
Southern Cone Thread: "Argentine Provinces by controlling Political Party" edition

Invited: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, South Brazil, Paraguay, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and other Very High HDI countries

Not invited: Countries below Very High HDI line

Other urls found in this thread:


Hilo de meseros

>no falklands in the map

finally we have decent argies around here


I NEED argie gf lads

So how do these parties vote? Which ones are left, which are right, which are center?

Hello my developed sudaca friends

literalmente solo 1 partido de centro derecha. Porque es la izquierda tan fuerte en ese pais?

there's no political parties in the falklands

Sos mogólico? El país entero es gobernado por la derecha mas extrema del continente, que también controla la ciudad y la provincia de Buenos Aires .

esta muriendo el justicialismo/peronismo
dale 8 años mas y no vas a ver ninguna provincia celeste en el mapita ese

That britbong proxy.

che boludos
donde estan los memes

>southern cone thinks they're first world

>top tier
Union Radical
>decent tier
Partido Socialista
>bad tier
Frente grande
>absolute shit tier
Partido Justicialista
>literally who?
Partido de la concordia social


peronist (mostly center left)


center right

center left

peronism (center left)

peronism (center left)

>sky blue
center left





> la derecho mas extrema del continente

Con todo respeto, macri aca sería considerado centro tirando a izquierda


>actually believing that such thing as "first world" exists

Ojalá así sea user, no merecen que les metan mas cuentos de hadas en la cabeza




There is only one party for us platineans/conosureños, OP. They killed it, but it's ideas are still alive. This thread is an example of that.


a postear turritas



how 2 get argie gf pls



Some Chilean user should make a map like OP's one.

step 1: have a big cock


how the fuck would i know

Before the 1964 coup and the outlawing of parties we in Rio Grande still had our old local Federalist Party alive. The party that fought all those civil wars against Buenos Aires and the Unitarians was alive here until 1964. After the coup they were dissolved and went underground. As always, freemasonry played a big roll and they all joined the official opposition party during the military regime. After the redemocratization a law was passed to avoid the creation of regional parties, so the party couldn't be recreated. They all took refugee in the PMDB section of Rio Grande and are still acting in politics. Most of them during this time became members of the Partido Nacion of Uruguay, through symbolic ceremonies that were a tradition between those two parties since the Federalist Revolution, when we last tried to unify the Banda Oriental. The irony is that the Revolution was lead by 2 brothers, one born in Uruguay and one in Rio Grande. They are a symbol of how united we are, despite all the hardships.

PS: The current governor is a separatist, freemason and member of the separatist lodges.

literally my sister




I'll try

estas obsesionado, mogolico

>hay gente que es de chacarita unironically


algunos no soy yo






the boys are qt af too





No encontre datos de popularidad de partido por region pero encontre este mapita de los resultados de la eleccion del 2013, en rojo estan los que votaron en mayoria por Bachelet y en azul los que votaron en mayoria por Matthei, Bachelet es parte del "Partido Socialista" (centro-izquierda) que es parte de la Coalicion "Nueva Mayoria" (incluye centro-izquierda e izquierda), mientras que Matthei es de la "Union Democratica Independiente" (centro-derecha) que es parte de la coalicion "Alianza" (centro-derecha)


chile es un pais de bien

>la derecha mas extrema del continente
>in chile, college education ain't free
>in argentina it is
>KK much?


la eleccion anterior habia mucho azul
las proximas seguramente igual
en general somos pais commie pero ultimamente se van turnando porque la gente prefiere cualquiera de los dos lados aunque muh allende and shit

but Bachelet is a leftie

Bachelet ahora tiene un 22% de aprobacion y un 70% de desaprobacion, es un bajo historico.
Va estar interesante la eleccion yo creo, ya nadie confia en en la nueva mayoria, lo mas probable es que gane la alianza pero igual podria salir alguna sorpresa como el Ominami o el Parisi. Depende harto de lo que haga Lagos tambien que no ha perdido confianza a pesar de las circunstancias.

The only Brazilian state with very high HDI is Brasília. All the other states have an HDI of 0,783 (São Paulo) or less.

is it easy to find salmon in all south american countries?

>that blue dot near Valparaiso
Hello from Viña del Mar.

Dear god that's shitty. Even our own province isn't as bad. (Santiago del Estero, 0.806)

And it'll get worse. The governments of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul are totally bankrupt. They have no money to pay the civil servants. Rio de Janeiro lucky because they have the Olympics so the federal government will give them a shit ton of money until the Olympics are over but Rio Grande do Sul is fucked. Soon many more states will go broken.

After the olympics Rio will become a warzone
>inb4 it already is
it will be even worse


>Rio Grande do Sul are totally bankrupt
>Rio Grande do Sul is fucked

qt gaucha refugees when

>antofalombia that high

Lol, they'll just go to São Paulo to get jerbs. Everyone goes to São Paulo to get jerbs.

>Antofagasta has the highest HDI in Chile
Really? I always thought the north was the shittiest part of Chile. Extended Peru as you would say.

Mining moneys.

Not if we annex them first. Prepare for the invasion, my friend.

Tfw the shittiest Chilean state is still better than all of Brazil.

because the cooper, they produce most of the money but obviously it's taken away from there before it gets to the culombian narcos

Pfft, your army is a joke (ours is also a joke but yours is a much bigger joke).


Israel has more firepower than us. That's like Uruguay being stronger than us.

but you can send 100M guys to fight

Really makes you think

it's ok you guys are zerg

Yes, it's very common here, normally it is imported from chile, Alaska or norway

That didn't work for Egypt and the other hundreds of millions of Arabs who want Israel dead.

>cono sur thread

Also, it's 100 million guys with 0 experience in combat. We don't actually train our conscripted men like South Korea and Israel do.

t. conscripted BR who would be fucked in a war



I'm from the North.

But Israel is goat

I don't live in the southern cone (and honestly I wouldn't like to), but the department I currently live in is categorized as very high HDI, so I fit in the description of this thread

I've been told that Sul's gauchos are very different comparing them to the ones of the Pampa. And I mean as much different as mexican charros or yanks cowboys are.

I guess you are ok then.

i've heard our army is quite good compared to the rest of latam

is it true br bro?
