What has changed in this map?

what has changed in this map?

new zealand missing again


British Empire

Did you know that, contrary to what you can see on the map, Greenland is actually much smaller than Africa.

Antarctica is missing.



Its caused by map distortion, the further away a land is from the center of the map, the more distorted it will be and it will look bigger. Africa is in fact the biggest continent.

Of course there are maps that are made to play around this like this weird ass pic related map. But you can't make a whole world map and not have any distortion. So there's no 100% accurate world map.

By center i meant the equator line.

>So there's no 100% accurate world map
a globe?

i thought anyone here knew about it

fuck int and africa

globe is not a map

Why not?

Nothing worth noting.

map by definition is flat
globe is a spheroid


me in the china

this isn't accurate

no south sudan

Waterman butterfly, Kavrayskiy VII are better