How the fuck i beat internet addiction??!!! Fucking shit

how the fuck i beat internet addiction??!!! Fucking shit

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Install Gentoo

Kill yourself you stupid cocksucker

So your network adapters no longer work?

No you
Yes. You might even learn something. I'm not memeing around here you know.

is this what Sup Forums is now?

Go find shit you hate about the internet until you're sick of the internet enough you can get off off of it on your own

Sell every device that can connect to the internet. If you have a subscription service for tv get a device like a roku that can't really browse the internet

this is what Sup Forums HAS BEEN.

how new are you

I cant find it. The internet is the only source of joy for me.

There has to be something about the internet you hate, social media?

What I did was I uninstalled all my apps and unplugged my computer.
Lasted a week then started lurking Sup Forums again. But I still don't use the other stuff I've used beforehand.

Have you tried killing yourself?

Considering how unusable Memetoo is, this actually might be the cure for your addiction.

I cant sell it. I am scared to be without the internet

Yes. Animefags

Go lurk on Sup Forums for a long time

the hat on OP isn't there ironically

Maybe we should post a lot of anime on Sup Forums to help you out then

Any addiction is a disguise for fatigue.

Get a gf / waifu

This. But getting a gf is not something a beta internet addicted faggot can do. So just kill yourself.

This OP

Go to a cabin in the woods where there is no internet or cell phone access and stay there for a week or two. Bring some books, some fishing/hunting gear, and just reconnect with the world.

Look around your house for things to improve or fix. Buy the appropriate power tools. Buy the paint. And then download every episode of Hardcore History.

What OP?

What count as internet addiction anyways

Destroy anything you can use to connect to the internet. For good.

Not an addiction, just the illusion of one. If you got lost innawoods for a week you wouldn't feel withdrawal, although you'd be a lot more bored than usual.

You haven't found a better or more entertaining use of your time yet. The key is find things that fit that criteria. Find things you genuinely enjoy that aren't internet related and do those more often. Or commit yourself to other obligations that basically force you to spend less time on the internet.

Seriously, that's all it is. In your head you don't have anything better to do so you choose the path of least resistance and go on your computer.

Follow the two-step program:

Step 1: Hold down Alt.
Step 2: Press F4.

Repeat this regularly and you'll beat your internet addiction. Advanced topics you can explore later include turning off your computer, and going outside.

Not OP, but will try. I mean, I've been trying exactly what you've said but I still come and distract myself with this. I will keep pushing though. It's a difficult thing to do.

>"I want to do stuff today!"
>"nope, no anime, I gotta do stuff today!"
>"nope, no movies, I gotta do stuff today!"
>"nope, no videogames, I gotta do stuff today!"
>spend the entire day looking at Sup Forums

hit rock bottom. you'll either pull the trigger, or become extremely dedicated to fixing your shit, more dedicated than any normie, like a machine

Because it's low effort and deceptive. For me, since making a post takes so little time I'll always assume I can pop into a thread quickly and return to my business, but the stream of content becomes so incredibly distracting that this 'small thing' ends up taking hours.

Go on a cruise

>go on cruise
>free wifi
>spend the most of the time watching anime and browsing Sup Forums on a boat

What now?

don't bring your computer/phone

>you wouldn't feel withdrawal, although you'd be a lot more bored than usual.
that sounds horribly like withdrawal

When was "Install Gentoo" ever not a retarded forced meme? You people are often worse than the manchildren on Sup Forums

Install TempleOS

No, not at all. Withdrawal is more like an illness considering the symptoms, boredom not so much.

Extreme boredom is indistinguishable from illness.

Why would you want to beat internet addiction? Here you are connected with all of us; a higher consciousness greater than ourselves.

The same way you beat any other addiction imposed on you by culture and society like money addiction and so on.

Become a Cynic (cynicism in a philosophical sense has nothing to to with how "cynicism" as a word is used today. Cynism is living a life devoid of societal norms and so on) like the philosopher Diogenes who asked questions like that. He also wanted to be free and live without the basics that society assumed people should have. Diogenes lived in a barrel, masturbated, urinated and defacated in public, ate like a dog on all fours from a bowl and once when Alexander the Great came to get wisdom from Diogenes he told Alexander to fuck off and made fun of him (societal norms like status meant nothing to Diogenes). Live like a Cynic.

i wouldn't
learning Gentoo is pointless, boring, and tedious
learn code if you want something useful

>"I want to beat my internet addiction."
>"I am scared to leave the Internet."
That's your fuckin' problem. Get over the fear, pussy.

>to be free from societal norms you have to tell everyone to go fuck themselves and shit in a barrel

I know this isn't entirely what you're saying, but are you sure one has to take it to this extreme in order to live on their own?

Living without being "addicted to internet" is pretty extreme. That is like living in ancient greece without biting people, urinating on them or spitting in their face whenever people pissed him off.

>From Life of Diogenes: "Someone took him [Diogenes] into a magnificent house and warned him not to spit, whereupon, having cleared his throat, he spat into the man's face, being unable, he said, to find a meaner receptacle."

But what I really mean is that he should cultivate indifference to internet in the same way Diogenes cultivated indifference to societal norms. One need to significantly change one's life to live without internet addiction these days. Most people expect people to have it... I mean... NOT having a facebook account is the equivalent of masturbating in public in ancient greece. It might shock some people and they would not know what to do. If he does not cultivate indifference to their feelings then he might get a facebook account so that they aren't so startled anymore.

i never understood that i had an addiction than 5 months ago when i went to a trip and i didnt had net for 6 days

after that i said to my self not to stay more than 23 hours per day on a pc


Then leave this website, Sup Forumstard.

This is not always very good advice. Some people find it impossible to hit that 'rock bottom' because despite their addiction they still have something to lose, so they'll never get to the point where they decide enough is enough just by overuse.

Really, the best solution is to just rip off the band-aid and avoid the internet. There are various apps that block internet access such as Cold Turkey (probably others too).

Another good tip is to just sit with your cravings and refuse to move until they're gone - it's hard but it's also like a muscle and you'll get better at it.

Oh almost forgot, the 'Cold Turkey' app I mentioned (not sure if botnet or not, I've only used it on my work laptop) blocks very specific websites so you can still use the internet for work if you absolutely have to.

sudo apt-get install gentoo

Try talking to people in person instead of going to imageboards and Twitch.

go off the grid for a while buddy. turn off your phone, unplug your computer, and take a walk outside. walk around til you find something that is interesting and fuck around with it for a while.

yeah. it turned into shit.

>how the fuck i beat internet addiction??!!!
realize the inherent emptiness of it

>Kill yourself you stupid cocksucker
The most offensive part of that post is the missing vocative comma.

>historical revisionism