Why are Chromebooks hatred so much with a passion? Sure, buying a $500 Chromebook is plain stupid but if you get one for $200, there's no PC equivalent that can perform so well for so cheap.
Why are Chromebooks hatred so much with a passion? Sure...
>there's no PC equivalent that can perform so well for so cheap.
not when you limit yourself to "brand new"
Thinkpads nigger
Pajeets who spout "muh thinkpad" don't want their anime on the cloud because of the idea that they think anyone is actually going to take the time to look at their loli art made in 2003
Also people who actually want to be able to do things on their computer.
pixelbook has one at least
There are netbooks with comparable specs now
Last time I checked 200 dollar laptops aren't going to do much better than web browsing and word processing
I can list a billion fucking things that a potato running windows can do that a chromebook cannot.
>A potato can be boiled, baked or fried
>A chromebook can do that AND be an actual computer
You don't buy a potato to do those billion other things
they're the materialized botnet. buy a used thinkpad and install gentoo.
Sure there is. You go on ebay, get a thinkpad or elitebook for 200 bucks, like ebay.com
And then install your preferred distro onto it.
A shitty laptop running windows can archive .7z and other such files
A shitty laptop running windows can have upgraded ram and hard drive
A shitty laptop running windows can do things offline
A ThinkPad can fall from 2 feet and not break in half
A shitty laptop running windows can have a hard drive that has more than 16 gigabytes
A shitty laptop running windows can play games other than flash games
A shitty laptop running windows can use browsers other than fucking gay ass chrome
A ThinkPad can have a keyboard doesn't feel like garbage
netbooks are dead
Turning on a $200 ThinkPad 1 year in will take forever to turn on, while on a Chromebook it'll always be on in around 10 seconds
On my mom's x220 it takes 20 seconds to boot to windows 7 bub
I don't know about you but I'm playing mgstpp on my 200 dollar laptop
That's more a problem with Windows than the hardware. Ditch Windows.
You mean 7 seconds on a thinkpad right?
You're not dumb enough to compare a hdd to ssd right?
I have a Lenovo 100s chromebook
it was $175 new, its baller as fuck.
Install Crouton and run XFCE. Or do basic bitch shit on chrome OS. No probs.
10-12 hour battery life. Leave it in my backpack for a week, open it up . . . still 70% battery life.
literally nothing to hate about it. I have a Thinkpad P70 for more serious tasks.
There are plenty of things a Windows laptop can do over a Chromebook and you somehow managed to pick the stupidest examples
There is literally no reason to own a google laptop
They are literally designed as schoolchildrens first laptops
>Sure, buying a $500 Chromebook is plain stupid
Buying a $1000 Chromebook though is amazing.
I got a "broken" c720 4gb ram on ebay for 50$, 10$ for a new charger, and 60$ for a ssd. Put windows on it, and it does everything i need.
I didn't buy my chromebook to do any of that crap. I've multiple other computers for heavy lifting. My chromebook is for shit posting, YouTube, browsing, email, and the occasional remote in to one of my other machines. Plus it's way smaller and lighter than any thinkpad will be. Also crouton.
Damn, that thing is sexy
can you install a real OS on it such as gnu/linux?
nah man even the two hundred dollar ones are insanely overpriced. you can get something for half that price with better specs and more durability if you're willing to buy refurbished. and just to avoid confusion, refurbished is different than used. used is an untested as is product with no guarantees. refubished, by a reputable company is guaranteed working or they'll make it right. condition is guaranteed based on a scale of a to c. and comes with thirty day replacement and ninety day parts/labor
It's almost like I could buy 2-3 t420's for $500.
You are wrong.
My chromebook running GNU/Linux can do all that better than a windows craptop.
Because of shit hardware and the fact that ChromeOS is a Chrome browser and everything is a web app.