Do you actually believe in God?

Do you actually believe in God?


>inb4 shitstorm



Why aren't you Christian yet?

my belief in god has granted me angelic wings so I don't have to walk anymore, it's pretty cool. Our priest got a pretty bitching mass resurrect spell which is always fun to watch




maybe the devil

If God exists, who created God?

I did

That's actually true, God was created by a Hue

I believe in Allah.

Hue vult

>God just drinks and laughs while mankind kills and steals from each other
>answers the goal prayers of footballers and not the prayers to save innocent children

makes sense


If time didn't exist before God created the Time/space continuum, nobody had to create God. He simply exists.

Yes, but he doesn't believe in me

hopefully God will make brazil will the olympics.

time/space created me so I could create the universe, like stevie in family guy.

i don't believe in a god any kind of religion offers.

but a greater power might have created the universe. who knows.

it was kek

No, he's a jewish forced meme made using sumerian and canaanite old memes.


I dont have a problem with people believing in god but I dont understand how people can think their god or religion is correct but others arent.

Just no, only grannies are.


rolling for kek

There is no god but Allah.

This, too.

I thought that every Turks were muslims fanatics?

Are you a tourist or something?

I can never tell if people are trolling when they post this

If they put the sun in my right hand or the moon in my left hand I swear that will not discourage me as my road is determination and struggle.

I thought they were semi-secular


I thought it was left hand up your ass, and fork in the other?

still cant tell

I don't know what I believe anymore...

do you wanna Chidori ?

do you believe that muhammad flew into space on a winged horse and cut the moon in half with his sword?

it would make him so cool

no, i am agnostic m8, its just mem

>brought up Christian
>go to church, get baptised
>grow out of it
>go through edgy religion hating fedora teen phase
>grow out of that and mellow out
>dad dies
>start praying every night
>getting faithy feelings and want something more

Dunno what to believe desu. About the finish Luke in the New Testament and after that I'll have read all 4 of the main books. Honestly though I've found it very disappointing. There's nowhere near as much information on Jesus and his life as I thought there would be, and he doesn't seem to teach much.

idk desu, I might go to church at some point though and see what it's like. In my nearest town though, I don't want to be recognised in my village one.

Wish I had a Christian/religious friend who I can talk to about this. My mates are too close minded and would just mock me.

i know right jesus is pretty lame in comparison

No, I believe in Thor.

like you wouldnt do the same

Having strong emotions about something is no reason to believe in a god imo, but if it makes you feel better go for it.

I wish he rides a unicorn; and send lightning with his hand like Zeus.


Why are you dressed like a ninja lmao

It's not about strong emotions, it's more like the loss changed me and the way I think about things.

It's not really about feeling better either it's more about what feels right to you.

>parents made me go to mass with them a few years back
>parents introduced me to a qt
>suddenly have a gf

If this isn't proof that God exist I don't know what is.


>he believes in god

Yeah, but question is... Wich G-d?

Only people that are too scared of the truth believe in god. It psychologically helps you cope with the reality of life...



I don't know.

Hell no.

I do


No, but I have no problem with anyone who believes in some sort of higher power than transcends human knowledge. However I can't take seriously anyone who believes fully in the "revealed" religions of the human race, even after all we know.

God isn't Yahweh of the desert with a "chosen race" he revealed all his revelations, prophets, laws, and miracles to. He doesn't have a son who is also himself, who referred to all gentiles as "dogs" not worth preaching to, considered thinking certain thoughts to be sins, and whom he sacrificed so humanity would have the opportunity to worship him and never have to face death. And he didn't make his greatest prophet out of an illiterate merchant who married a 9 year old, while also constantly calling for the deaths of homosexuals, non-believers, apostates, pagans, and Jews.

And he most certainly didn't have anything to do with a convicted fraud and swindler, whom committed treason against the states of Illinois and Missouri, practiced polygamy, and burned down a newspaper building for hurting his feelings.

No, but I respect christianity as one of the most positively uniting and advancing forces of humankind

Does it matter?

>If time didn't exist before the Time/space continuum, nobody had to create the universe. It simply exists.

Except even fedora scientists are sure that the universe had a beginning.

i'm not a tourist. i'm a turk who isn't a muslim?


The Universe being infinitely small, hot, and condensed, and being made entirely of energy with no space/time, is not the same as the universe not existing before the big bang.

It doesn't really matter.

Atheism is nihilism


no...not really tbqh

>Why yes, I do believe in God despite a lack of evidence, contradictions in the Bible and proven facts such as evolution

God blesses me daily.

Yes. I think he didn't like as much as he used to when we became Protestant. A tornado destroyed a part of the most important church of our country after we converted it to protestantism. However, that may become allright

The existence of the divine is the only explanation for the creation of a document as perfect as the US constitution.


This pretty much. Religion is absurd

no, but i envy how some people can bullshit themselves and see some point in life.

And you'r still on Sup Forums tho

I believe in Mother Earth and Fatherland.

True. It is for tourists in Turkey very hard to enter Sup Forums. The site was blocked, when I tried it two weeks ago


That fritz say the truth.

>implying thats a bad thing

>not just Platonism on crack

Is it weird to worship mathematical equations instead of g*d?

I am on Sup Forums because I like to wind down after work.

you have to be rewarded for being an autist who can't even use vpn.

God is like a programmer and mathematics and science is the coding language he has used.
All those planets and stars and shit are actually textures, which we are not supposed to see.

His programming skills are nice, but he is a bad system administrator.

I don't think that's necessarily true nor relevant, but even if it turns out the universe always existed, it doesn't necessarily disprove monotheism.

First, we have no idea what actually was before the big bang; all we know is that the event definitely happened, and the universe has been expanding at an accelerating pace ever since. But if we trace the steps back through time/space, we see the possibility of a universe having always existed as a condensed singularity, as much if not more so, as the possibility of it being snapped into existence at the moment of the big bang. The big bang was much more of an "infinite stretch" in all directions than a conventional explosion of existence. So traveling back in time, we could see a universe "folding in" on itself at a decelerating pace (maybe forever), until it's so small it just stops condensing, or our primate brains are just incapable of noticing it shrinking past a certain point.

So if the universe was eternal before the big bang does this disprove Yahweh? No, we don't fully know why the universe started expanding.

Plus we'll never know the mind of a divinity whom had a chosen tribe of desert dwelling primates he lead to massacre their enemies and take their land; then decided to fulfill his plan of salvation by having his son/himself murdered, after the majority of humans to ever live were already long dead before knowing of the one true deity's existence.

The Bible has contradictions because it's a compendium of stories written by multiple authors instead of a single narrative and evolution has nothing to do with the existence of God.

>tfw you will never be God

>I don't think that's necessarily true nor relevant

Ahmed assraping the secular West begs to differ. Atheism is nihilism.


I don't care what anyone else thinks as long as they leave me alone

Which means most people are cool with me regardless of preferences, but the weird guy who skulks around the local uni's food court asking people if they'd like to start a bible study for hours at a time needs to fuck off

I do.


Yes. I'm not Christian, or pray to anyone, or think he's "looking down on us" but I do believe that some divine being brought the universe into existence.

Religion has nothing to do with that. It's because of WW2 and the fear of being accused of Nazism that people don't want to do anything about Muslim migrants.
