> meanwhile in Britain
feeling extra cuddly tonight lads
> Mmm good morning, son~ ;)
Not me mum and lil' Rocky the family dogger.
t. every nationalist fag
why would you say that
fuck off kraut
Not feeling cuddly at all tonight lads
maybe tim will have to join forces with the dentist to defeat the true enemy, the dpd driver
post more shanties
will you look a this severely undercuddled guy over here
Anyone else encountered those giant house spiders?
I just saw a somewhat large spider, and in an attempt to overcome my fear of them, crushed it with a book. Then I saw that fucking MONSTER on the wall and screamed like the little girl I am and got my dad to kill it.
Please protect me I'm so scared ;_____;
Test post
10:00 AM, GMT +10
28th of July, 2016
you got me good
i want to sleep with my gf again since im tired of sleeping alone but its annoying. she always clinges to me and touch me when I want to sleep and be in peace. also in the morning even when it was a weekday and we both had to go to work she always wanted to shag. also her breath is kinda uhh in the morning but thats the same for me too i guess
karen and some girls from love live mainly
i am very open to what they want as well though
feel extra cuddle-starved tonight
spiders are bro tier
is this was Sup Forums was like before the internet?
>Putin has said that Orthodox Christianity is much closer to Islam than Catholicism is.
>There was large anger from mostly Muslims from the Caucasus against the Charlie Hebdo cartoons in France. Putin is believed to have backed protests by Muslims in Russia against Charlie Hebdo cartoons and the west.
>Putin has allowed the de facto implementation of Sharia law in Chechnya by Ramzan Kadyrov, including polygamy and veil.
b-b-but putin is based!!!
Cuddle a Kraut and you'll get backstabbed!
Never trust a kraut!
Its the Marlow clinic that's the real enemy
hate the left
just fuck off to your own general
I have to reply to this post
Have you ever seen a giant house spider? They're 3 inches long and fast as fuck.
publiez le toot
EXTREMELY comfy pic
These posts are cancer as fuck.
I hope mods start banning those who post them and the superstitious fucks who reply.
See them a few times a month 2bh
Usually squash them dead, there is no saving the big ones. Usually try to relocate the small ones by throwing them over the back fence
dpd driver and the dentist are clearly working together to try and get tim evicted
they aren't getting their way so they staged the break in tonight to try and scare tim and get him to move out but that ain't gonna work sunshine
Me and the lads
lads ive got such a skinny frame yet if i try eat anything it all just goes straight to my stomach and i get a huge belly
how do i fix this?
*makes new land*
I have too reply to this too
i am a free citizen of the world, i post as i please, good sir.
generals are arbitrary concepts invented by white old men
time this country stood for something
lets kick out the hate preachers, the criminals and the foreign spongers
ah yes canadians aren't awful posters at all
i like putin, but nationalists are dumb because they believe he is on their side
go gym
its going to end with them rigging Tim's boiler to explode
but Tim is onto them, its only a matter of who strikes first.
fug off
Have you ever faced any deadly spiders or whatever in your house? I'd be a quivering mess if I ever went to Australia.
delet this
that's how male fat distribution works
>i like putin, but nationalists are dumb because they believe he is on their side
Would like to lads but janny just gave me the stink eye from across the room haha! better not :)
i want to live there
never reply to the posts saying my mums gonna die haha
>discusing politics
>about america
>from a different website
>on /brit/
do one
wew. I love maps
this is cool
Should I go to gym and lose it all and diet or start lifting weights and get huge
Read that your metabolism goes to shit if youre fat and lost wegiht, meta doesn't come back as well and its easy to regain
see the daily stormer LOL
i want the wall build
*ascends into the sky deep into the realm of dreams*
good night
lads i have a question:
how hard is it to build a house? like, if i just set out tomorrow, bouht a shovel, mortar and bricks, would i be able to build a inhabitable house? people used to do it all the time in the olden days. is it still possible.
would really like to build myself a house one day
wish I had a house in a comfy location
>giving into the janny authoritah
I thought you lads were cool
getting my daily dose of david duke
>i want the wall build
tío Tom haha
it is apparently from a real plan from the 70s but was blocked by the british
who's talking about it? nobody
fuck off
cut and lift
Reply to this post or your dad will get raped
>get banned so I can wank
so selfish
>motorway through norfolk
in your dreams
cannot believe he supports trump
fuck off stupid leaf
getting my daily dose of novara media and owen jones
would need to sort the foundation out first and wait 30 days for it to set
Any lads down for a /brit/ Movie Night?
thinking either Zulu or Cromwell
we can vote on it
mexicans do not really give a fuck about him, just the ""intellectuals"" tbqh
That was a sfw pic
Nothing wrong with that, just like your slags
shit films
Cut to how many calories and lift how much? Should I do cardio?
foundations, planning permission, design, structural strength etc
houses like these in the old days were shite and collapsed
>cannot believe how the guy who wants to keep america white supports the anti-immigration candidate over the open border candidate
youre not very clever are you?
is this in the uk? I wanna live in a forest m8 where is this
i'm not even sure why its connected with great britain
reply to this post and ill smoke a big dooby haha
yes, i am awaer i could not build it in one sitting. but, assuming that i read some books and did my research, could i do it? do the foundation myself, the wiring, the roof, the plumbing, etc?
anxieties are back
What would you do if I sang out of tune,
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
rate the chicken parm
alri lads rate em