Sup Forums Bingo
Why the fuck is ThinkPad grouped up with a Macbook? This is an autism competition not a fucking tech illiterate normalfag competition.
Shitty bingo with no logical structure or message at all, neck yourself. Btw
Too easy
Needs /csg/ atleast
Well atleast its better than the one counting nazi meme points
Close one
No bingo for me :C
>five across
>five down
>free space in the center
Holy shit. It’s a fucking miracle. One of you finally looked up what a standard bingo board looks like before you made one of these.
Thank you, OP. You weren’t a faggot today.
So close.
>programs or works in IT for a living
This bingo game is rigged
Dodged a bullet right there...
I'll show myself the door to Reddit.
>putting neet and employment on the same line
fuck off
So close yet so far
anyone who hasnt watched and actively stores 2TB or more anime doesnt belong here
What do I win??
Aw man, somehow I removed the last couple marks I made. ;( I marked the bottom left corner.
what do I win
Cool wallpaper, lemme get it my man.
To add context, I typically use BSDs, but I still have Windows 10 on another hard drive.
A box full of dragon dildos.
>mutually exclusive categories
that's not how bingo works.
The hell?
I lose
wow i just realized i know nothing
Fuck. How do I 1337 h4xx0r!1 or write shell scripts?
You seem not to be using Unix, so you could write PowerShell scripts.
was this specifically designed to not work?
I've only got 600gb because I haven't bothered to figure out why rutorrent won't auto-download RSS feeds
what do I win?
Is it bad?
maybe next time
And I'm phone posting.
i tried
No joy here
Why is owning a thinkpad and owing a mac and iphone beats in the same thing? People might think I'm a faggot now.
you forgot "shitposts on Sup Forums"
I only have 1.25TB storage total :^]
guess this is not that bad.
>shitposts or frogposts on Sup Forums
Oh so there is a correlation between using GIMP and being retarded
I don't know if I should be happy or not that I didn't get a BINGO
I was using Ubuntu up until a few days ago when I said fuck it and wiped the partition, now I'm back on Windows 7 alone.
>only 5 NEETs
What the hell Sup Forums. When did this happened?
I expected more anime and porn hoarders
I did NOT expect so many shitposters/frogposters
Why is autism mixed with retardation?
How the fuck are you supposed to get bingo with two mutually exclusive spaces, you fucking retard?
What the fuck do you run
ppl who have the middle row clear prob run windows 7 (or vista)
You have a computer science degree but still downloaded the fucking image twice
I'm not entirely sure if I even frog-/funpost on this board
dodged a bullet there
. .
Win7 Enterprise
No bingo but it actually makes me glad.
A few of them I don't have but would like to have, though.
I'm working on more hard drive space, and DDR4 is fucking expensive as shit.
I really want a vintage computer.
No idea what is meant by "L33T H4xx0r" in this context.
Gentoo is a meme
I've ran Temple OS in a VM before, couldn't get it to do shit and didn't care enough to research it.
>storing porn
>watching porn more than once