The meat thief

>It's OK for me to steal this meat, I wasn't going to pay for it anyway.
Another night which you'll spend torrenting software and games. Yet no one has ever been able to figure out how to justify that it isn't literally exactly the same as stealing.

Copyright infringement is stealing. Even the GPL wouldn't be possible without copyright. Free Software is protected by the same ideas as everything else. You're a hypocrite if you think companies should respect the GPL but you don't have to respect copyright on other works.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck you op

You're right. I respect copyright. I even go as far to anonymously report copyright infringements.

Come on, OP. Fucking children know this stuff ain't theft.

I don't try to justify it.

I probably wouldn't do it if it weren't such a risk free crime.

I do think if I ever worked hard and created a product, I'd be mad/sad that people were downloading it without paying, but I don't care.

Everyone is more successful than me so I revel in being the piece of shit I am that gets free stuff.

Stay mad, buyfags.

>literally exactly the same

A customer who had no intention of purchasing a product, who makes a copy of the product and then uses it, has cost the business nothing. You are not entitled to my money. If you want me to buy a product, make it fairly-priced.

>lving in europoor
>not pirating

You can only choose one, and i'd rather spend my 200 monthly disposible euro on food and physical tech

Would you invent meat duplication technology, that would take any piece of meat and duplicate it in a couple of seconds, where the duplicate is completely indistinguishable from the first piece, and all it would take was a little electricity to do the duplication, then not use that technology to solve world hunger?

>It's OK for me to steal this meat, I wasn't going to pay for it anyway.
Funny you mention that...

"In general, the results do not show robust statistical evidence of displacement of sales by online copyright infringements. That does not necessarily mean that piracy has no effect but only that the statistical analysis does not prove with sufficient reliability that there is an effect."


>its ok to end someones life because I want to eat it

eating meat is the ultimate theft you fucking brainlet faggot edgelord nigger

Like ol' Newell said, it's a service issue.

Most of the shit people peddle these days costs too much, plain and simple. The parity that exists between physical and digital formats is also unacceptable, why should I pay $8-10 for a digital copy of a book that will take me 10 seconds to download, that I will download once? And that's against printing and binding 100+ pages, selling and transporting a book and then holding it in physical stock until sold. Why should I as a consumer be paying more to convenience the publisher?

Then there's the DRM, which prevents me from accessing the files I've purchased the rights for unless I use an always-online application, perhaps it's tied exclusively to one platform, or encrypted or otherwise inaccessible to me on my terms. Pirates are willing to bypass this for me free of charge so I can utilize the rights I paid for on my terms.

sorry user, my place of employment doesn't respect the GPL, so I can disregard any other corporate copyright.

Hello, I'm an author. Please actually buy books. I will probably starve if you don't.

Yeah, but like, what if the thing you're pirating isn't going to be in theaters for like... 4 more days? The product is available, and I'm willing to purchase, but they aren't selling.

I love buying books user, as long as they're physical copies. Digital ones can't compare

I don't buy your stuff, I only read classics and only buy in paper. I don't buy books anymore because I want digital copies but they're overcharged for, paper is overcharged for. I paid $30 for a Phillip K Dick compilation hardcover and I can't even finish it because The Man in High Castle is shit.

Well if i will be able to go to shop and just copy meat, that will be nice.


>solve world hunger
>oh no, a small fraction of people MIGHT lose their jobs

OP you're a fucking mongloid the store has to replace the meat that she stole. If you want your food analogy to make sense she has to use some scientific device to copy the meat and leave the original meat where it was.

>not Vegan

enjoy you heart disease

Like losing job in this situation is bad. You just get "Piratebay irl machine" and you just copy food n stuff and get it for free. You dont need money anymore.

>vegans need to bring up being vegan at every chance they can get

What are you saying? Give people free food?

How am I supposed to make money from that?

yeah, basically. a company not getting their executives all a yearly $400,000 tax free 'donation' is far outweighed by the fact that people would stop starving in the streets.
>inb4 someone tries to tie me down with socialist/communist/labels
I don't like welfare leeches, but if something is provided for literally free, as in this hypothetical scenario, you can bet i'm all for everyone being able to access it

OP I'm a long time pirate. I recently switched to only buying games. You know why? Because fucking pirating helped me get into gaming. I wouldn't spend $200 every year on games if I didn't get to play vice city when I was a kid. I definitely would not own 90 games if I hadn't pirated max payne 2.

>theft removes the original
nice definition kiddo. isn't it nice to write laws that make getting shit free convenient for you? too bad the justice system doesn't recognize your """law."""

sharing data is not a crime

find a different way to make money. at least you and your family won't starve to death
i 100% agree.
there's a reason why people who get slapped with lawsuits against them for copying data get hit for copyright infringement and not theft you goon.

>nice definition kiddo
Show me concrete evidence that it's anything else?
No one gives two fucks about your laws, laws are written by those with money, and are hardly morally correct, and most often serve to continue to keep them in power, and receiving money for any and all things they claim to "legally" have.

If I copy your homework without you knowing it, I never physically took the paper from you- just copied down your math answers- is that theft? Because that amounts to what you're saying.

If that's theft, so is any reference to anything else in a movie or song or book- unless they specifically got permission to use that same chord progression, or camera angle, or phrase.

You're writing 1s and 0s to your hard disk. You have not taken anything from anyone.

Is me remembering a scene from a movie theft as well? I didn't pay to remember the ending from the movie I saw last weekend just now, am I gonna go to jail, faggot?

If there were a way to replicate food, would you still pay Mexicans to grow your food in their shit, or would you use the free replicator?

Respect is for TrapZ :

Piracy isn't theft. It's advanced Vulcan technology given to us by Spock's father.

regardless of your opinion of the ethics of copyright infringement, it is literally not theft. use a different word

>making a digital copy is the same as stealing a physical object
I mean, I don't expect Sup Forums to be rational thinkers, but you take the cake for being retarded

If you could just copy meat for free in an unlimited quantity selling meat for money would become illegal. The only money in the meat business would all be going to farmers attempting to raise the perfect cow so we can copy and enjoy perfect beef.

Making a digital copy incurs a physical cost that is different because we already PAY all the upfront costs in electricity/infrastructure/BASICALLY ALL THE SHIT THAT ALLOWS US TO HAVE GLASS GIVE US PIXELS THAT MAKE JIGGLY-WOBBLES.

The cost to consumer is consumed by producer before it is made.

Cost to create digital copy : wifi pw bruva?

Oh yes, that's a great idea actually, just give "people" more food so they reproduce by the dozens, so we end up living in macrosocieties whose idea of an individual house is the equivalent of a can of tuna.

I can't fanthom how can people so smart exist, really, just turn mankind into a plague so the quality of life goes to shit, just so the world gets so crowded you have to share your can of tuna of a house with 100 guys and you have to sleep vertically so you can fit. How did we even got this far without this? You, gentlesir, are a real genius.

Fund it. I'm already feeling the acid rain due to the increased pollution and the stabs of your average nigger whose life is resolved and goes out stabbing for a giggle.

Why do you subscribe to the slippery slope fallacy?

I pirate a shit ton of anime. Where I live there's no/very little access to actually buying it and even if that wasn't the case, I'm a poorfag who couldn't afford it. 4 years ago I wasn't even interested in anime, but since I started pirating it (and hence, being able to delve into it) I became extremely passionate about it instead. One day I'm sure my financial situation will improve because I'm working hard on it and, when that day happens, the first thing I'll do with my newfound money will be to buy all the shows I love and their merchandise.

Now I ask you this, how was pirating bad in the first place? Had I not done it I wouldn't even be very interested in anime at all. So not only would they still not have my money because I couldn't buy it, but they would possibly never have my money because I was never sufficiently exposed to it to spark my interest in the medium. Instead of being simply economically irrelevant for the company, I became economically irrelevant but with the potential to produce quite good monetary returns in the future. How do you think Photoshop became so established like it is now? If you're Adobe, would you rather some small business that doesn't have money use a pirated version of your product, or the product from a cheaper competitor? obviously the former is the better alternative because it ensures you become a monopoly in this specific market, even while "losing" the sales that likely wouldn't be bought in the first place.

>Spend time and resources creating intellectual work
>Set a price on your intellectual property to get a fair tradeoff for the time you spent, to pay rent and buy food

>some edgy kid on the internet doesn't give a fuck because he says "its just duplicantin brah, u dont lose anythin"

Really makes you think

Niggers reproduce with no end as long as you feed them, thanks to foreign food aid. As would any animal.

Why do you subscribe to mental retardation?

idiots in hollywood should have to give Alexander Bell's grandchildren a dollar, every time they use their phone. Just to show them how ridiculous their entitlement attitude is. He patented the telephone, bitches. why arent you paying royalties to his family for texting?

If a farmer grows 1000 tomatoes and people buy 300 of them. Is the farmer entitled to payment for 3000 tomatoes? some people looked at those tomatoes, and didn't steal a thing. watching a tomato is not a copyright infringement, nor is it a crime.
make ketchup out of the DVDs you didn't sell, like the farmer does.

I feel so bad for the 600 code monkeys that worked on this $59.99 AAA game with a five hour campaign.

You've never seen a white ghetto?

As far as I know, a tomato isn't an intellectual work.

Then stop being a retarded beta desperate to justify himself with shit excuses. Nobody's gonna hit you here you scared cuck.

You do steal intellectual property, nobody gives a fuck if it's physical or not.

Nice repost.

They got paid at the end of the week, dummy.
coders aren't stupid.


Does nobody remember when 'my mother/grandmother's recipe' was a thing? If that was still a thing, would we have food cost as much or be as 'chain'?

I doubt those mothers or grandmothers licensed their recipes as copyrighted. Keep grasping at straws though.

no wonder the feminist want to destroy hollywood.

Except digital copies of a file have no inherit value unlike meat.

So... you're okay with mothers/grandmothers allowing themselves to be the original 'intellectual copyright' people who got screwed?

POP QUIZ: Before 'muh family's secret recipe', what was long-term IP for?

In "Dowling v. United States, 473 U.S. 207 (1985)", the United States Supreme Court decided that copyright infringement was not theft.

If you think that you can prove that copyright infringement is theft, go do so in court.

internet users are too autistic to realize how their actions affect others

i mean come on

>i mean come on


Try english next time.

People have the right to license their recipes under copyright if so they wish. These licenses can expire however, then it should get released as public domain. Oh wait, it's like the actual law.

at least pick a song that had some value to begin with.

>irrelevant arab appears on the thread

Defend the moral right to steal intellectual work, ahmed. I'm waiting.

copyright is entitled white male shit and it goin down

What was 'before' a family secret recipe, and 'why' are you okay with that original IP concept being demolished in this day and age? Or, more accurately, BEFORE the modern era?

Intellectual Property is just a modern day translation of, "my family secret."

If you want to keep a secret, tell nobody.
otherwise gramma bend over cuz hollywood copyin her shit and tryin a sell it

I'm not ok with copyright infringement of any kind.

>demolished in this day and age

Copyright should expire eventually, like, after 100 years or something.

>Intellectual Property is just a modern day translation of, "my family secret."

More like, I have a rent to pay and food to buy you entitled piece of shit.

Get cancer chimpanzee, your life isn't worth a cent.

Copyright is not really the same as Intellectual Property. As in certain laws can only affect one and not the other, this is due to 'when' you the 'creator/owner' choose to further define your IP/Brand.

All creators are given automatic license to their work by International Law. [citation fucking needed]

>your life isn't worth a cent.
actually i'm a NYT best selling author
and I sold yall a lot of songs too

if you knew people was just gonna share music
then buying songs was a bad investment
copyright ain't worth shit

>All the Earl Grey tea that Piccard stole

both me and my dad pirate stuff

no shame, we've had lengthy discussions about how we both believe it's essentially stealing, but that it won't stop either of us.

>63 posts and 7 image replies omitted.

Anyone says Sup Forums isn't in a moderation crisis or this board shouldn't be gassed is telling lies.

It works on an individual level to some extent, but there is a reasonable demand and and unreasonable demand and most people don't cross the line. There is, however, a tendency for corporations to expect far too much money without considerations being made for individual use cases. This is where piracy comes in.

I don't want to subscribe to Adobe Photoshop which I use infrequently but extensively enough to require the featureset it offers. I don't want to pay $600 for a service that will be made inferior and lack features at the year's end. Instead I will opt to pirate it since I personally can't justify buying or subscribing to it given the price they charge. If I didn't have the option I simply wouldn't use the program, bought or not I'd use or GIMP.

Moralfag once again BTFO

i desperately want to be a janitor

Literally what?

>Let me use my matter replicator that harms no one, leaves the original meat intact and in its original state, and uses a few cents worth of electricity to make a perfect copy of this steak

hmm this is terrible LOCK EM UP

I worked in a supermarket for 2 years. You'd be surprised at how much merchendise gets thrown in the trash just to avoid price crashes.

lmao i dont give a shit

It's OK for me to steal this meat, they will throw it away anyway.

I never stole meat. I only copied it. Made from electrons I paid for, or matter in this case.

More like:
>someone buys meat
>makes a meat copy machine
>distributes the copied meat freely

He bought the initial meat, so it was paid for. Then he started copying the one which already belonged to him. Now, if I have no money, and cannot buy meat, but instead get a copy of meat from someone who bought it, how is that stealing?

>Yet no one has ever been able to figure out how to justify that it isn't literally exactly the same as stealing.
So what? No one is going to do anything about it, least of all you. Why is a justification even necessary? You going to shitpost at me until I stop?

> Sup Forums will be against piracy in my lifetime
It's time to go


They're all over the lesser civilized parts of America.


go steal nigger cock instead

'nyway i don't pirate stuff.
linux world for software
go fuck yourself to jewllywood because they only produce turds
books and cds for leisure

Good luck in the race war you iron deficient twink.

Preach away, you'll be eaten next because you are so fragile, babe.

You think people pirate because they don't consider it amoral?

Hint: Most don't give a fuck. They do it because they know they won't get caught.

People would steal from any multinational department store if they had a real-life equivalent of a VPN protecting them.

Arrr, I'm a pirate, you think I give a crap?
The only ones this triggers is hipsters and normies.

> sharing is stealing

I wonder who could be behind this post

The EU did a study into piracy then hid the results for many years. It effectively found no correllation between lost sales and piricy other than on new movie releases. In fact for music and games it actually promoted sales.

>actually i'm a NYT best selling author
>and I sold yall a lot of songs too
Yeah OK dude, either post proof or fuck off with your unverifiable claims.

If i steal meat, the meat is no longer in the store, and they lost value.
If i pirate a game, nobody is missing anything, they lost no value.

but opinions differ, so i'll let you do your thing, and i'll do my thing. just don't bother me with it.

Biggest I live in Australia and give 0 fucks.

Would I ever purchase my Netflix sized collection? No. But that's what the market gets for price gauging the fuck out of this country for all these years.

The $428,000 study that showed that piracy did not harm sales, and in fact increased sales for games?

For a lot of devs and companies, piracy is actually beneficial.

Take for example professional 3D software. It's REALLY expensive so a lot of people pirate it and use it for hobby reasons to create art. Some of them will eventually end up working in the industry, where they are required to use licensed copies of the same software. Those company licenses are indefinitely more expensive than single user ones. FAR more expensive. And the devs ultimately make alot of profit through that.

Pirating software is the best form of free promotion to people who can not / don't want to afford the product. If the product is good, it will eventually generate profit. If not, it fails rightfully.

I'm not giving my money to some shit company for products I'm essentially forced to use, just so they can hire more diversity niggers and encourage others to strip me of my freedoms, both digital and tangible.

If a company's website has a diversity statement, they're not getting shit.

This guy gets it. Copying is not stealing, you still have what you had. You have lost nothing.

P.S. - Fuck you MPAA/RIAA/SPA.

>using current year argument
>posting an insufferable authoritarian hack to argue a libertarian concept
I mean come on


It's the new wave of (straight) edge masters that found out the only way to be contrarian is to have the most mainstream boomer opinion.