
Do you like Cuba?


most cubans here don't like cuba

Yes, absolutely.

mMmMmMmm Miami?

lol no they are all over southern florida
you'd think you're in a shitty knockoff of a spanish province

Cuba and Cyban people yes. Cuban gov't, no

I like Cuban people and culture but the regime is obviously quite shitty

>he regime is obviously quite shitty
i know

Yes, the regime is hideous. But in all fairness Cubans enjoy a level of education and health care that no other nation in the Caribean even approaches. And it is a proud culture... Compare to Puerto Rico which has enjoyed full US support. Once Cuba opnes up and goes democratic it will be THE Caribean power and on solid foundations, not being a fiscal paradise or selling US backed debt like Puerto Rico did...

yes i like the jewel of the empire (+ the rum women and its cigars)


I had a cuban cigar once, I liked it but it was too strong and made me feel sick afterwards. Now I know not to smoke the whole thing.

Cuba is nice, Cubans are nice

yes, hopefully you get your shit togetherand we can have free movement of people between our countries

What was it? Cuban revolutionaries aside (those big cigars were meant to last a full afternoon) the proper way to smoke is no larger than panatelas... American cigar culture ran off with a product they did not understand and made their poor choices global, now they even think you're not supposed to inhale which is all cuckery...

It isn't hard or expensive to visit Cuba from Mexico...

sure. their system and their culture are very big positives for anyone who is not an imbecile. honestly If us were to lift the embargo then It would be one of the best countries in the world to live in.

>the proper way to smoke is no larger than panatelas
It was about that size. I almsost never smoke though so that's probably why it made me feel sick. I probably smoked it too fast too.

thanks, i came to Spain when i was 6 years.
thanks, i love netherland, i want to visit your country
yo lo deseo tambien mi compañero mexicano


Viva cuba libre

Nice people, both those that have come here and those in Cuba.

Fun to visit, safe enough that you can walk around and visit places instead of being like Dominican Republic or Jamaica.

Kinda shitty for a lot of citizens but every system has tradeoffs, you guys did a lot better than some.

Well yes, if you're unused to it and smoking too fast you certainly will feel sick. But do give it another try, try something smaller, Cohiba even makes cigarrettes which are actually delightful and great for beginers, and smoke very slowly while enjoying a good drink, Havana club 15 años straight if you want to go full authentic, but any decent brandy will do if you can't get good rum... Or try it with mojitos, although usually that means a good bender and it doesn't really work indoors or in cold climates...

Big difference in between Cubans from cuba and those from Florida, it really is as if they were different countries... And the Cuban Americans make Chileans look like commies... One oif the big issues for when the island does open up is going to be a lot of people in Miami who have been making plans for decades without considering the actual conditions they'll find or what the people in the island will actually want...

>Fun to visit, safe enough that you can walk around and visit places instead of being like Dominican Republic or Jamaica.
That's what happens when you have a dictatorship, when Trujillo was in charge you could leave the doors open and not be worried of being robbed.

Yes, I've heard that you aren't supposed to inhale but I just did it anyway. No point in not inhaling. It sort of defeats the purpose.

>But in all fairness Cubans enjoy a level of education and health care that no other nation in the Caribean even approaches

Cubans are rapists, they come here to play volleyball and end up gangraping a girl reeeeeeee

i mean, they're the only nation to completely eradicate mother to child HIV transmission. that's pretty impressive.

Castro's propaganda machine says a lot of things.

You don't really smoke good cigars for the nicotine content, you smoke them for flavor and enjoyment.

But then again, smoke however you prefer. Just try both ways at different times and then decide IMO.

So nice that everyone wants to leave it in flimsy rafts across shark-filled water.

>So nice that everyone wants to leave it in flimsy rafts across shark-filled water.
sadly but true :(

No. Nuke that fucking island, if my mother escaped there will be for something, I was only once and seemed to Morocco in latin version.


Por que no te callas commie?

But people from Haiti even immigrate to Cuba.

Basically a shithole that used to be used by Moscow to promote terrorism and Marxism in LatAm and Africa, poor and irrelevant since the Cold War ended. Still a festering tumor and the main reason LatAm still has substantial popular support for Marxism when the rest of the world left it behind a long time ago.

what are you talking about ?
the problem is Castro...

If not Cuba kids would eat beetroots for christmas treats, instead of oranges (me icluded). So I guess I like Cuba.

that's some commie shit I'm posting now

We should have just dropped a nuke on Havana in 1965 and been done with it.

>what are you talking about ?

Que Cuba es una isla de mierda, su gente esta atrasada en mentalidad y Castro es uno de los muchos problemas.

Llena de gente ruidosa, arrogante, con una mentalidad tercermundista y que no están al corriente de los problemas que actualmente afectan al mundo, la mayor parte de la gente del tercermundo no es capaz de comprender que los países occidentales cambiaron y ya no se entrometen en los asuntos ajenos más que para garantizar los derechos humanos y en contados casos; Ya ves como los protegen en Sudafrica, es evidente que la gente en Cuba tras tantos años de socialismo no es capaz de hacer lo que hace el cibervoluntario de turno, culpar a los demás de sus problemas; Te lo digo como descendiente de cubanos, conozco a esa gente y son peores que los venezolanos a la hora de tomar seriamente los problemas.

Por otra parte va ser incapaz de actualizar su economía por el claro deterioro de la maquinaria de producción de mercancía y las potencias extranjeras invertirían hasta cierto punto, cosa que hicieron hasta ahora.

El problema no es Castro es la mentalidad típica de los países latinoamericanos intensificada por mil ¿Como crees que se va a comportar el siguiente gobierno que venga después de Castro?

Pues igual que la mayoría de los países de la vieja URSS, hasta México tiene más oportunidades de futuro como país que Cuba.

Esa isla es un estercolero tercermundista, y odio a las personas con mentalidad tercermundista aquí tenemos que soportar a hordas de podemitas que son capaces de hacer una gimnasia mental brutal para justificar sus mierdas y el bananerismo de sus lideres, pues en Cuba sera hasta peor.

No, haitians prefer to come here and invade my beautiful country.