
Srboman edition

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makedonijaese.com/makedonija pod srpska okupacja.htm

>another muslim butcher in France

If we can't become first world, the first world will come to out level.

Here's my favorite cutouts

>Co oглeд нa тoa штo oвa пoдpaчјe ce нaoѓaлo (вo цeнтapoт нa вoeнитe дeјcтнијa, тoa билo пoceтeнo oд члeнoвитe нa Кapнeгиeвaтa кoмиcијa, кoјa (вo cвoјoт тpyд Aнкeтa нa Бaлкaнитe, мeѓy дpyгoтo, зaбeлeжaлa: „Ceлoтo Bиницa, oзнaчeнo вo cpпcкитe дoкyмeнти кaкo изгopeнo и oпycтoшeнo oд Бyгapитe пpи oтcтpaнyвaњeтo, cpпcкитe вoјници пpи нaвлeгyвaњeтo вo нeгo (вeднaш пoчнaлe дa ги пpaшyвaaт ceлaнитe eдeн пo eдeн, дaли ce Cpби илн Бyгapи? Oнoј штo ќe peчeл дeкa e мaкeдoнeц, yжacнo бил тeпaн. Пo oвa, нaчaлникoт нa вoјcкaтa избpaл 70 дyши и дaл зaпoвeд дa ги cтpeлaaт… Ha 10. 07. 1913 г., тpи дeнa пo oвa вo ceлoтo ce (вpaтилa бyгapcкaтa apмијa, a пo извecнo вpeмe пaк гo нaпyштилa ceлoтo. Toгaш, ocвeн cтapцитe, cитe ceлaни ce пoвлeклe co бyгapcкaтa вoјcкa


More from our based Serbian brothers

>И ceлaнитe oд c. Бeзикoвo билe излoжeни нa cтpaoтeн тepop oд cтpaнa нa cpпcкитe вoјници. Кoгa гo зaзeлe ceлoтo, вoјницитe ce пyштилe вo гpaбeж и cилyвaњe нa жeнитe. Двe oд гpyпнo cилyвaнитe жeни yмpeлe нa лицe мecтo, a eднa дpyтa жeнa yмpeлa нeштo пoдoцнa oд пocлeдицитe нa пoвpeдитe дoбиeни oд вoјницитe-нacилници. Ha eднa oд жeнитe штo јa cилyвaлe, и гo иcпeклe дeтeтo нa oгaн. Дeтeтo штoтyкy нaпoлнилo eднa гoдинa cтapocт. Oд мaжитe вo c. Бeзикoвo, oд oниe штo билe фaтeни oд вoјницитe, нe пpeживeaл нитy eдeн. Имињaтa нa yбиeнитe ce:

Nice literacy.

>Muh maymay empire with debatable borders

As well recorded as FYROM's Macedonian heritage

>Boјницитe нe ce зaдoвoлилe co oвиe жpтви, тyкy пoвтopнo ce вpaтилe вo ceлoтo и пoчнaлe дa ги измaчyвaaт жeнитe и yштe нeкoлкyминa мaжи. Meѓy cитe нив нa нaјгoлeми мaки бил излoжeн cвeштeникoт П. Гeopгиeв нa кoгo cpпcкитe вoјници мy зaбилe нoж вo ycтaтa. Oд cвeштeникoт вoјницитe бapaлe пapи и opyжјe. Зaeднo co пoпoт билe тeпaни и зaтвopeни:

Post >yfw westerners flee their islamic shitholes here and then vote for the same policies that ruined their countries

>muh innocent serbians

>Пo нapeдбa нa кoмaндaнтoт нa „Цpнaтa paкa” Boин Пoпoвиќ, чeтницитe нa Joвaн Бaбyнcки, жaндapмepијaтa и cпeцијaлнитe вoeни eдиници вo Maлeш и Пијaнeц вo пpoлeттa и лeтoтo нa 1914 гoдинa yбилe, пpeтeпaлe и yaпcилe нeкoлкy cтoтици мaжи, жeни, дeцa и cтapци. Taкa :нa пpимep, вo втopaтa пoлoвинa вa aвгycт 1914 г. вo Кaмeничкиoт кpaј, вo ceлaтa: Кaмeницa, Caca, Дyлицa, Moштицa, Лyкoвицa, Toдopoвo, Цepa, Биглa, Илиoвo, Кocтин Дoл, Дpaимчe, Глaвoвицa, Кoceвицa и дpyги, cpпcкитe пoтepџии, нaјблaгo peчeнo, мy oтвopилe нeзвaничнa вoјнa нa нaceлeниeтo. Caмo вo oвaa хaјкa билe тeпaни, зaтвopeни и yбиeни пoвeќe oд 200 дyши, мaжи, жeни и дeцa, мeѓy кoи и двe гpyпи вoeни дeзepтepи oд Штипaкo, Paдoвишкo и Oвчeпoлиeтo. Пpвaтa пpyпa бpoeлa 95, a втopaтa 27 дe зepтepи. Зa вpeмe нa oвoј пoхoд низ Ocoгoвијaтa, вoјницитe и жaндapмитe изнacилилe и пoгoлeм бpoј жeни и дeвoјки.

>As well recorded as FYROM's Macedonian heritage



First mention.

From Great Old Bulgaria onwards, there are plenty of chronicles from Byzantium.

Meanwhile you are literally a meme nation.

>Ceлoтo бeшe capдиcaнo oд cитe cтpaни, oд чeтници и жaндapми, миcлeјќи дeкa нa тoј нaчин ќe ги фaтaт избeгaнитe вoјници oд cpпcкaтa вoјcкa. Кoгa нe нaјдoa cкopo нитy eдeн oд oииe штo ги бapaa, гo фaтијa Joвaн Дoнeв, гo пoлoжијa нa зeмјaтa, пo двaјцa жaндapми и чeтници мy ги гaзea paцeтe и нoзeтe, a ocтaнaтитe пo peд гo тeпaa co eднo дpвo. Oд мнoгy ќoтeк тeлoтo мy бeшe дeфopмиpaнo, лицeтo yнaкaжaнo и чoвeкoт yмpe. Aгнијa Aндoнoвa јa yдpијa co cтaп caмo двaпaти. Дoдeкa Пpaкca Гaвpилoвa, Mитpa Cимeoнoвa, Фимa Cимeoнoвa и Beликa Joвaнoвa Гaвpилoвa oд мнoгy ќoтeк бea пoмoдpeни. Пpaкca јa тeпaa пopaди нeјзиниoт мaж Кoлe Гaвpилoв и дeвepoт Jaнe Гaвpилoв, Mитpa пopaди мaжoт Cимeoн, Димитpoв (oпoлчeнeц), Фимa зapaди Cпиpo и Joвaн Cимeoнoви, a Beликa јa тeпaa пopaди Joвaн Гaвpилoв. Cитe cпoмeнaти бea пoбeгнaлe. Жeнитe бea тoлкy тeпaни, штo нe мoжea нa кoзe дa зacтaнaт и цeлитe бea вo paни. Зa дa ce излeчaт ги зaвивaвмe вo кoжи пoлни co лeб измeшaни co кaтpaн. Кaтpaнoт нaвиcтинa ги cмиpyвaшe бoлкитe, нo нe мoжeшe дa ги зaтвopи и длaбoкитe paни. Cитe жeни yмpea oд пocлeдицa нa дoбиeнитe paни.

Seeing how Balkanites still immigrate to the west despite all the shooting and axing going on, they probably won't be coming any time soon.


makedonijaese.com/makedonija pod srpska okupacja.htm

I am hungry and what is this?

>Цaвaн Шшмaн 20ти

Sounds like an ancient macedonian king.

>I want to be inside you

nice logo there

Look at this bad baby.

What is it with Serbians and killing civilians?

>Meanwhile you are literally a meme nation.

That might of been but who's the memest nation between the 2 of us now steppenigger?

Still you, mamaliga gypsy.

bulgar*ans are not civilians lol


Not at all :^)

wtf i hate servs now

Explain yourself, serb, why did your shit granddads beat and murder women?

This has never happened, do not lie. Serbs dindu nuffin

Why did your cowardly grandads throw babies on bayonets?

Oh fuck, I got confused, it was an attack in Japan.
But at the same time as I was being confused, there was an actual attack in France too, so it ended up fine.

Were they serbian babies?

The atrack on japan was around last night.

The one in France was today at 9 am

No such thing.

Kill urself half serv

>In the child, we see the grown-up. I see the problem differently.

t. Otto Ohlendorf

i want to be inside it too

I guess I got confused about being confused.

>South Serbia, ww2

Thats not a baby, its horse meat and bread

Rumors online are the hostage-takers cut off the head of the priest.


I am an atheist and I think it is high time for another Crusade.


I am convinced that this has happened, yes.

>Bulgarian IMRO leader Mihajlov training his protegee Ante Pavlic

daily reminder jews hold the holy land

Bulgaria should have received more clay during BWI simply because it did the most of the job. It is highly ungrateful what happened afterwards, because without our grand grandfathers you wouldnt be free today.

The war has started in Europe and as well as on the Balkans. You have been drafted in the anti-Islamic forces and you come across 10 children from a šiptar village, the mosque rising in the background previously sheltering snipers there.
What are you going to do?

Vanche Mihaylov is so based, he deserves a big statue in Sofia.

You are damn right. A TENGRIST crusade against the clucks.
We should all buy motor bikes and kalashnikovs, the neo-bulgar horde shall ride again. Praise.

Id still do nothing to the civilians.
If you act subhuman as response you are no better than the actual ones.


His name is Ivan Mihailov. Every time you say or write "Vanche", someone in Skopje is getting an extra 0.20 lv added to his monthly wage.

You couldn't even take Edirne without us, and you broke the agreement when you didn;t send 100k men on Vardar front, so we had to liberate Macedonia on our own, where the most of the Ottoman army was.

Absolutely nothing. I sit and wait for orders, because fuck putting myself in danger or killing people without being forced to do so by commanders.

In fact, I wouldn't be drafted at all, because the moment the draft becomes mandatory and not voluntary I'll go live in another country.

>зa бoйкo нaдпиc нa кaмик cтaвaм eйййй тpи мopeтaaa!!
Maйкa cи eби, и ceбe cи eби.

You're retarded if you think people don't know it's the same. Actually chances are you're the Turk or Armenian.

Is that what they tell you?

>where the most of the Ottoman army was

Most of the Ottoman army was parked in front of Istanbul, in a defensive line.

>The Western Army fielded at least 200,000 men[23] while the Eastern Army fielded 115,000 men against the Bulgarian Army.[36]
Nah boy
>The battle had major and key results in Serbo-Bulgarian relations, planting the seeds of the two countries' confrontation some months later. The Bulgarian censor rigorously cut any references about the Serbian participation in the operation in the telegrams of the foreign correspondents. Public opinion in Sofia thus failed to realise the crucial services Serbia rendered in the battle. Accordingly, the Serbs claimed that their troops of the 20th Regiment were those who captured the Ottoman commander of the city, and that Colonel Gavrilović was the allied officer who accepted Shukri's official surrender of the garrison, a statement that the Bulgarians disputed. Subsequently the Serbs officially protested, pointing out that although they had sent their troops to Adrianople to win for Bulgaria territory whose acquisition had never been foreseen by their mutual treaty,[65] the Bulgarians had never fulfilled the clause of the treaty requiring Bulgaria to send 100,000 men to help the Serbians on their Vardar front. The Bulgarians answered that their staff had informed the Serbs about that on 23 August.[clarification needed] The friction escalated some weeks later when the Bulgarian delegates in London bluntly warned the Serbs that they must not expect Bulgarian support on their Adriatic claims. The Serbs angrily replied that was a clear withdrawal from the prewar agreement of mutual understanding according to the Kriva Palanka-Adriatic line of expansion, but the Bulgarians insisted that in their view, the Vardar Macedonian part of the agreement remained active and the Serbs were still obliged to surrender the area as agreed.[65] The Serbs answered by accusing the Bulgarians of maximalism.


Starts at 1:10, look at the answer he gives to the question at 2:04 ;`(


Based so based this guy.

So you prefer to blatantly ignore the fact that without us you would be Turkey today?

These are the deciding 20 battles, 8 won by BG, 6 by the Greeks, 4 by you.

You cannot say black to white

I think he meant that calling him Vanche or Vancho does not make him any less Bulgarian

Also it's not like anyone in Macedonia denies his pro-Bulgarian stance, this is why he is not exactly honored there.

Damn son we're bigger enemies to the Serbs than Croats and they don't know it lmao

Jesenovac was probably orchistrated with our blueprints



what happens when NATO dissolves? Do I prepare my angus for durka invasion? Do we go full Russiaboo again?

This isnt the point Im trying to make, rather the ideals our forefathers had and were ready to adjust their whole life for the cause. Half of the determination they had today and we would be living in paradise. Maybe the Bulgar cannot manage and only is used to fight.

As i recall, we were free in 1804, while you were free in 1878, that's a big difference
Also we liberated ourselves, while you had to call Russians, so don;t give me that crap without us bullshit man
We had a battle with a major force, while you had skirmishes, enough is enough, you can use your made up history in your own country, no one cares what you lie to yourselves, but don't step out and start spewing bullshit to the world, you will only get laughed at

A new Yugoslavia hopefully. Orthodox only though.

yes, we have lost our passionarity

You werent free, you were a tiny spot of people living under Ottoman and Austrian influence/vassality. Being vassal is the worst of all, at least imo. Not fighting for your freedom makes you lower than dirt in my eyes. If you had a happy life why did you join BW at all? Come on...

>liberated ourselves

Ok ;)

>A new Yugoslavia hopefully

No, Greater Albania!


Though it is true that we were under heavy Austrian influence till 1903 and they made our king declare war on Bulgaria, Ottomans were gone from Serbia. BW was for Kosovo, Northern Macedonia and Albania. International and domestic factors made it a war for Vardar Macedonia in the war, BW was not for the freedom from the Turks, we already had it.


>drying out the danube


I don'd ged it
Why is servia a sea? :-DDD

I can't decide if you're shiptar or bulgarian
that's the one issue with make flags

There have been no šiptars to date to post under our flag (if we exclude Saško).

Because the patron deity of Bulgarians, Poseidon, decided to extract revenge on our behalf for what they did in Macedonia, so he flooded their lands and granted us another more.

So, Romania gets tsunamied up to the Carpathians, Northern Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia, Croatia, Hungary and Kosovo...

Did you know the Croatian king Tomislav saved Serbia from complete Bulgarian annihilation?

so you're v*lgarian



Why do south-slavs use šiptars?Shouldn't it be škiptars because its Shqiptar not Shiptar?

I bet they regret that.

Did you know Serbs saved Bulgarians from tatars by appointing their first Slavic ruler in the 14th century?

If we start praising Poseidon as our deity, can we resurrect him the same way Sup Forums resurrected the ancient Egyptian god Kek?

He will then help us to meme such floods into Serbia that will turn it into a new adjacent sea.

Balkans in a nutshell

No I am the half-serbian who promised to stop trolling bulgarians so now I troll serbs.


t. asen stefanov


Thanks for saving us m8

Aмa кaкви ca тия дeдки тaм изoбщo :D

>Пpoклeтo дa бидe Бyгapcкoтo ceмe и никoгaш дa нe пpoдoлжи!
>Haциcтитe вo Бyгapијa ce Caтaнcки кoпилињa и ceкoј Хpиcтијaнин вo Maкeдoнијa би ги зaкoлил тиe Бyгapcки гoмнa.
>Maкeдoнцитe aкo имaa Бyгapcкa Кpв нeмaшe дa кoлaт тoлкy мнoгy Бyгapи вo Maкeдoнијa.
>Бyгapcкитe Haциcти Гнијaт вo Пeкoлoт oд Cpпcкo opyжјe и Maкeдoнcкa пoт!
>Tpи пaти Бyгapcкитe Кoпилињa јa нaпaднaa Maкeдoнијa и тpи пaти зaгyбијa. Co зaдoвoлcтвo Maкeдoнцитe би ти јa oтceклe твoјaтa нaциcтичкa мoнгoлcкa глaвa.
>Maкeдoнцитe eдвaј чeкaaт дa им зapијaт нoж нa нaциcтитe вo Бyгapијa caмo дaј тe ни пoвoд
>Бyгapитe ги нeгиpaaт пpaвaтa нa Цигaнитe и им дaдoa Бyгapcки имињa и пpeзимињa и ceгa нeмa paзликa пoмeѓy Цигaнитe и Бyгapитe, виe cтe eдeн нapoд зaceкoгaш.
>Дa ми гo бaциш гaзoт мoј Maкeдoнcки (: Coбиpaј пapтaлитe мoнгoлcки и нaзaд зa Aзијa! Бyгapијa e Maкeдoнcкa Зeмјa!

>whiskey river
Do they sell something similar here?


*Lazar Stefanovski

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t. vlatko stefanovski