Winds of change

Sweden is slowly changing. The old truths established by media and politicians are dying out. Two years ago it would have been unthinkable with race profiling in the news, now it's beginning to come back. A coalition of Moderates (conservative/liberal) Christain democrats and Sweden democrats (anti-immigration) is now the most likely scenario after the 2018 scenario, and media has moved focus to criticize identity politics and the lefts support for islamists.
14 year old girl raped in Malmö in the middle of the day by "dark" man between 20-30 years old.

Will Sweden be restored?

Other urls found in this thread:


Best of luck.
Swedish-Kurdish economist Tino Sanandaji talking about how the immigration debate has been suppressed, and how the open debate will soon return.

you guys are still too fucked up if saying vague mention of race means something is changing

It wasn't rape. The guy probably fucked her then she regretted it later.

t. Assange

He pulled a 14-yearold into the bushes. Probably rape.
"Didn't speak swedish"

Was the girl white?

Wish you the best of luck.

From experience, getting a more center-right oriented government helped a lot of people get their heads out of their asses. I'm willing to bet we're not going to have a socialist government again in a long, long time.

Any other swedes here to give their view on what's going on?
Possibly naturalised yugo, lots of immigrants in Malmö.

Sorry Sweden, it's too late for you


"Dark man, 20-30 years old, didn't speak swedish" -Swedish newspapers

was he caught?

They're searching for him now, happened not long ago. That's why they sent out the profiling to the public.

kill him

i wanna go to some western country and just beat muslims

in all aspects only thing thats different is that gypsies arent terrorists

That's kind of the purpose of the thread, to see the future of Sweden.
What happened in Norway when you turned away from the self-hate?

So worse than gypsies?

From what I saw in your country, it's already too late.

please come here, you can beat all the muslims you want

koji kurac frajeru gubi se više nazad u hrvatsku jebote bog