Will FaceID work with Asians?

Will FaceID work with Asians?

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Just go back to you racist fuck

OP is raising a valid question imo. I wonder if it has a hard time telling apart people in ethnic groups that have very similar features. No reason to tell him to go to Sup Forums, you whiny little science denying bitch.

>very similar features
Yeah no. Look up "cross-race effect". They have as many visual distinguishable features as every other race. So fuck off you science denying bitch and also go back to

no, it's only for humans

Stop getting so triggered, nigger.

FaceID isn’t just facial recognition, you illiterate fuck.

It’s also eye tracking, to “give your full attention” to it to unlock and authorize transactions.

Facial tracking has fucked up with different racial groups, like being miscalibrated in lowlight for black people leading to unusable tracking, and retinal scanners often don’t work properly without seeing the full registration points around an iris.

Not that you would know about these things, you clearly aren’t of Asian or African descent. Cause these are all things that made headlines and raised a couple of eyebrows to the affected people.

I hope we kill all niggers and chinks so that only a pure world remains. Don't forget kill camel fuckers.

Works fine. It’s white people who look all the same.

It will. The real question is if it will work with niggers cause it didn't during the announcement.


Nope, it only works with pure German blood master race faces.

Some special process on brain make easy differential faces, if as children you don't saw Asian faces you will believe all Asian are same,equal Asian will confuse white people.

Buttmad pajeet/chinko

I can't wait to see dark Pajeets and Chinks complain over this "feature".

Poo in the loo

No, the literally biggest company in world didn't think of 35% of its market share when designing a core feature of a product.

I really hope it happens

Limited minds cannot think beyond their own conception of reality.


They probably think the same about Westerners.

didn't save it but there was a picture of some techdemo in china that showcased something similar.

Not gonna tell you to go back to Sup Forums because you might not necessarily be racist. I would encourage you to travel more often though.


Seems more like its an exposure to the demographics than "cross-race effect".

As a white who was raised primarily in an Asian country where I had to interact with Asians on daily basis, my ability to distinguish other asians is much better than a random American tourist's ability to tell Asians apart. The same can be said of the reverse where Asian-Americans raised in the US would have no trouble telling whites apart, but might have trouble telling Asians apart due to limited exposure to Asian media/people.

And I don't know if we can even call that a cultural effect, as the fundamental is pattern matching. If you are exposed to gun all your life, you can tell what each gun is in a pool of random guns. Where as someone who's never seen any gun, will only classify the whole as a "gun" with only discernible type being the length and maybe the weight. And the same for programmer/nonprogrammer telling programming languages apart. Geologists and non-Geologists figuring out the differences in soil/rock type. A landdewller and a marine biologist discerning fishes. A farmer and a non-farmer discerning vegetables.

Our exposure to certain things allows us to discern the small differences. That's just basic pattern matching, not "cross race" bullshit.

People say nonwhites look alike because they don't have the huge variation in hair and eye color that white people have. Simple as that.