Favorite Windows system?

I'm curious as to what Sup Forums's favorite Windows system is.

Windows 2000 Professional

Post the full image, faggot.

The single best OS ever created.

Yes. The first Windows to be able to restore itself from a broken state, and the first version to need it.


Ba da la doop!


Windows 10 > anything else.


Server 2008

It probably has to be this. By Windows standards at least, decently stable, no-nonsense and consistent UI, good hardware and software compatibility.

3.11 was a pretty meh optional GUI for DOS. 95 and 98 were a pretty big step forward in terms of functionality and usefulness, but had shockingly bad stability. NT 3.5 and 4 were okay for stability, but not that useful in a desktop context.

XP didn't really add much except some UI stupidity. Vista promised a lot, but didn't work very well and added some more UI stupidity. 7 was decent, but suffered a bit for the UI stupidity it inherited from Vista.

If XP and Vista had UI stupidity, 8 was UI retarded to the point of uselessness. For a long time Microsoft had tried to shoehorn the desktop UI into tablets and other mobile devices where it doesn't work, and came to the brain-dead conclusion that maybe if they shoehorned a UI that's good for tablets and other mobile devices into a desktop, that would work out. Rather than the more sensible conclusion of "maybe these two different classes of device shouldn't have the exact same UI".

10 is a big step back in the right direction in terms of UI, but it still remains a bit inconsistent and unintuitive, and the privacy issues sure as hell don't help.


Isn't the highlighted text box "Empty Recycle Bin"?


This. Stable, Fast, extensible, well-supported, low on resources
What more could you want from an OS, except maybe less troubles with the 640k barrier?

Tab completion of filenames? Filenames longer than 8.3? Being more than a glorified launcher for other programs that run on the bare metal?

>Tab completion of filenames
If you're too lazy to type out 12 characters I don't know what I can say.
>Filenames longer than 8.3
Unnecessary, anything that needs to be expressed in a filename can be expressed in 8 letters.
>Being more than a glorified launcher for other programs that run on the bare metal?
Look where that's gotten us. Now we're at 13% CPU usage to blink a text cursor.

Windows NT 4

>3.11 was a pretty meh optional GUI for DOS.
No, dosshell was. Windows as a separate semi-OS on top of DOS. By 3.11 it was using its own protected mode drivers for some things like disk access.

8.1 with classic shell

So what if it is?

dosshell wasn't a GUI, it was a glorified text-mode menu. I'll accept that Windows 3.11 brought a bunch of functionality and thus wasn't *just* a GUI, but that still doesn't elevate it to the level of OS.

That wouldn't suggest the post you are replying to is correct. It implies you want to delete Me-Tan

Eh, that wasn't a very good picture. Just to show it was a proper GUI with graphics mode and mouse support...

wow, you sure as hell don't know a single things about computers like me

I worked with some legacy systems running NT 4.0 back in the day and it was a very nice workstation OS, but in terms of what I've used as a daily driver I'd have to say 8 presented me with the least problems. The new start screen took a little getting used to but after a while it grew on me, and they reworked a lot of the underlying system to get rid of most of the non/semi functional legacy holdovers that were just bloating up Win 7. It was significantly faster and more resource efficient as a result in my experience. I'm just a fan of the overall look too, I never liked complex visual styles like luna or aero glass so the simpler look of 8 appeals to me.

MS DOS will max out your CPU (1 core on a modern CPU) sitting at the prompt while it waits to read input, it's not efficient at all.

Use DOSIDLE.EXE. Windows 3.1 through ME do the same thing unless you run an appropriate idler program. For Win9x, most VM packages come with one as part of the guest tools package.

But it'll run on an old CPU! That's what efficient means, right?!

And? The modern concept of power-saving didn't exist at the time so they didn't bother. It takes minimal effort to bring that down, there are programs to let DOS idle to bring down power consumption/CPU usage while doing nothing.

>wanted to install windows 10 on this old laptop
>can't install because gpt partition
>i guess i'm installing win7

>Windows 10 can't use GPT
What? Isn't GPT the new one and MBR the old?

It's a hard disk, you can wipe the partition table and put whichever type you need.
Windows 10 can be installed in GPT if the firmware is UEFI, or MBR if the firmware is BIOS (or UEFI booting in CSM mode).

is this shopped or is the camera just that shitty

I think it's a scan of the original film camera photo. Remember it was taken in 2001 or before on a film camera, because that's when XP came out and digital cameras were crap back then.

XP only shipped with a 1024x768 version of that picture. I don't know where the 600 dpi scan came from, but I assume the original photographer posted it online someplace years later.

So that one is original? Neat

Bliss was taken in 1996. Here it is in 2017.

That looks fine. Seems to be an orchard now. I saw a picture from around 2012 where it was a mess.

ReactOS, why do you hate freedom?

Sure it's simply a vineyard but it looks like ass compared to bliss.

Aged like windows.

But it was heavily shopped anyway.
Look about 1/4 of the way up on the left side.


There's a fence in the foreground, I think the photographer was just respecting the boundaries and couldn't access the proper position due to said pussiness.

The awnser is simple.


Windows 7 Ultimate

I used Windows 10 for 2 years
It was fucking terrible.
>getting folder error no reason
>have to optimize shit when playing gaymen
>so many useless shit
>boring ass flat interface design
>unstable driver connection

I can't count how many i reinstall this shit

Just install windows 7
Or i recommend this

whats Sup Forums's opinion on windows 10 LTSB?

Utter trash


I really had a knack for Win2k

The UI's a clusterfuck

Vista has my favorite UI and sounds while Windows 7 is the most stable

no retarded start menu
fastest windows
cool ui
still shit tho

The only suitable edition for work.
Non-ltsb is good for games but nothing else.

Windows 10


I liked 98SE, ME had a lot of crashes, 2000 didn't have drivers for my stuff(or I was just incompetent, who knows)
it was with XP that I already knew my way around a system, the one I used for the longest time I guess, and the one which I became comfy with.

I use 7 now, not because I like it, but because there isn't any better considering hardware/software support

thank goodness for Linux distros and open source stuff though.

+ beware if you customizing theme.
if you fucked it up. log on screens are seizuring and won't log on


Windows 10, but Unix is much better.