Why did the nazis look so stylin?

Why did the nazis look so stylin?

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Dressing edgy isn't stylish

They had very nice helmets


stop using words that you have no idea what they mean

Because they stole their uniforms from the Rhode Island police

Yeah they were the slickest boys on the block.

With the advent of more advanced camo and body armor the new "cool" military get ups are either zuper-tactical operators with more gear than a Staples store on their chest, or the black ops guys who throw a vest over their pajamas and call it good. I miss the badass grey uniforms, but no military would ever adopt them in the foreseeable future

Because Hugo Boss, duh

>hurr black is edgy

To appeal to the youth so they'd join up
They didn't design them actually

Appearance and propaganda are everything when you are creating a cult.

if we had a prime minister that actually did good for the country i'd worship him too

Nazis were edgy as fuck: black uniforms, skulls, occultism, "vergeltungswaffen"... they might as well have painted flames on their tanks.

>not worshipping Queen Victoria

Yeah but Hitler was more into himself than than the actual country, which he got wreck and now they are a bunch of leftwing faggots thanks to his ego.

The skulls and black uniforms were a pre-nazi thing though

black isn't automatically edgy retard

those are romanticized. soldiers were filthy everywhere in the past. today its the same but modern soldiers have high-tech durable wears so dont look dirty in appearance

>confusing his war policies with his political policies
who the fuck are we gonna go to war with, indonesia?


>black isn't automatically edgy retard

We should do it. We could take them at sea e.z..

Yes Hugo Boss actually designed them! Look it up faggot

>you will never be as /fa/ as Hitler
how's it feel, faggots?

I have this book from when i was a kid and used to paint models.

not an argument my mudslime friend

ss isn't the whehrmacht retard

Because they are cool dudes

>not an argument my mudslime friend


try to remove swastikas from the uniforms. its pretty average. swastika makes them out to be edgy heel/anti-hero wears

São Paulo's ROTA have a similar one.

I went out into public dressed up in a cape i'd probably have to kill myself

or worse flee to argentina

which is more effective in their city, ROTA or BOPE

BOPE and ROTA are completely different.

ROTA is more "police". They patrol the streets and do mostly of a normal cop would do. Expect that if you fire at them, you're basically dead, they won't even try to arrest you even if you surrender. They also make psychological torture when they stop someone suspect, quite nice to see.

Meanwhile BOPE is more like a special forces, close quarter specialists and they don't do patrols or anything, they just go when they are called. Do what they have to and then go back to the base.


still its the same. those fabrics are way shitter than youd imagine. the uniforms must have been ragged and faded as fuck in the late period due to a financial difficulty

Which was the cop on that motorcycle that executed that one dude?

ROCAM. From São Paulo.


They just showoff.

Thanks famao