/hpg/ Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

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For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

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HD600 > your headphones.

Any actual HD 600 owners out there? Besides Idol Trash?

Nah, I shill them for free.


OP you are on a roll.

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?

Why do footfags love feet so much?

>Degenerates are degenerates

Why do you like cocks so much?


Not an argument

Sup man, good shit as always.

LDAC is pretty fucking cool desu. Equalized WH1000XM2 are good enough that I thinking about aeons.

>Degenerates are not degenerates
Footfags and cock suckers need to die

*im no longer thinking about aeons, fuck me

I'm only asking why do footfags love feet so much and you can't even give me a reason why. Not a single other fetish has ruined threads more than footfags, on any board


>has figured out that free EQ > throwing money at more headphones
Truly a wise man.
This thread was doing just fine until you posted.

Asking for tastes, opinions, etc.

they're cute

Post selfie. Check mate, faglord

OP started it by posting his stupid fetish, he knew exactly what he was doing

Eh, I like throwing money at headphones and then EQing them. It's just that the WH1000XM2 presents a unique feature set that you can't get anywhere else and they respond decently to EQ (although obviously not as good as the LCDs).

What Thinkpad is that?
The last three threads with similar OP images contained nothing but a few people here and there expressing appreciation for the images and those who didn't like them behaving like adults and ignoring that which they did not like. The OP image was not chosen with triggering people in mind or anything like that. I'm sorry you're not grown up enough to ignore that which you dislike.

Tell that to the degenerates unable to cope with non-anime /hpg/ threads :^)

T500. Core2duo, 4GBs of RAM. Comfy as fuck.

Is the keyboard good on that one?
Anime OPs are /hpg/ tradition and thread culture.

It's an old style thinkpad keyboard so it's pretty good. Better than chiclet in my opinion.

And being autistic is normal and should be treated as normal :)

Can you hear lossy artifacts listening to Youtube through your WH1000XM2?

>And being autistic is normal
I'm not exactly sure this isn't actually true on Sup Forums.

I don't really care about feet, I'm just a footfag because my real fetish is legs

Nope, I haven't done any blind tests but subjectively LDAC is just as good as wired.

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

The ones you own. Post 'em, faglord

But then I'd no longer get a free (You) every thread asking me to post my headphones, silly goose.


I don't see how that has to correlate with your bait


Footfags are degenerate

Degenerates are footfags

2D or IRL?

I have a 40" tv mounted at the edge of my bed, I'm thinking I should just do this with a monitor arm and a mouse and keyboard... hmmmm

I need one of these daimakura, with umi.

>Unironically spending money on a body pillow to have such a shit waifu printed onto it
Taste = below average

Sorry. Overstepped my boundaries. Should have stopped at body pillow


Me. From the last thread

Massdrop T-X0 just came in.

Pretty comfy.

Get a pillow from target, then get a cover from aliexpress. Mine ran around $60 total, and is great for lumbar support in bed.

Whats a good headset or similar for phone? Im from South Korea and got the G6 with Hi-Fi Quad DAC.

Thank god, finally. Five questions:

How is its build, comfort, bass, and sound stage compared to other headphones you've tested. Thanks senpaitachi

nice setup


For it price, meh. Lots of plastic, but it has a nice metal headband and very satisfying tactile clicks. It also has a modular design, allowing you to take it apart with no tools easily. But the headband is weak. Just don't be retarded and you're fine. The stock cable is nothing special. Better build than MA900

Brand new out of box - very clampy, will suck if you have a large head. Clamp goes away soon, then very comfy. Big oval ear pads with lots of breathability. Ma900 comfort is still on another level though

Narrow. But I don't mind. Makes it sound intimate. Ma900 sound more spacious and natural, whereas the 600 is mid forward and close

Doesn't dig deep, but the driving beat is still there because of that mid bass hump. Doesn't really have any slam or anything. R70x and planars are an alternative if you want extension. You can try eq to help it, but it might fuck up the sound

So apparently Sennheiser is coming out with a new HD660S


>It sounds similarish to an HD650 as well.
So, it's worse than HD600.

Appreciate your time, dude. Specifically, i'm looking for a pair of neutral headphones with a solid bass extension. Open preferably, if such a thing exists. Am willing to wait though

HD600 clamp can be instantly remedied: youtube.com/watch?v=iNxK-NwSR5U
Bonus: doing this as soon as you get them will ensure the headband never snaps.

>Specifically, i'm looking for a pair of neutral headphones with a solid bass extension

Bass extension doesn't matter unless there is some huge rolloff a la earbuds which make sub-bass non existant.

Are you the user I replied to?

>Are you the user I replied to?

You'd be better of with a planar or an R70x. DT880 also has better extension

You're just confusing quantity for extension like most untrained listeners in this thread do. Have a look:



>unless there is some huge rolloff a la earbuds which make sub-bass non existant.
a la HD600

No. HD600 have more than adequate bass extension; 30 Hz is even with 1 kHz. Most music doesn't even go down to 30 Hz.

stop posting your bullshit cherrypicked compensated graph, retard

>its build, comfort, bass, and sound stage compared to other headphones
I baby my HD600. Feels like a premium product. Could be fragile according to seeing other pictures of anons with rusted HD600 grills or chipped paint.
Very comfy but it's a bit clampy but it has better comfort than both K702/712, DT880.250/600, or on par with my HE-400i with EtherC pads.
Bass isn't overwhelming it sounds neutral but lacks sub-bass found on the HE-400i.
>sound stage
Soundstage is also narrow like the other user said. Narrower than HE-400i. Best soundstage I own is Sony EX1000, K702 or GS1000. HD600 scales with better amps but not with DACs what I think.


People still believe this synergy bullshit?

>untrained listeners
I haven't even listened to them though. That's just what I've heard from nearly every single reviewer and forum poster about them, and I know that graphs should be taken with a grain of salt.


go back to plebbit hd600 retard, this place is for people who have listened to decent headphones once in their lives unlike you

DT 880 would be my current option, but if at all, i'd like something to compliment my K702s.

Again, I appreciate your opinion a lot, dude.

Looking forward to the HD660S unless some local stores get the Aeon Flow so I can give those a try.

I own an Orpheus and an SR-009, both of which are inferior to HD600. HD600 has great bass extension.

should have bought an 007
modded HE60 is better

i know you're lying but the headphones you pretend to own are still shit.

Didn't notice your K702s. Which headphone from your collection would compliment best, would you say? Not planning on selling mine anytime soon.

Let me explain to you why a flat sub-bass response that is typically found on planar magnetic headphones isn't as important as you think it is.

Firstly, the HD600 (and most decent open dynamics) can produce sub-bass output, it's just rolled off at the frequencies. Most bookshelf speakers and monitors aren't even this good in sub-bass output.

Secondly, we don't perceive sub-bass as loud as other frequencies, therefore equalizing the HD600 to a flat bass response doesn't change much on the perception on the sub-bass, it would sound like it has less bass overall because the mid-bass is boosted when compensated on target curves such as Harman or Diffuse Field.

Thirdly, headphones like the LCD-2 have more bass than the HD600 because have they move bass. The bass is more in response relative to other frequencies.

The HD600 is good at having a relatively balanced frequency response, and that's why it's top tier.

Most music has a lot of content as 30Hz we're just shit at hearing it.



glad to know you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, nor have you ever heard a good headphone in your life.

stick with your poverty tier sub $100 shit

>I own
Do you have any proof behind that, user?

Flat midbass is a bigger concern. The HD600's midbass hump muddies the sound a bit.

I should have been more specific. Most music doesn't have any 30 Hz notes. Sub 40 Hz content is rather trivial for most music.

Ok kid.
That's is a fair point, but the same can be said for most planar headphones. Look at the graph I posted, what headphone do you think produces a louder mid-bass output?

It's pleasantly warm, not muddy.
>he can't appreciate how the HD600's lush, sonorous warmth perfectly compliments its pellucid, mellifluous, tralucent mids and highs
Plebbicus Maximus.

>Sub 40 Hz content is rather trivial for most music.
That's almost half of the B string on a 5/6 strings bass.

I'm looking forward to it only for the 600s to drop in price

the authority on estats have established the fact that the 007 is superior to the 009, you're a fucking retard who wouldn't know the first thing about how transducers or audio reproduction work

I've listened to both. The 600 is noticeable midbassier.

Most electric bass players use 4 string basses. Only edgelords need 5/6 string basses. I bet you listen to Linkin Park.

I don't think a successor to a good headphone will reduce the price of a shit one. The HD800S release didn't have much of an impact on the HD700, same will happen with the HD660S and HD600.

I don't believe you own the headphones


>that upper midrange shout
how can anyone listen to the hd600 without throwing them out of a window. that is not 'neutral' that is near AKG tier tinny vocals.

>the authority on estats

>a bunch of midlife crisis faggot elitist audiophiles

Go back to headcase, kiddo.

Your ears are shit.

>Go back to headcase
you'd do good to go there and actually learn something instead of running your mouth about shit you don't understand and spout more nonsensical bullshit than you already have while shilling a shitty headphone you likely don't even own

its the flattest midrange on the harman target pham

>Your ears are shit.
Great argument, retard.

Why do titsfags love tits so much?

Sure, call me edgy and post sourceless info, that will fix your flawed opinion on what's trivial in music. lol.

You sure seem upset. Did I struck a nerve?

650 is so much smoother and superior.