In this thread we talk specifically about the HolyC programming language so as to stay on topic in Sup Forums
/tosg/ Terry / TempleOS / The HolyC Programming Language
:stop music:
"So, I bet you're wondering how I ended up here."
Terry biopic when?
It better be soon. Who can we cast as Terry?
< I think I find our dude. Just needs a wig.
Tyrone A. Davis
>When you literally become the CIA Nigger that you fear
Quick, someone pepper some HolyC related code and questions before mods fuck our asses.
Here. Can someone explain this to a dude who has no assembly xp?
asm {
MOV RAX,'Hello '
MOV RAX,'World\n'
PutChars('Hello ');
first it saves the stack frame address, then it puts hello in the rax cpu register and calls put_chars function which probably prints the contents of the rax register, then puts world\n in the rax register and calls put_chars again
the leave instruction essentially reverses the two first instructions to restore the stack address (so equivalent to mov rsp, rbp and and pop rbp)
ret returns the control to the top of the stack
I ran over a CIA Nigger on 9/9/99
greetings fellow redditors. tell me why youre not using TempleOS you cia niggers
Big dick niggers on pornhub.
is princeska new waifu?
Seriously, who made the Terry Obama hybrid? That is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I'm in tears.
IRC chat
Stop shilling the false prophet channel. We all know it's Rizon is actually the IRC server that Terry himself used years ago. So, fuck off please.
I feel bad for terry man. From Wikipedia he sounds like he was a normal dude till he was hospitalized for schizophrenia and now he can't hold down a job. Then again schizophrenia doesn't sound like something you randomly aquire in life so maybe he was always like this
It usually develops in your late teens/early twenties.
Agreed. He's a smart guy, could have lived a decent life and career otherwise. The worst part is that I think he's aware of how fucked up things are for him, but he can't snap out of it.
Saw a recent video of some guy messing around with TempleOS, and he is probably going to do many videos on it. Is he any of you? If not I won't lose my time watching it.
Temple OS is more Sup Forums than those Sup Forumsideo cards war threads. And Sup Forums doesn't have mods you silly willy.
How quaint, a newfag.
Fucking FBI cracker
I'm actually a huge Terry fan. Please, take that back.
There doesn't need to be only one irc :^)
I don't want to use the other chat infected by cia niggers
There is only one true God, just like there is only one true IRC channel, and that IRC channel is the channel that Terry Davis himself created: (#templeos)
Plus, given that both channels aren't necessarily teeming with activity, doesn't it make sense to combine into a single channel? That channel being #templos on (the original).
But we still work our best to promote and discuss the word of the prophet, Terry says to entertain god, and we are doing so.
There may be one God but there are many different churches that accept and interpret in different ways, we are just one following the word of the prophet.
Deny us if you want, but we are grateful if you join us.
Fair enough. I shall still seek alliance, for we both work for the greater good, the greater God, and the one and only true High Priest, Terry Davis.
is he still homeless? i have been absent for a little bit
someone give me the recent terry history