Say "Long live heroic people of Palestine! Down with US and Zionist aggressors!" in your native language

Say "Long live heroic people of Palestine! Down with US and Zionist aggressors!" in your native language.

Дa здpaвcтвyeт гepoичecкий нapoд Пaлecтины! Дoлoй aмepикaнcкoй и cиoниcтcкoй aгpeccии!


long live anus

Slava Putin kill them all kill them all brat moj Israel ljubit putina :)

fuck muslims

Gaza to Egypt, down with Hamas.

>Proceed to use them as human shields and stab Israeli kids to death
Fuck the kikes but at least they aren't terrorists to good honest white folks

It's easy to critisize us from fascist state of Russia.
Agreed our leaders did shit; but yours did also, equally.

All leaders are shit desu.

I'm gay

Cyдapь, вaм нa /пo/paшy

I'm sorry, but I'm not gay

>Fuck the kikes but at least they aren't terrorists to good honest white folks

Open your eyes dude. Kikes are the worst of all terrorists. They are just smart enough to cover up their doings. They are using brainless muslim fanatics for their own benefit.





Nech žije hrdinský ľud Palestíny! Dole s americkými a zionistickými agresormi!

Пopaшa для либepaх и хoхлoв.
Кcтaтe тaк былo зaдoлгo дo #caлo_ypoнили

>His country top-level domain is .as
How more based can you be?

Baszd meg anyád Palesztinában, te orosz geciláda! Az amerikaiak és a cionisták nyalják a véredet!

"Janusz Paweł II ********* małych Palestyńczyków, a Syjonistyczni Żydzi to piniężni Nadludzie*

Shalom, židovský priateľu :p

Lang lebe das heldenhafte Volk Palästinas! Nieder mit den Vereinigten Staaten und zionistischen Angreifern!

I was actually surprised that we have our own flag on here

Is it expensive to travel around islands/go to Australia?

It's fairly expensive to do it by boat. You can't really fly out of here unless you're in the military or you fly out of Tahiti, so travelling by boat is your best option even though its a bit pricey.

As the greatest seller of weapons to Israel in EU lol no!

Larga vida al heroico estado de Israel, abajo los SJW y los malditos moritos que no paran de atacarnos y atentar en fronteras Europeas.

Vive le peuple héroïque de Palestine! Mort aux agresseurs états-uniens et sionistes !

>al heroico estado de Israel,

Now this is a RARE

Lenge leve det heroiske palestinske folket! Ned med USA og de zionistiske overgriperne!

You might want to do something with your own country's leadership. Putin is fascist dictator killing all critics

No, Israel, Russian, China, Turkey ++ leaders are doing shit. Many civilised countries' leaders are doing fine

The Palestinians are fighting against occupation. Its called resistance, not terrorism. Its legal and the people resisting occupation was, are and will forever be heroes.

szalom alejchem, kupujemy obrazy i figurki żydoskie zapewniajoce finansowy sukces

t. rapefugee

hey OP, why so self-hating?

palestine is construct of zionism, you need a common enemy
without them they'd just be part of jordan, settled there by ottoman turks

See you tomorrow!

Go back to your country. Stabbing old ladies and kids isn't gonna get us to leave. We were given this country legal by the owners (Britain) and a bunch of Muslim gypsy faggots can fuck off to various other sandy shit holes filled with similar people