Sup Sup Forums. Bit of a nub here. So are all programmers hackers? i.e...

sup Sup Forums. Bit of a nub here. So are all programmers hackers? i.e. is someone with the same expertise in a particular programming language as another who is an leet hacker capable of the same things? e.g. someone who knows sql can obviously perform sql injections. I guess the question is: is there some special bullshit that a good "hacker" knows or is anyone with the same knowledge of programming languages, architecture, etc. capable of the same shit just off hand?

If you can't reverse engineer you can't hack


Modern "hacking" is mainly social engineering and phishing. Databreaches where the hacker manages to SSH into a mainframe only happens in movies. Modern hackers need only know basic HTML, CSS, PHP, and maybe some SQL if they want to get fancy.

there is a line you have to cross to actually be called a hacker and get invited to be a member of Anonymous. it's somewhere between binding attack move to left click in League of Legends and remotely downloading Grey Alien pictures from NASA computers. I can't tell you where it is but if you think you're gonna get there using GNU/Linux, you got another thing coming

Allow me to interject: what you are referring to as “hacking” is actually the term “cracking”. Hacking refers to the alteration of an existing code or system to fit a purpose not initially intended, whereas cracking, which I do believe you are referring to, is the breaking into of computer systems.

>Are all programmers hackers?
Not even close.
If by "hacking" you mean breaking into other people's accounts and stuff that normally requires no real programming.

For malware obviously you need to be able to program but nowdays only like state sponsored cyber attacks actually infect anyone.

I would say that there are a lot of programmers who know very little about cyber security and networking and there are a lot of hackers who don't know too much about about programming.

This has always been the definition from retard IT grandpa's who wanted the infamy of the word hacker but were too dumb to actually pwn

If you aren't REing software, finding vulns and weaponising them you aren't a hacker sorry bud
Vuln research is the only form of real hacking, and it requires programming

Most people have a much broader definition

no true scotsman is only valid of the original accuser was correct in their definition. "hacking" simply refers to using any system in a way that wasn't intended by the designer of that system.


I knew fucking NASA were just britbongs getting back for the Boston tea party

i'm American and was taught to spell it 'grey', but that 'gray' was also an acceptable spelling. in the context of the popular alien species 'Gray' does seem glaringly wrong though

Gray is the American spelling
Grey is the English spelling

Same principle as colour or defense
It's not incorrect generally; although, it's incorrect in dialect.

it's grey, color, and defense.
t. american

this might be a regional thing, I learned to read in Texas, elementary schooled in various southern states and I was taught that it is spelled with an 'e'



I agree with this to the extent of not all programmers being "hackers". If you've ever used a tool in a completely unintended way you have the mindset of a "hacker". I hate using these phrases though, but "hacking" really has nothing to do with security explicitly.

>always been the definition from retard IT grandpa's who wanted the infamy of the word hacker but were too dumb to actually pwn
Except it's the actual dictionary definition you fucking retarded plebian.

>google "Stephen King Grey" to point out that best selling American mega authors spell it grey too
>first result literal title of short story Gray Matter

ya man there's no way it's "gray." that is some psyop bullshit

>using "hacker" unironically
Stop watching shitty movies, faggot.

>ITT: Edgy teenagers who don't know what hacking and cracking are