Why is Linux Mint the only popular distro with "Linux" in the actual name? Are other distros just less advanced and scared that the L word will scare away normies?
Why is Linux Mint the only popular distro with "Linux" in the actual name...
Because normies can use it.
>what is Gentoo Linux?
Mint is debian/Ubuntu you mongrel
do you look down on software that is not difficult to use? i bet the Beatles suck too, right?
>Why is Linux Mint the only popular distro with "Linux" in the actual name?
Distrowatch's stats on Linux Mint are fucked anyway, and because of Portage Gentoo is popular among the more dedicated Linux users.
Also, the mere fact that Gentoo's name is widely known means that it's more popular than 99% of all distros in existence.
I'd say that counts as succeeding.
Distrowatch just tracks everytime someone visits the distro page.
Linux Mint literally sets the firefox homepage to the Linux Mint Distrowatch page. That's why it's a meme.
>"Linux" in the actual name
Let's make a simple analogy for you.
Imagine building a web site. You decide to call your site "1337anonsite". Three months later, the implementation of your site design is nearly complete. All it's missing now is a header section with a menu.
A neighbor's young child named Linus visits you while you work, and notices that your site is missing a header section. He happens to have a header and menu that he made at school in his computer lab class.
Linus adds his header to your site. It's kind of ugly, but it's functional.
So now the child insists on calling your web site "133nusite". You say, "Look, child, I appreciate that you helped me add a header to my site, but this site has always been called '1337anonsite'." Tears dribble from the child's eyes. You feel badly about making him cry, so you make a compromise. You call it "anon133nusite".
popular is a subjective word, but you know god damn well Mint is second to Ubuntu it's just obvious (as a personal computer os to compete with Mac or Windows, not server smart guy shit)
Because calling it Linux is wrong. It's GNU/Linux. GNU comes first because it's better than Linux.
Gentoo is a Sup Forums thing, I'm old man and believe me, Ubuntu is the biggest word in Linux that isn't Linux. it used to be Red Hat or Slackware as well, Gentoo I promise you is a meme and if people know the word they think it's a penguin not an operating system
Are you stupid?
We are not talking about The Beatles.
If you are another normie crying, well. I deserve ur follow fellow bitch.
It's pretty redundant. And really most people don't actually care with kernel they run they just care about what applications are well supported.
So calling it Debian Mint or Arch Manjaro makes more sense.
Fuck RMS. He has held us back long enough. He still considers clang a problem and it's the only reason we've seen any progress for compilers in the last decade. Before clang gcc was at a complete standstill. That's what happens in FOSS. They just care until they're on top. User demands be damned. And gcc was designed to make the work clang does hard (semantic analysis of programs).
Now that there's clang they abandoned those restrictions because they need to compete again.
I fucking hate people like that. They're just political activists. They don't actually care about their users at all.
I know of a lot of embedded platforms that use Gentoo. I have no idea why.
Linux is just the kernel. It's one of the many parts an OS consists of.
Cars for example don't all have the engine type or platform designator in their names.
i mean more as a desktop os doing what Mac or Windows do, and to get to that level of 'werks' with Gentoo takes days if not weeks and there are probably less than 5,000 people currently rocking a Sup Forums approved gentoo desktop
>cars don't have engine types in their name
Right. It's hard to tell if you're joking user.
PCLinux is the best for normies afaik. Not having the systemd meme is a bonus.
I'm not. You see a fallacy in my reasoning?
is PC Linux popular though? I feel like normies wouldn't want to use anything that wasn't top 5. You can troubleshoot with google on Ubuntu based distros because the community is massive, something like 60 percent of all Linux users
I you making a lie. There's countless cars that name the cylinder count directly in their names.
If you read my post better you'd see that I claimed that not (((all))) cars have this. Sure, some have it, especially the types marketed at enthusiasts who care what's underneath the bonnet. Your typical compact grocery car hasn't.
The point is that a name is just marketing and not necessarily an accurate description of a product.
Archlinux, gentoo linux, sabayon linux, Manjaro Linux, etc.
Most of them will put it at least on their website, though usually not directly into their name. It's when you can't find the word on their site that i begin to question them. Example: Ubuntu. Count how many times they use the word Linux on the site. Not many.
>I have no idea why.
because it's extremely easy to build a system image with only exactly what you want included. The biggest problem in embedded platforms is that you don't have enough storage or enough RAM to do anything beyond exactly what the device is built for, so the ability to minify a Linux distribution is extremely valuable.
Fellow old guy here, and this is true. Been using linux almost as long as it's been around (switched in 1994 from win95 beta to slackware) and right now Ubuntu is the biggest name, where gentoo is... Well... Not.
Among the older crowd, saying gentoo conjures images of the terrible stage 1 and 2 installs of olde, and among the younger crowd their response is usually "oh, isn't that the one where you compile everything? Who has time for that?"
The biggest names were Red Hat and Slackware, then Slackware fell out of popularity because there were other distros where you didn't have to install 9gb worth of extra packages just to avoid dependency hell later. Red Hat mostly gained its popularity from two things: the installer, and them borrowing the package manager from yellowdog Linux, a PowerPC distro, Yellowdog Update Manager or YUM. After RH 9, they shifted the RH name to their Enterprise Linux group and rebranded the community version "Fedora Core" (later dropping the 'core', giving us the distro we know today)
Around the time of the Fedora Core rebranding, a small distro called Debian had started to gain a little traction, but it wasn't until MepisLinux, a Debian derived distro, that it really became a "household name" in the Linux community. A year after Mepis, which was essentially Debian with a really nicely configured KDE desktop and selection of packages to give you a practical and usable Debian system OotB, Ubuntu Linux came along and changed everything. It did what Lindows/Linaro failed to do: make Linux easy to use for anyone, regardless of their previous OS. Mepis did this pretty well, but it didn't have the financial backing of Canonical like Ubuntu and Mepis was mostly maintained by a single person.
Shortly after becoming the most popular distro fucking EVER, Ubuntu dropped the "Linux" from not only its name, but the whole damn website in a move to distance itself from the L-word, and even GNU, because they want to avoid preconceptions.
That analogy is shit, in this context. We're talking about distro names. Fatty McChimpout didn't create Ubuntu, and Linus never said shit about wanting it to be called Ubuntu Linux (which is what it was originally called)
Its because linux mint is actuall a best of user friendly distros.
Mint team knows what makes gnu/linux systems uncomfortable for users so they implement things to reduce frustration to minimum (of course some ideas like their update manger needs some work but they are on good way to improve it).
One of the biggest pros of mint is their default DE, cinnamon. This DE is so good some people use it on other distros. And intuitive for new users.
In conclusion you get free and easy to use OS, this appeals people. But it is still many potential in this distro. And if "Year of linux" happens(Probably after 2020) there is big chance linux mint will be a massive contributor in this.
Two reasons
1) you build it on one embedded system, using DistCC with a larger server cluster to build it quickly, then simply copy the installation to every other embedded system with your kernel and packages being exactly what you want and not a single byte more.
2) you end up with packages built specifically for the exsct hardware of your embedded systems, which generally renders a more resource efficient and stable system.
They could roll their own/LFS but gentoo gives the benefit of using a package manager to speed up the process which matters when parts availability means changing a chip on the newer generation of embedded and having to rebuild the install image for all of the new embedded systems. It's faster to modify the existing system than to start all over again.
Mind you, i do not work with embedded systems currently, and haven't since 1998 so this is 100% supposition.
>If you read my post better you'd see that I claimed that not (((all))) cars have this.
dude come on that's not what you meant. you clearly are just saying that so you can win this argument.
Gentoo isn't called "Gentoo Linux". It's called "Gentoo". There's no "Linux" in that name.
>tfw using clang llvm compiled kernel, LILO, fiSh and Qt based DE
as long as you're still using glibc, you're using gnu/linux
To show up first on Goolag's search engine when you type linux? Also it's suitable for former winlag users :D
this is all hypothetical and I'm replying to myself, but just found out alpine linux is a thing. they even have chromium musl-libc compiled binaries.
if I start using alpine will you GNUfags finally stop sperging out about GAHNOOOO SLASH LENOCKS every god damn thread? just throw KDE on top of it and I'm finally free
Old guy #3 here.
Mepis! Yeah I remember using that, the dev/maintainer was, I think, Warren Woodford.
Wrong, Gentoo has many more users than Ubuntu. Chrome OS runs on it.
cinnamon shills will defend this
wtf I hate whatever your problem is with this now.
where are you living?
Hire me.
OMG unpossabul I don't even
Fuck that. If it takes more than half a day to install the distro and get things set up exactly the way I want, I won’t touch it. Some of us have shit to do.