Post in this thread if theres something cool in your flag

Post in this thread if theres something cool in your flag.

Pic related, its a golden eagle.

also, talk about flags and thing to put in them

Other urls found in this thread:

>A fucking lone star

>InB4 a fucking leaf

A beautiful golden bear

Believe it or not, it's not a globe but a constelation. We're part of the southern cross club

A beautiful noble buffalo

>literally stealing the CA flag, inverting colors, and inserting a dumb old bufallo

Tarascan Empire>aztec empire

>dumb old bufallo

CM Punk used a variation of it on his clothes

He was really popular here

A complex coat of arms with crowns and shit.

Worst flag desu
The AZ flag is okay but I like the one for the city of Phoenix better

don't leave out Samoa now

>white """"people"""" wanted to genocide this

>That center

No we wanted to be friends but they hurt us

Now we are friends

>desert people

>Imblying Phoenix is the only city
Arizona is a shit state, but everything north of Sedona is forests and snow, fuck the sand.

>tfw ceremoniously retired a 20+ foot American Flag last week that had flown on a US Aircraft Carrier while a crowd of 1000 people saluted

feels fucking good.

There's no point to this post, but I love my flag so goddamn much. I hope you all do as well.

>you will never own a 360ftx160ft american flag
why do we bother living?

One of the few state flags that isn't shit.

is it true agave will soon be extinct?

No they grow it in AZ too, the blue agave tequila stuff is dying tho but it's mostly cause no one wants to grow it

b-but muh tequila ;_;



best flag incoming

>England m8

Ontario masterrace

the jalisco flag is probably one of the best, if not the best, in the republic. The Yucantan peninsula flag is pretty cool too.

t. alteno

not biased at all lel

i seriously doubt it. Many of the cities/towns/ranches in lost altos de jalisco still grow agave.

a fucking bighorn sheep

>current year
>not having a cross on your flag

One of only two in the world with guns in it.
Breddy cool, eh?