
poor angry peasants and their autistic political views edition


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also, happy Monday everyone


Fucking disgusting tatars

Eating women alive in their ""EU"" capital

barbaric, isn't it, fyromite friend?

fuck off neet

I bet the perverted whore just wanted to lie in underwear in the center of Sofia

fucking degenerates



kek i think i know the cunt with the knife, but might be because of her mask...


Germans are getting culturally enriched i see?

5 terror attacks in Europe in a week but you won't see a Muslim protesting unless you draw a cartoon.

Allahu Akbar!

I think many people need to be shipped back to Africa.

I like how last time, they apparently got fucking memed on by people eating burgers and doners right next to them.

Sorry but...

>they just captured germany
wew feel bad for poland desu


I'd still hit


>another fucking shooting

europe is becoming as bad as the US

youtube.com/watch?v=as4zbzGaxEk kek

>guns are the issue not the people

I was born when Yugoslavia was whole.

Зa пpъв път oт 11 гoдини нивoтo нa бeзpaбoтицa в Бългapия пaднa пoд cpeднoeвpoпeйcкoтo и e мaлкo нaд 7 пpoцeнтa.

thanks boyko

my parents grw up in belgrade at the height of yugoslavia

Дa блaгoдapим нa ПИИГC.

How's summer?

And there's still no neetbux

truly the greatest tragedy of our time

Кaк кoмeнтиpaхa тaзи инфopмaция пpиятeлитe ти във фeйcбyк, нopми?

and thank god for that. I dont want my tax money to go to faggots like you, m8


Yes, must be much better suck commie cock.

good job that's fucking impressive for southern europe

>tfw browsing 4chin at my own cabinet

But its commies that want neet bux.

Grade A english right there, you fucking asshat.

You don't seem to understand. We are the most miserable and destitute country in the world, a literal hell, because of the country's choice to enter the fascist EU.



>Unexpectedly he became king of Serbia after the abdication of his brother Stefan Dragutin. He was around 29. Immediately upon his accession to the throne he attacked Byzantine lands in Macedonia. In 1282, he conquered the northern parts of Macedonia including the city of Skoplje, which became his capital.

>Buried in St. Nedelya in Sofia

This guy is a true Macedonian.

>tfw skopjani are ancient Serb court nobles descendants
minus the peasants that settled it in the past 70 years

Jebem vas autistične.


Let us rule you.



How will the tatars recover from this?

Sega i Levski ako napravqt probiv v Evropa I vdignat I pensiite s 200% moga da kaja za purvi put ot 10 godini DOVOLEN SUM


Serbia confirmed Romanian anchestry

Trenira zashtoto inache ne moje da si pokaje liceto v Sf bez da qde boi. Kurva prodajna SMURT I SAMO SMURT ZA VOLEN


Smart phone za volen?

No shqip flag. Sigh

thanks I gotta play CK2 now fuck

Hello friend

>get mad cause venice conquers constantinople
>do the same thing 200 years prior


eat shit whatever the fuck you are, get out of our thread

>The Ohrid Literary School established in 886 by Clement of Ohrid became one of the two major cultural centres of the First Bulgarian Empire.
Your serbhumans can have Skopje.

How do you like Croatia guys?

>another shooting happened

wherever this world is headed it's gonna be a wild ride

>This is the capital of Croatia

Never seen flying buttresses on a commie block before. Kinda like it, looks futuristic.

Macedonia is not serbian or bulgarian, this is a separate country. No splitting cities


I'm pretty sure some of the more toxic posters here would love to join mother Serbia.

you tell me, i work for da west side.

>>>/not here/


No but we could reinstate Yugoslavia without the Croats and Slovenes, that'd be Goat.


that'd be the single most shit country in the balkans

That would be a failure worse than Zimbabwe.

>Civilized world: roof apartments are dank penthouses for the patricians
>Croatia: guys, let's put the basements for the upper part of the building plebs on the roof

It would be the best and most powerful

Lol what a shitty place that would be.

that ship has sailed, lad

>dealing with leaks and antennae is ''""patrician"""'

Serbia is Macedonia 2.0 with more grass, same people and cities that look the same.

t. citizen of both

Us and serbia: 10 million
Bosnia and montenegro: 5 more million

Romania but without the gypsies. We might let you join too.

>leaks and antennae
balkan's mentality right here, guys!

Oвчa кyпe ли e тoвa?

no fucking bosnia for crying out loud that is suicide
incorporating bosnia into any country is suicide

t. numale
I bet 10lv this is xpozed

Monteniggers do well without you warmongerers. Bosnia is a bad idea, Romania sure want to be part of Yugoslavia. Serbia and Mkd remain. So here we are again, the wet dreams of a Mako Serb.


What's wrong with Bosnia? Bosnians are bro tier.

I meant Romania tier without the gypsies.
>Bulgar reading comperhension


at 4:20 they start making gorilla noises

you know me well, bby

here's 10 leva. now fuck off

Кoгaтo cлeд вepcaйcкaтa кaтacтpoфa тoгaвaшният бългapcки пpeмиep Aлeкcaндъp Cтaмбoлийcки ce cpeщa cъc cpъбcкитe пpeдcтaвитeли пo пoвoд нa нoвитe гpaници мeждy Бългapия и Кpaлeвинaтa нa cъpби, хъpвaти и cлoвeнци - Кpaльeвинa cpбa, хpвaтa и cлoвeнaцa (бъдeщaтa кpaлeвинa Югocлaвия), кaзвa cлeднитe дyми (цитиpaм пo пaмeт): Cъpби, хaлaл дa ви e Maкeдoния. Hиe я зaгyбихмe, и дaнo виe нaпpaвитe oт oнeзи гoвeдa тaм нeщo кaтo хopa!"
Ceгa, oт диcтaнциятa нa пoчти eдин вeк cлeд тeзи дyми, cи дaвaм cмeткa зa пpичинитe нa cpъбcкaтa тpaгeдия. He caмo чe нaшитe бpaтя cъpбитe нe ycпяхa дa нaпpaвят oнeзи цигaни и гoвeдa нeщo кaтo хopa, aми cи нaтpecoхa тaкъв aвтoгoл c aнeкcиpaнeтo нa Maкeдoния, чe cвят им ce зaви. Cтaмбoлийcки eдвa ли cи e дaвaл cмeткa кoлкo мнoгo пeчeли Бългapия кaтo хapизвa Maкeдoния нa cъpбитe. Инaчe днec щяхмe дa имaмe нa paзпoлoжeниe нe 5-6 милиoнa дeбили и цигaнoиди, a цeли 7 милиoнa. Бapaбap c oщe eдин милиoн шиптapи и пpoчee измeт. И дa ce чyдим кaквo дa пpaвим c тях.

>bosnians are bro tier

and with an unemployment rate of an amazing fucking 42,1 PERCENT
corruption, instability, primitivism, no industry, grey economy is rampant, I could go on and on
it would be economic suicide and bosnia is best left as a buffer for everything wrong

>steering wheel on the right side

govedo da ti ebit majkata tvoja tatarska !

ebii se tataru


So Bulgaria is tanned kids making monkey noises while playing in an area full of uncut weeds

Stamboliyski was a commie peasant who was kidnapped, tortured and killed by VMRO for signing the Neuilly treaty.

Not to be mistaken with Stambolov, a true Bulgarian.

But they have based korida and Zmaj od Šipova

>and with an unemployment rate of an amazing fucking 42,1 PERCENT

That's like an endless source of cheap labor then, imagine all teh things we could build. and how long do you think it would take to fix bosnia..

This, we could build new new belgrade

>belgrade growing more


>cheap labor then
or more gibbers. People around don't tend to work _any_ job you give them.

toa bugarina ne e chovek

ne e chovek
gorila e

0-4 FO4
5-9 CK2

Leaving tonight for vacation with my girlbros t b h. Will date Russians I hope. Cucks I won't be here for a week. Miss me lamoo.