Why do girls need a different company to learn programming? Why can't they program like everyone else? And why do companies support them? Is it really that important that those girls will be programmers?
Why do girls need a different company to learn programming? Why can't they program like everyone else...
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because they are in danger of being gang raped if they codes with any males around
Yes, it is important the more women program because it reduces wages for programmers. Companies don't care about diversity.
girls cannot be trusted to make decisions, and lack the ability to teach themselves skills, and must be coddled and babied into becoming cheap wageslaves.
Because is a fucking scam scheme but the only people (americans and euros) that for some stupid reason (brainwashing maybe) doesnt realize the obvious
More people in programming reduces wages, so government is pushing hard as fuck to get women into the industry because it doubles the workforce available.
Because they're faster at learning and better at programming - I mean look at that, we now have 11463 new fully qualified programmers since 2014 thanks to a non-profit organization. Computer science programs for boys can't even compete.
Yea but for real most of these people arent worth a shit. As long as you are good they will never be able to replace you no matter how many girls code.
Its just another way of promoting your product.
Girls/Women are gullible enough to fall for the 10 000 year old meme "you are special", and companies that has now resources (like Django) or others that are just cheap, take advantage.
They (the girls) still cant code, but they make the product (at least) popular.
Fuck off Ivan, you are the brainwashed for thinking communism was ever good. We do realize all this bullshit, but we keep our mouth shut out of good manners, and the fact that even this is true, we do make some huge profit out of it.
It's just a PR meme
Pay it no mind user
>django girls
>a bunch of guys also on the photo
That's not the point. The point is that increasing the supply of something (programmers) lowers the price (your wages), and the fewer well-paid employees, the happier companies are.
They also need people to do the actual coding.
Whit minds like yours world is gonna spin fast!
Remember when feminists kept crying that "women get paid 70 cents per dollar paid for a man"?
Companies took this as a business opportunity, and they will never have to pay another full dollar again.
idc about this, the more women in IT, the less time I have to spend arguing with my autistic subordinates. women are better drones
Have you guys ever been in a guild and it's bro af and then a girl joins and everything goes to shit?
Fucking based, /thread
They are statistically lower iq, like niggers, so they need a slowed down teaching, with lots of hand holding.
this. this was the original reason women entered the workforce in the first place.
all because of rich fucks want cheaper labor and make more $$$$$$hekel$
they dont give a fuck about declyning birthrates because of it and replacement by muslims/niggers
They don't care. Women do things for fun. Men are ambitious and competitive and that takes the fun out of it for women.
The difference in IQ between men and women is super small, like a small fraction of the difference between whites and blacks.
I want more women in tech im lonely
The median difference is small. The bell curve as a whole is VERY different, though.
This. This. This. Men do things to crush other men. Women do things to impress other women.
Truly dedicated programmers can become experts just by searching Google.
I don't get it.
>Men do things to crush other men. Women do things to impress other women.
>Women do things to impress other women.
I dont understand women.
But holy shit this explains why women are always taking pictures of literally everything they do or make so their friends can see.
Hmm, i guess that why women only play mmorpgs.
They're faster at concrete things but they're disadvantaged when things increase in abstraction and complexity.
Yes, greater male variance is basically established fact.
>muh startup
>muh dropbox acquisition
Still not implemented and nobody cares. Also she tried to make the next release of linux device drivers, but nobody cared. lel
>infiltrate the place
Women start a lot of coding groups because they were never better or smarter than their male colleagues.
They want to stand out, so they sabotage other women by teaching them poorly so they will never get a job over them.
girls should have their own programming language.
It's called ruby.
>Because is a fucking scam scheme but the only people (americans and euros) that for some stupid reason (brainwashing maybe) doesnt realize the obvious
>look at promotional material for young women programming organizations
>75% of the women are chinks, indians, muslims, etc
and python