>the perfect distro doesn't exis-
>the perfect distro doesn't exis-
t. too retarded to install Arch
Manjaro is comfiest than Arch, in fact.
>following instructions
then what's the excuse then? why install a derivative of Arch that breaks and isn't supported by the Arch core team and Manjaro's core team is heavily understaffed and have a shit release schedule?
only retards install Manjaro.
>why are you spending less than 20 minutes installing when you can install it it 3 hours instead?
Why do even care? Every distro is damn near the same, and anything you don't like can already be configured to your preference. I'm not suggesting you, "use a real man's operating system and compile from source," but neo-Sup Forums bullshit obsession over "which distro is better" makes absolutely no goddamn sense unless you're a literal normalfag who just discovered Linux.
i dont know many intelligent people who waste hours of their life on linux distributions. autistic people, yes.
What's Manjaro's niche?
>What's that son? Mandingo?
If you've installed Arch once you've installed it a million times, this is just setting up what you needs would have done anyway.
Manjaro is Arch for Chad.
>Use arch-anywhere and easily get legit arch system in your pc.
Gee is so hard to install archlinux in these times
>Manjaro is Arch for bainlets.
ITT assblasted archfags
Where is the Illyaposter?
Sometimes when I see programs it says they are for ubuntu or debian. Do they work on arch?
>Do they work on arch?
Arch doesn't work, so I doubt installing them on your inevitably broken system will be helpful.
If they're labelled as "for Ubuntu or Debian", then the files are archived in a .deb . All you have to do is unarchive the file and drag it's contents to the root directory. Linux is essentially the exact same on all distros, therefore there's no real incompatibility issues unless the program has references specific to the distro it was compiled for.
Thank you.
all the archfags in this thread: some people live in basements and like to install linux over wifi. Arch and a few other distros prioritize virtue signalling about fucking hardware drivers over usability and actually working. stallman doesn't watch youtube, arch people won't tolerate an .iso that includes wifi drivers, you guys are just fucking weird, gayly anti technology and what the fuck are you even doing on the internet?
I prefer antergos, personally, but Manjaro i3 is the smoothest distro on my atom-based netbook, even moreso than an arch install with just i3, deps, and a handful of software to make the system usable. Not sure why, but Manjaro just runs better on that machine.
Okay, that's pretty retarded. I don't like to see people trash talking arch derivs because at the end of the day, I'm just glad another person is using Linux, BUT let's not spread bullshit about arch and archfags.
The default kernel that comes with the arch installer iso has all of the most common and popular WiFi chipsets enabled, either natively or as a module when necessary. You can very easily install arch over a wireless connection (though i have no fucking clue why you would want to, seeing as wireless is slower than wired and you may be downloading a FUCKTON of packages depending on the WM or DE you intend to use, or what you're setting the machine up for) as long as you're not a fucking mongoloid that's incapable of manually setting up a wireless connection.
I've installed over wireless on many machines when a wired connection wasn't possible, either due to a lack of wired NIC, no physical access to a router or switch, or the machine is just too far physically for running cable to be worthwhile when it's likely to be using wireless post-install anyway. Not once, across machines of various ages, makes, models, etc with all manner of wireless adapter (including this huge af belkin USB monstrosity one person had), have i been unable to configure a wireless connection and install arch.
I just see it as Ubuntu with the AUR
I don't know what exactly they are going for, I find it has the perfect balance of 'just werks' with out as much bloat as Ubuntu
literally every linux distro sucks
install macOS
It's have its bleeding edge.
What is this? Gnome? Looks like shit.
jealousy is a sin desu
Being a homo is actually punished by the god, unlike jealousy.
>self-propelling this hard
lmaoing ass at your life
But it does.
Tint2 with FontAwesome Apple logo as the workspace name. Even this tryhard faggot knows Monaco is an awful monospace font
what the h*ck does monaco have to do with anything
Debian is literally the worst distro ever made
Elaborate or get rekt.
>Debian is literally the best distro ever made
fixed that for you
Why the debian hate? I've been using linux for a few years and I have no reason to go over to something else since the day I just googled "most stable linux distro". Why do people shit on it exactly?
I forgot the name of the anime.
clover os have bigger tits.
so bad it drove the creator to suicide
That's not the only thing that came.
But has shitty personality
you're right, but i wanted Arch on my old laptop so I could post screenfetches on Sup Forums but it didn't recognize my wifi hardware. neither did debian. I also tried to cheat and use arch anywhere. it didn't recognize it either. neither did Ubuntu, but it did recognize my dongle which none of the others did
manjaro actually worked, but the logo in screenfetch is embarrassing because it means i'm not smart enough to install arch
Nope, I'm not american
It's to Arch as Ubuntu is to Debian
>Van Gogh is drew so badly it drove him to suicide
>Nick Drake wrote so shitty songs it drove him to suicide
>Robin Williams acted so horribly it drove him to suicide
What a great argument.
that's all true
My Dell mini 10 just came too.
meaningful threads don't exist
Shit taste. Go back to Manjaro and listen to Linkin Park.
the only thing worse than Manjaro is Debian
is this the new desktop thread
>installed fedora
>see all these much sexier looking distros on Sup Forums
w-when do i switch?
and then when do i switch back when i realize these other distros are really not that much better?
you can make fedora look like any other linux distro you see on Sup Forums
>Not Artix
OP is a faggot
manjaro + i3wm = godtier
>Crippling himself using an unknown distro just to look "hip"
>Forcing it on others by including his ugly desktop
Nobody gives a fuck about your shitty hobbyist distro that will ger abandoned within two years. Kys.
it literally says that its openbox
In terms of ricing even an Ubuntu Unity setup can be made to look sexy. If you're happy with Fedora, stick with it
isn't the word you looking for, envy?
You can install your de and configs on any distro. Most just use same kernel with only slight modifications. Biggest difference in distro is the package manager - not what you fucking see. Fighting over what is comfy or what DE WM ships by default is pretty fucking retarded and a sign most people don't understand linux at all.
>Write "j"
>Pronounce it "h"
>unknown distro
>shitty hobbyist distro that will ger abandoned
t. Ignorant autist
yeah, really comfy
It takes like 5 commands to install arch, and the most time consuming thing would be the download of the packages which would take about 5 minutes tops. Arch being hard to install is a meme
Debian with XFCE is the comfiest
>tfw installed it like a month ago and the last update was 2 weeks ago
>the last update was 2 weeks ago
I'm avoiding Debian now.
>formatting the partitions
>creating mountpoints
>installing core packages
There are hundreds of guides out there that walk you through each step, it's really easy.
You learn a thing or two about your Distro, then you can customize it to an incredible extend, also the AUR is fucking amazing.
It's not created to be hard and the people that claim it is are 1337 haxors that want to feel superior.
Runs really well on old hardware, plus it can be used to repair broken Distros.
If you're not completely retarded you can install it in less than half an hour on a small FlashDrive and try it for yourself.
fucking homo
We don't need you anyway
t. too dumb to use gdisk
>He doesn't have a script for an unattended install of Arch
>bleeding edge and stable
choose one.
He just hasn't updated. If he's using Stretch, 9.2 was released yesterday and if he's using Buster or Sid he'd have new updates daily.
new to other linux distro here, and I feel like Manjaro is a meme
Manjaro is a meme.
Install Gentoo.
I wonder if those aren't applel and microshit shills who want to make noobs stay away from the true power of linux distros
The perfect distro is void, hands down.
>No software
>Outdated software
I like Manjaro, there's nothing wrong with it.
shitting on Manjaro is a meme.
> Not compiling your own software
Well theres your problem.
Theres not, just void is better.
What's up faggots
>First Gentoo screenfetch
Why not just use Gentoo at that point? There's nothing Void offers that a better distro doesn't.
But Void is Debian based and I hate that shit. No AUR and virt-manager probably won't work.
You're thinking of Devuan. Void is not Debian based. Otherwise it would probably be a decent distro. Now it's just shit.
Honestly its the easier install, kinda is annoying when you spend 8 hours just to get your computer running. I should move to gentoo though.
Void is based on Arch.
Nigger void is created from scratch.
Oops my bad. Only distro that piques my curiosity atm is Alpine. Used by security researchers, it's really neat-o.
>not using openSUSE Tumbleweed
Okay, now I thought that then I had tons of faggots here on Sup Forums telling me it was based on Arch. WHICH FUCKING IS IT!?