So it basically means that people who did'nt go into uni to obtain intellectual skills for the labour market are done for ?
Elon Musk : 'Humans have to become cyborgs to stay relevant'
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uni means nothing. most people there are retards they just have family with money
He’s just in denial.
The machines will take over eventually, whether we become cyborgs or not.
Uni is a bit overrated. At least where I'm living.
I had classmates who weren't sharpest tool in the shed, copied most assignments from others, spending their free time playing gaymes or partying.
Having good social skills is more valuable than being smart.
They got their engineering degree.
We need to start banning certain types of technology until they can be properly unoekemehted, I don't get why people are so against this.
plagiarism is not allowed in any uni , user. What kind of shit you uni you attended that doesn't pass projects and essays through plagiarism detection algorithms?
I do believe this to be inevitable, humans are flawed in every way imaginable, and we simple evolve too slowly by natural means. But, it won't happen in the near future, at least not on the global scale. We'll probably live to see it start to unfold more radically, but, from this perspective, everything remains just a mere speculation, since it'll be AI and its "skills" who dictates our future, and chronology of it's elements.
Real problem, as far as i can see it, will be: do we, as humans, really need all these other humans? Even tho it sounds radical, i do believe that human population must be reduced to a more manageable number.
>Elon Musk : 'Humans have to become cyborgs to stay relevant'
Apparently this guy has been programming since he was 12 but the retarded shit he says makes me doubt he knows how to at all.
Humans are deprecated. I say we all kill ourselves right now and let the robots advance unimpeded by our deadweight.
Birth rates trend towards replacement level as countries reach a certain level of living standard. Human population is fine as it is and won't be a problem before we're a space faring species.
Valid argument.
In what ways you see it becoming a problem at the stage of human colonization of the space?
By natural means we just ave enough time on the cosmic scale to evolve slowly anyway so what's the rush?
We can use machines without risking them becoming skynet, to review or genetic code - add this, remove that - chill down.
*Valid argument, will research it more.
stop being so literal senpai
Never said "machines" can't be used, nor that they should be left unwatched. But, we can't predict new problems that AI will stumble upon, and ways "its" discoveries will have on our understanding of universe and ourself.
No, brainlets will become labor cyborgs
Yeah in college, near the end of the last year we were still learning rudimentary shit so for the last 10 assignments I copied huge blocks of text from wikipedia and the likes about the project, then put them through some online sentence rephraser and still got max marks in everything. You learn nothing from college, not sure about uni yet but I imagine it's similar.
>I had classmates who weren't sharpest tool in the shed, copied most assignments from others, spending their free time playing gaymes or partying.
I never understood this.
Why are they paying out the ass just and not trying?
Because it's too easy. To the point even retards like that find it boring.
Hahaha lmfao do you even believe in bullshit you said now?
because most people understand they're just there to network and get the paper
he programmed when he was 12, but he probably hasnt done anything since he sold his first company at
Yes we have to merge with the machine spirit.
Omnissiah bless these digits!
Incredible. I'm just a ludite hoping for the imminent end of the technosphere who just lurks Sup Forums to see >what robofuckers actually believe and this is what I live for.
Go to any university and people cheat. They just put effort into it. Plagiarism detection software won't help if you made some effort to write an essay yourself and just read someone's marked essay to tell you what to write.
At my university (one of the top universities in the world) people did it all the time - e.g. for coursework or lab assignments, they didn't change the assignments each year or at the most just changed the parameters of the problem. Consequently students just asked their peers in higher years for marked assignments and copied.
Too bad that things does'nt really work that way in France. Otherwise I would've done it without hesitation