What is the general opinion of Donald Trump in your country?

What is the general opinion of Donald Trump in your country?

Are they scared?

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Brown guy here. I'm fucking terrified. Democrats use identity politics all the time but it's difficult to see the game they're playing until you're out of the forest looking at the trees. Seeing identity politics incorporating something as dangerous as the white race really has me shook. Fuckin nazis man

He's either a literal fascist who'll start WW3 for the lols or he's going to make both America and us Great again in the glorious purge of communism and degeneracy and blah blah blah.


Funny man.

>Not supporting Trump over Hillary


Don't care desu, since he will never win anyways

Korean living in the US.
Korean media are all for Shillary and Koreans are alike.
I support Trump solely because he might repeal Obamacare which is bad for my career

it seems like hillary is going to win desu

>forgot pic
I don't know why these people think he gives a fuck about us, plus we'd come out on top in a WW3 because of muh neutrality muh irrelevance and so on.

They don't like him, but no one seems to actually care. But then again, we don't like Hillary, Bush, Clinton etc etc.

The only exception is Obama, but it just gets a "meh" instead of a negative opinion.

kim jong-un of america

>The only exception is Obama
Argentina es nergo meme confirmed?

>which is bad for my career
Are you a salesman?


Physician in several years. Professors in my school are saying Obamacare sucks ass.

He's a buffoon.

>Are they scared?
Sacare of what ? Of a reality show clown ? Nah we got plenty of those here too, he is just talking all the shit that poor americunts want to hear so gets votes but even if reaches the big chair he wont do shit, he is just an old man trying to be relevant

Being black is rare here, in all honesty. That's why when someone black appears in the argentine scenery, gets noticed.
Example: pic related. He is a comedian that emulates Obama.

Also Obama's campaing was more sucessful outside the US than inside the US. People realized soon after the election that he was just another american president.

This, I swear every president says the same shit every election season but nothing ever changes.

lmao he looks absolutely nothing like Obama

Hmmm ok. Obama is kinda meh president. The biggest mistake he has ever made would be his negotiation with Iran on nuke.
Around 20 years ago, Bill Clinton made the similar deal with N Korea of them not making nuke in exchange for building a light nuclear reactor in NK for electrity. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agreed_Framework) Apparently that deal was not something that was observed. I think American negotiation with Iran will end up the same.

Trump is a fucking lunatic.

>le list problems but give no solutions man

he's retarded but i like watching him talk shit, hes entertaining thats for sure

>butthurt belt salty about being absorbed into the russian empire soon

Finland why? I thought you guys were soldiers of Odin

Please, they cant even keep their own shit together.

I'm not necessarily scared of HIM (aside from his idiotic ideas, like the fight he wants to pick with South Korea) but I am scared of his followers.
Liking Trump doesn't make you a racist but racists like Trump. I don't even think he is one, but a lot of people that really like him sure are.

I'm white so I'm not worried for myself when it comes to other whiteys (worried about other races targeting me based on being white though to be honest) but I dunno. I'm worried more about society crumbling just because of what people have made him out to be, and how the people will react to him, not necessarily...him.

Basically whatever pic related says

I actually like his political opinions for the most part and I prefer them over Clinton's but I don't think he's capable of being the president.


Whether you support him or not, you can't deny that he's split the GOP and has pretty much stirred shit up like no prior candidate has done before.

Just look at Cruz: He didn't say a single thing about Trump in his speech, but instead he just said to "vote your conscience". The fact that he got booed for that despite never actually mentioning Trump shows that the GOP is rallying behind Trump because they're so desperate to see their party win, and not necessarily because they believe in what Trump promises. It says a lot about the state of the party and I honestly don't know if they'll ever recover.

That said, I'm not voting, but I can already tell you who's going to win.

Quit LARPing on the net Peter.

Naturally, a lot of people hate his guts because of the comments he's made about the illegals and the attack on the titan style wall he wants to buil on the burger southern border to prevent more mexs and centracas from coming in (drug trafficiking will not stop though). Many people just believe whatever the media says without slowing down and think about whether or not it is biased (not like he's a good guy or something, just that they only hear: hillary is good n shiiiett, hell not long ago i heared someone said "saint" hillary in a video on youtube) Discussing any topic related to him will lead to two things: you traitor n shiiieeettt or a bit confused at first and concerned later because hillary is not good for anyone either.
Personally, i don't care that much, either way shit will hit the fan.


So is Trump actually popular in America? Does he have a chance at all?

Independent Siberia when

>So is Trump actually popular in America?
Among certain demographics, of course he is
>Does he have a chance at all?

>So is Trump actually popular in America?
he's the official GOP candidate

>Does he have a chance at all?

*you traitor n shiiieet or them a bit confused at first and then become concerned because hillary isn't good for anyone.

Soldiers of odin were more like a general laughing stock here.

he seems to be popular and for what i've seen thus far, he's got a chance

That's a shame. I kinda wanted him to be the president for the lulz.

Nah, no need to worry about us, we'r doing fine.

Doubtful, but the american voting system is fucked up, so he could win even if less than half of the people vote, as long as enough states vote.


People have long stopped thinking he was joking, or 'merely pretending' to be retarded and are now legitimately terrified that a mentally ill man with no experience in politics might lead the United States. Mucking up free trade between Canada and US will be the last of our concerns.

I still can't decide if I think it'd be funnier if he won or lost. Either way I'm going to be shitposting big time and making people upset

It doesn't affect your pay at all you dense nigger. And you don't fucking deal with insurance, clerks do.

Such thing only happened once.

He is favorite candidate here.

Don't listen to these cucks
He absolutely has a chance, after every terrorist attacks his number rises and rise and he's already beat Hillary in many polls

> So is Trump actually popular in America?
In a subset of the population, yes.

Does he have a chance at all?
Not really. Electoral college makes it extremely unlikely he can win.

Just like the Brexit, right?

And look at how that turned out :^)

His numbers have risen less than 1 % on average. Clinton's have fallen a few percent. Learn the difference.

Brexit was a popular vote, not the electoral college, and was tied the day before the vote.

In battleground states, but overall he still trails Clinton nationally. Also he polling worse than Romney did with Blacks, Women, and Hispanics and guess who didn't win their election?

The way these posts are written is so perfectly Russian I love it

He's behind in every single battleground state in the aggregated average. Damn near tied in a couple, but still behind.

The pound is already above its prive pre-Brexit
Euroshit dollars still recovering

you're a selfish little shit, aren't you?

Opinion discarded. Go back to your safe space

brexit was slated to win beforehand

It's already looking like Trump will lose by over 10%

Every single professor at my school says it decreased physician income while making physicians to work more. I don't know if those faculty members are all misguided? Well mb ppl like plastic surgeons that don't get affected by insurance shit might not be affected but well

It's also at a multi-decade low.

I think most people just think he's a retard, others like him. I've seen Trump for Prime Minister bumper stickers. I woke in the trades and hang out with a lot of older men and they all love him.

It probably depends on where you go and what type of person you ask, college kids and urbanites are probably terrified lol

>. Also he polling worse than Romney did with Blacks, Women, and Hispanics and guess who didn't win their election?
I'm not sure whether to blame him for having no tact in attracting them or his voters for ruining his image.

So you're openly admitting you've done zero actual research. Great.

You can blame both, and you'd be right.

Either you are a Swedish leftist living in Helsinki or a dumb Sami.

>He is favorite candidate here
What's so russian in that?

It's the fact he's a GOP candidate who has no tact and poor voter image. Following the 2012 Election the GOP basically said "ok we can't keep doing this or we will keep losing" lo and behold they nominate someone who is driving away the demographics they need.

I feel kind of bad to be honest. Their party really hasn't taken the post Bush years well.

Well how can I do one if sources only come from two polarized sides? If that is the case I'd rather believe on what people with actual experiences are telling.

What kind of mistake did I make?

t. 62422962

I wouldn't say I'm scared, but I'm darn surprised. Trump isn't stupid, but he pretends like he's a moron because morons will follow him. He's a master of reality TV. Every "mistake" in his campaign, all the shitty things he says about people, and all the gag-out moments of his campaign are dileberate. When it comes to being entertaining and wrapping the attention of the media around his finger, Trump knows precisely what he's doing.

Trump has no reason or aspiration to be president, either. He's put himself in the position of being a marketing genius, and he loves the power he has over half the country—but in the end, he is unfit for the job, and he knows that.

I have no idea where he's going, but I think Trump is under the impression that campaigning lasts forever.

Holy shit, you're fucking retarded.

because you dropped an article and didn't use a contraction

He's the favorite candidate here,

He's incredibly stupid. He's also very savvy; that doesn't require tact or intelligence.

Media shills Hillary as the saviour. It's always funny when you look at the comments of the article because they are usually very very redpilled.

>such *a* thing only happened once

t. guess

>Media shills Hillary
in a way i hope she wins so that her sponsors get free reign to fuck with the EU

that TTIP that's got you guys buttmad was cause of hillary

>because they are usually very very redpilled.
How so?

And comments are a bed representation for what people are generally like. Look at r e ddit or YT for example

pence is gonna be the actual president

You're lost, is that way.

will they put a bullet in trump's head?

He's not an idiot, he knows exactly what he's doing.

Trump has gotten more total media coverage and more positive (i.e. less negative) media coverage than Clinton. This is a fact.

His campaign straight up said Pence would be in charge of foreign and domestic policy and Trump would do nothing.

I never thought once that I would say that I thought Cruz was a cool guy, but Cruz was a cool guy when he didn't pull a Porky Christie and kiss Trump's ass after Trump ass-blasted him and his family members for months.

hans is right, it seems all the media of many countries shills for her

He gets to say all these outlandish populist things, not take any shit from the media or fellow candidates, loses the general and sits back while his Trump brand products sell more than they ever did before.

These articles are mess. Shouldn't it be "a favorite candidate"? I mean I mentioned him for the first time in my sentence.

Thing is, Clinton is a fucking odious wench and corrupt af. GOP are actually going to lose to the worst Democratic candidate in generations.

Wrong. See:


conservatives : HES RACIST
me : lol

TTIP is dead because of brexit. And I don't think that it would have passed anyway.

Comments are pro trump and always ask the authors how they can support this women for all the shit she pulled.

Thank you for correcting the record. We deposited 2 $ to your account for your efforts.

> corrupt
Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.

I could have prevented this, Donald. You could have given me the delegates...

It's a fact you nazi faggot. He has NUMERICALLY gotten more media time and the percentage of negative coverage he gets is less than Clinton.

Period, end of story.

He is 'the' favorite candidate implies that he's the most popular candidate in Russia.

He's a favorite candidate is an incomplete sentence, and does not imply that he is the most popular candidate in Russia, it would imply that he is one of the popular candidates in Russia.