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tudo viado
So, are there many girls like her in Portugal (I know she's Brazilian)? My dick needs to know.
No, those are 1 in 1000000 in both Brazil and Portugal. Our countries are 99.9% ugly scum.
Aproveitando o clima, o que vocês acham das fofinhas judias? Ouvi dizer que o exército israelense é cheio de fofinhas vagabas para foder.
Am i just lucky that my Brazil gf is beautiful, or are u shitposting.
meme do exército israelense já que é boa publicidade, o máximo que você vai encontrar é um bando de 6/10
t. fiquei 1 ano em Tel Aviv
>not shitposting 24/7
ajj lmau
Either that or you're one of those suffering from the "exotic" syndrome, so you somewhat consider those aliens to be an attractive thing. The whole "brazilians are attractive" never-ending fad is merely a Marxist propaganda to push their interracial agenda. Anyone who has been to Brazil knows Brazilians are ugly as rocks. Both Brazilians and Tugas here will confirm.
can confirm, pic related is 8/10 here
I know, im not staying in Germany for long and i would never make children with a foreighn race, i wont throw my aryan genes to garbage.
Desço a pila.
Oh god ! Are Brazilians really that ugly ? Im going to enjoy my stay in Germany with this Brazilian if they are normally ape looking niggers.
Good, and stay away from Brazilian women as well, they're 99% STD-ridden.
And in reality Brazilian women are 11/10 qt's with bodies to die for and they're STD-free. These guys just want to protect their women from foreigners.
too late, AIDS/Zika mutation contracted, and he's bringing that to Finland
Oh god :D Plz hlp !
Actually we talked yesterday about ZIKA, AIDS, and raping happening in Brazil. Kek !
Capa interessante
Well shit.
As for Israeli girls, they tend to hold themselves to a very high standard for some reason. Girls from Russian or Ukrainian origin are usually exempt from this though, with the only downside being that they're notorious sluts.
>dating Brazilian women
Who would've thought national suicide would be a thing. What a time to be alive.
Never been to Israel, but judging from all the pics I've seen, you've got some of the finest chosen booty there. I also heard that Jewish women generally fantasize with goy cock, being "edgy" and rebellious.
Hey israeli how common are those girls here:
To be fair, the girl I posted is a model. Also the contrary is true, at least in Israel. The majority of the girls here prefer a Jewish guy.
In my opinion Israeli girls are shit tier compared to European girls anyway. Not because of their looks but because of their attitude.
deviam filtrar o bê érre chan pra "cuck chan". só tem cuckold naquela porra.
Honestly, it depends on where you're living, just as any other country. You know when Americans hate on Cleveland for having such high criminal rates? It's the same thing down here.
Most big cities, specially Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, has some really fucked up violence, drug wars and all that kind of shit.
I live in a small town, though (120k people), and it's placed in Paraná, one of the best (if not the best) states in Brazil, HDI-wise. So I was never robbed or had to deal with any of those bad things.
Hell, even when I went to Rio or when I go to São Paulo or Curitiba, even Florianópolis (all of which are pretty big cities), I never felt this immense fear that the media always talk about.
In my opinion, it's mostly rubberish media trying to get more clicks. We don't get shot everytime we step outside our houses.
Kiwi sportsman Jason Lee: 'I got kidnapped in Brazil'
8:48 AM Monday Jul 25, 2016
A Kiwi sportsman in Brazil says he was kidnapped by men in police uniform and forced to withdraw money from ATMs.
Jason Lee, Jiu-Jitsu athlete and boyfriend of New Zealand journalist Laura McQuillian, tweeted "What did you guys get up to yesterday? I got kidnapped. Go Olympics! #Rio2016."
Bom dia
Isn't that the same everywhere? I mean you go to Chicago and there are pretty fucked up parts of town. On the other side are extremely good universities and actually rich people. Nevertheless I the average Chicagoan mostly meets violence in media headlines.
Here in Finland it's the same. Bad parts of Helsinki are actually becoming more and more dangerous because of narcotics and violence. The biggest thread remains the same: drunken Finnish idiot men.
So I've watched this, it's about poor people being stuffed away because of the Olympics you've probably heard it a thousand times.
But at any rate, it might sound cruel but I think it really is better for the city in the long run to work away the poverty. If it can live up to be one of the greatest cities it would be a great investment in the long run. Or is this bad/wishful thinking?
Jogue com as cartas que você tem à mão. E prômüvêr u päíx é um erro. Mëxmu qé tenhamos regiões que são êshêlentx para çi mürar. Eu apoio a repëtassâo que nós temos e agredeço ao Rio de Janeiro (e por parte o Nordeste) por transmitirem uma êmégem pödry do Brasil. Considero a maior corneagem Sulistas e Paulistas prômüvênd seus estados para fürastêrus e isträngêrüs do tipo. Quero nosso päíx lüvry deste maldita influência glôbalëstá, e nëda mêliór para êvytër os yfëitus do globalismo como sendo vyshtú còmü um päíx pôdry de norte à sul.
Eles costumam traduzir o que nós falamos em pt e não gostaria de forasteiros tendo acesso a este tipo de informação, considero tugas conterrâneos, portanto foda-se. Sempre trênshmitam o pior do Brasil, acreditem em mim, por mais banal que pareça.
>small town
>120k people
>Paraná, one of the best (if not the best) states in Brazil
>specially Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, has some really fucked up violence
>fala literalmente as duas cidades com as menores taxas de homicídio do Sudeste
>menor, inclusive, que a maior parte (2 de 3) das capitais do Sul (uma das cidades citadas tem a menor taxa de homicidio de todo o Brasil, entre as capitais)
Boa pasta-bait
>What Rio doesn't want the world to see
Ayyyyyy. Brazilians want the entire planet to know what this shithole REALLY looks like, tbqh. And nah, it's a shihole, and as a shithole it shall remain.
paulistas costumam ser mais quietos, mas sulistas ficam com aquela merda de "muh heritage" e postando fotos do sul pra depois ficarem chorando que os gringos estão merdilhando as cidades. Topcuck.
>asq sulista
>asq todo mundo me trata como se eu fosse um desses autistas do Sul é o meu país
>na realidade eu não podia me importar menos
Brazilians do, but cariocas don't, can't ruin the "Cidade Maravilhosa" view that nobody believed other than themselves and dumb gringos.
t. rio pro
This should replace brazils national anthem. I'd sing it with pride.
Estava vendo isso agora aqui também.
Os australianos acham que a vila olímpica é inabitável, as pessoas quem vem do continente onde tudo quer te matar não querem ficar um mês nesses apartamentos.
Não se pode fabricar essas merdas.
gostar de traps é gay?
t. Ameri-kun
>in english
São remanescências daquele sentimento dos anos 60, quando o Rio de Janeiro ainda era uma de fato cidade maravilhosa e admirada por Americanos e Franceses da poesia à bossa-nova. Porém o regime militar veio ao fim, e os buracos-de-bosta no Rio de Janeiro se multiplicaram, os nordestinos se espalharam e hoje temos o Rio de Janeiro do jeito que é. Cariocas preservaram este sentimento fantasioso onde o Rio de Janeiro ainda é uma cidade maravilhosa, quando na verdade tornou-se um dos maiores antros de degeneração e escória nacional. Mesmo que estes problemas sejam corrigidos no futuro, como mencionado ( ) sou a favor desta imagem, é a melhor forma para mantermos meso-orientais, gringos e demais raças porcas fora do nosso território nacional.
Se ela tiver pipi, sim.
O Rio só voltou ao estado natural dele. Antes da urbanização durante a primeira república ele já era uma merda, acontece que com a urbanização os pobres foram todos jogados pros morros e lá ficaram, mas agora tem muito pobre e não tem o que os segure lá mais.
>é a melhor forma para mantermos meso-orientais, gringos e demais raças porcas fora do nosso território nacional.
Quando vamos começar a remover cariocas, capixabas e nordestinos então?
eu achei que era o único que fazia isso
toda vez que um estrangeiro pergunta se aqueles videos do liveleak acontecem com frequência, eu confirmo e ainda aumento um ponto
Eles são muito estupidos pra ligar os pontos
>cariocas don't
Vivo nessa cidade já faz quase uma década e posso te falar que a maioria aqui quer que as Olimpíadas vá a merda junto com o Paes.
O meme da "cidade maravilhosa" acabou no momento que o estado quebrou.
t. carioca pro
e se a pila dela for feminina?
Ta entupido com tanto shitpost
Lembrete para os que moram no Rio para votar 20 ou 30 pelo menos nessas eleições para prefeito.
Se votar no Frouxo ou a puta da Jandira então merecem realmente ser exterminados.
Literalmente, ninguém que eu conheço tá feliz de ter as Olimpíadas.
A maioria reclama de saúde e educação como sempre, mas é explicita a revolta com o governo com relação a essas Olimpíadas.
Considera o suicídio.
Vai ter olimpíada sim e se reclamar tem outra.
Anzu is a disgusting attention whore. I hope Erdogan will shut down her social media profiles and rid the internet of her degeneracy.
>asq literalmente só tem um candidato a prefeito na minha cidade que não está naquela lista da odebretch
Pelo menos eu já sei em quem votar.
but mr kike man
is feminine penis gay or not?
cala-te judeu de merda ainda bem que te enfiaram nesse pais
>pinto de trap
>small cock
Deve escolher um e um apenas
>colocam os judeus tudo num lugar só
>não jogam bomba atômica
Oportunidade perdida psh.
isto psh, agora já se estão a espalhar outra vez
wtf i want kosher pucci now
cara feia
>ele olhou pra cara dela
Achei o viado.
Para o lixo vai.
It is gay.
Rude. I'll have you know that I'm going to become a Portuguese citizen.
os pobres deviam de perceber que a verdadeira beleza feminina está na cara
t. Schlomo Barbosa
Why is Brazil so shit?
Why do newfag gringos try to bait Brazilians saying Brazil is shit when we not only agree but also provide even more information to reinforce this fact?
No, really. Portugal is offering citizenship to descendants of Jews who got expelled back in the 15th century, as does Spain. The Portuguese citizenship is way easier to get though which I why I opted for it instead.
This Portuguese guy seems pretty rude though. There was a nicer guy earlier. So far I'm more impressed with the Spaniards though because they treat me better.
>ele não olhou para a cara dela
Achei o subhumano
>invite Jews back into the country
>they and all their precious shekels return to Iberia
>seize their property and expel them again
>finally pay denbts
perfect plan
That has been like forever,nobody is coming ...
Israel is richer but his way more dangerous,i'd risk a spanish citizenship than a portuguese one
thats sounds nice
Hey did you show her the sentences I wrote you? Did she like it?
Rlly makes you think
I don't have a job, sorry. I'd love to visit, though. Maybe I'll find a nice Portuguese girl and we will live together in the Algarve.
Both countries revised their laws a year or so ago to make it easier. Spanish citizenship is the hardest to get because it includes learning Spanish, doing a civics exam and going to Spain for an interview. Portuguese citizenship is way easier as it doesn't require anything except for a proof that you're a descendant of the Jews there. Since I already had all the evidence I needed, the fact I could apply in Portugal drastically shortens the process.
?אבלא לאדינו
Sephardic Jews are great people, you muppet. Learn your history.
Kike tactics are best tactics.
However, they are not very moral and ethical
>Sephardic Jews are great people, you muppet. Learn your history.
They sure are better than the askenazis.
Askenazis are a bunch of big pussy nerds
tudo viado
Essa é a Diana Samoylova, retardado
Ela não tem pinto
Ahh com certeza você vai conseguir a resposta pra isso aqui, nesse mar de lascador de xoxota, nessa legião de conselheiros amorosos que vivem de sodoma e gomorra. A gente aqui come tanta buceta que não pode doar sangue há anos. Tem tanto xoxoteiro aqui que eu não vou nem me dar ao trabalho de responder sua pergunta, só de entrar no site você já ganha 2cm de pau, é questão de tempo até o ritmo de ragatanga pegar você também.
Isso é verdade psh. Desde que comecei a lurkar aqui o meu pau cresceu de 15 para 17cm.
why would you tho?what are the benefits?
Do you even know why the Sefaradíes were expelled from your country? It was solely for religious purposes and nothing else. And the crowns didn't even confiscate Jewish property, they were pretty much told "if you don't convert to Catholicism, we'll have to deport you to North Africa for your heresy", and that's it. Crypto-Jews were clearly persecuted, and those who decided to deny Catholicism were eventually deported to NA under the Treaty of Granada.
Most Sefaradíes are Messianic because many of those Jews in Iberia adopted Christianity willingly, and they were all allowed to stay and proceed with their lives as if nothing at all had happened. The inquisition was the only moment things got rough as those who maintained Jewish customs had to hide all their Jewish regalia in order to avoid persecution, but overall the inquisition killed times more Christians than Jews to begin with, considering population ratio.
And something the Ashkenazim make fun of us is also the fact that we're proud of not only that but also for the "we wuz loyal to the sultanz n sheit" in the Ottoman empire, where we also excerpted crucial political and financial roles. Sephardic Jews don't even the Ashkenazim to be Jewish, they're known as traitors not only to Judaism but for being enemies of nations rather than being patriotic, the main reason we're also overwhelmingly anti-Zionism. Nearly every Sefaradí I know in São Paulo is Messianic and quite fanatically so.
Disculpa, solo español.
A Portuguese citizenship is an EU citizenship. It means I can live and work there.
eu sei, ela é gostosa pra porra
send help
>Ariana Grande
>Negra Pequena
A minha teoricamente está menor... até você ver a umidade do ar.
EU que preciso de ajuda
40° aqui
Aqui está bem gostoso psh
olhem meu gato
22 aqui, isso é clima de verão
Me mata
Foda-se nem me digas nada.
Está literalmente impossível fazer alguma coisa.
Quase três horas e primeiro dia de trabalho amanhã. Não pretendia dormir mesmo. Boa noite.
Foda-se autista burro