarkets with no food, Zimbabwe-tier inflation (700% anually), widespread corruption, and the list goes on.

It's crazy how Venezuela went from being one of the most prosperous countries in Latin America to one of the worst in less than 3 decades.

trade is the lifeblood of nations
is not crazy

Thats what happens when megalomaniac communist dictators sieze countrol.

Not real socialism.

>not real socialism

Just like OBAMA!! Amirite?

Youre too cucked to handle the truth. Did you suck your daily dose of somalian dick?

One of the worst of Latam? More like THE WORST of Latam


>mfw worse than central america

I remember when these guys were talking big a few years back, whatever happened to them?

Central americans deserved a break.

shit socialism

Who has the good kind?

Hardcore memes


Holy shit,i tought we were like number one in general

There's always next year. Do your best!

in 18 years to be more precise

Not really. Venezuela's political instability began in 1989, during the infamous Caracazo.

how are you doing with the venezuelans hordes

qts, eating from trash cans and big army.