Why don't they wash?

Seriously, I can't tell you how many times I've seen normal well-dressed Indians who smell like their last shower was five years ago. What's going on here?

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Some shower witch maybe

Curry smell gets into everything and it sticks. If you've ever been to a previously Indian flat you'll still smell it strongly around the furniture.

There's no getting rid of it and that over time combined with their generally terrible hygiene is obviously going to result in bad odour.

There are some very well kempt/dressed Indian lads but they are a small fraction of the whole.

They eat too much curry, and it stinks.

>normal well-dressed Indians

People keep posting this but I don't believe it. Curry smells great. Indians smell like poo.

I met an Arab girl who smelled the same.


Burgers smell great but do you think it still would after a week under the couch cushions?


Fucking sheep is great, but would it but good to keep fucking the same one after a year?

If it had good values and a winning personality

You aren't muslim, so I give you that.

They should adopt Brazilian shower traditions

Indians bathe quite often, here is the proof.

It's a cultural thing I guess, Indian people utilize a lot of aromatic ingredients in their foods, a lot of these become by products of metabolism and end up in the sweat contents and hence can change the smell.

Culture/society wise in India they still have the caste system, lower or untouchable casts are not allowed to use or own toilets and hence have to shit on the street.
The ganges river is the most polluted river in India, with dead bodies being the most common eyesore, however many people still bathe in the river due it's 'holiness'.

Many Indians worship the cow, as it revered as a holy animal, an incarnation. Worshiping the cow includes drinking its urine in certain sects

I'm not against India or anything, they're ahead of Pakistan in every financial and economic way possible however they need to sort some shit out or people are going to turn away from future investment

The caste system is a HUGE factor in the hygiene problem



Memes aside that's a pretty fucking sad state of affairs

All joking aside if they removed the caste system and actually let people have the basic requirements for hygiene they'll be better smelling Indians around.

Are you a muslim or a wajib al qatl murtad?

That does not explain why they smell so bad here, we tend to get the well off Indians since moving here is expensive.

How can Brazilians shower so much and yet have such dangerous shower facilities?

Yeah, one of the 10 most causes of death in the Indian subcontinent is actually diarrhea or gastro intestinal disease from water borne parasites.
Muslim, I'm not Shia or Sunni though, get that sectarian shit out of here alongside that Wahabbi Salafi bullshit that's fucked my country over.

I had an Indian guy in my chemistry class in high school who smelled like shit and piss and his teeth were brown.

If they have poor sanitation and cleansing habits in India then more than likely they'll carry on similar habits in the UK, self cleansing is a habit your taught, if you're parents don't shower twice a day, brush their teeth or scrub their feet are you going to?

Societal pressure is a thing, you would think they would take a hint when some chav calls them a smelly paki.

ahmadis are not muslim

your prophet died of dysentery, i.e. shitting himself to death, fitting for a currynigger poo in loo

Americans can't handle how clean people smell. You're too used to rotting pork smell from your rotting flesh under your belly and thigh skin folds


The fuck, I;m not ahmadi man.
I didn't even say anything to trigger anyone.
I knew leaf posters had a reputation but I wasn't expecting this.

I'm not even white, the only people that smell bad to me are indians/pakis and niggers

become a murtad

One of the great mysteries really.

the caste system is so fucking backwards. i cannot believe the lower castes put up with such obvious bullshit. has there ever been any type of lower caste revolt in india? or is it just too entrenched in the culture and society for that to even happen?

i agree with you paki-bro, it is a sad state of affairs having to watch your fellow man live willingly in the middle ages.

Typical overseas paki responses.
I have no idea man, there's public decency like, you're living in the UK, i don't understand why people still carry with this shite like.

because it's not dangerous