Went out drinking last night

>Went out drinking last night
>walking past an apple store
>some of the guys gone to their apartment to pick up some stuff, i was just waiting around
>went into the apple store
>remember all the iPad Pro shilling on Sup Forums
>I knew it was shilling but i sort of fell for it and had the impression that iPad Pro was premium
>went to the iPad Pro in the apple store
>it felt good using it
>apple store genius asked me if i needed help
>spur of the moment said i wanted a 10.5 inch silver iPad Pro
>he took one out and i bought it on the spot

Did i make a mistake, Sup Forums?

I want one too desu

if you need us to justify it for you, then yes

Man just what is up with this new wave shilling shit

Congratulations, you bought a Surface killer, because:
>it felt good using it
was due to the fact that it literally has a 120Hz screen.

You can have one literally this week. I have one and am very happy with it. Pic related. Looks good, doesn’t it?

What does it do that a surface pro can't do? I just have a hard time understanding paying that much for iOS.

You did good, iPads are the future of personal computing.

iPads are a luxury product.

It's for those who can afford a sophisticated machine with the purpose of feeling comfortable while executing a range of different tasks.

Poorfags and pajeets like you would never understand such concepts.

But your toy can't run a tenth of applications a Linux or Windows install can.

I'd buy the cheapo 350 buck iPad desu

So what?

I have a PC.

If I want to play video games or code, ill use my PC.

The iPad Pro fulfills a different purpose to a PC.

So what can it do? Open a browser? A RSS feed? I can do that on anything.


Do any macs have more than 60hz?

...also can anyone else NOT FUCKING STAND to go to movie theatres anymore, paying big money to watch nauseating 22fps movies?

Particularly bad for any kind of action, which is what should benefit most in a theatre.

Tablets are a meme, smartphones literally can do everything they can and can fit in your pocket, the only advantage tablets have is a larger screen.

>Luxury product
>Facebook machine
Can we all stop pretending like an iPad or any Apple product... HECK, ANY technological product is accessible to the lions share of people?
Buying a product doesn't change anything about you as a person. A person who makes 2k a month can make a poor choice and buy an iPad as easily as a person who makes 20k a month.

Buying an iPad or Apple product does not make you a rich person.

Yes. You fell for the impulse purchase.

You got raped, you were too drunk to consent. Call the cops.

This, if those fucking genderfluid otherkin can be recognized as a different legal thing like males and females why can't his wallet?

Yes. You probably made a mistake. And you will realize this soon enough as your iPad Pro likely starts collecting dust.

10.5" isn't a good size for a tablet. If you like it then great, it wasn't a mistake. I know I wouldn't buy one. I have a 7" tablet and a 10" tablet and a 15.6" laptop. I'll grab the 7" tablet or the laptop. There's nothing wrong with the 10" tablet, it's fast, it's got a nice screen, nice everything. It's a fine tablet - but it doesn't have a keyboard. A laptop is simply more convenient to use and if that's too big/bulky (like if I want to watch something or read something in bed) then I'll grab the 7" every single time.

Perhaps you'll use your 10.5" tablet, people's preferences and habits vary - but I'm guessing you'll regret buying one.

thats what they said in 2010. tablet sales have been falling.

Yeah it's really annoying. I predict in the next 10 years higher fps movies will catch on as more plebs are exposed to 4k60fps through consoles.

Because no one put in any effort to beat the iPad. They are so hard to make money on. Microsoft has barely succeeded, and they already had the OS.

yes. You walked into an apple store where they have patented ultra sonic technology that shuts off the parts of your brain that elicit defensive and personal safety measures

Yes, You should waited for the refresh with an A11 Bionic.

So your facebook machine can go faster to doing nothing.

I have an ipad pro 9.7. Love it, dont use my old vaio 2012 any more at all

I own one and it's a pretty cool toy, but in no way essential or tremendously useful. Whether it's a mistake or not only depends on your disposition towards dropping $1k on basically leisure.

That's a pretty small vibrator

i want one pretty badly, saving for one rn, should be able to get one in about a month or so

You played yourself.