4K blurays just got cracked

So 4K blurays have begun to be cracked.


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source: my ass



Check usenet, check trackers, check REDDIT.

Here, you can already download the results.

cant you just capture the output frames

> Windows application
Botpot honeynet


Oh great, now the global network will be congested with shitty thieves trying to download shitty fictional media for free.
I hate pirate fags so damn much.

Because 2160p and 4320p are silly monikers. The p is also mostly irrelevant now.

any groups encoding them?


oh i believe they dont rip those blurays, they use various capturing methods.

can't wait for 1.5gb yify rips

He's not OP. Not he's job

Question. What's this DCI resolution?

4K should actually be 2K this has annoyed me more than I care to admit and caused me to have several arguments over the past couple of years.


Not even that bad when you can pick up 6TB for less than $200 nowadays.

>OP is going to post links to usenet and trackers just so user can believe something that has been going on for over a week now




Nah. 4K comes from digital cinema as 2K came before it. In movie industry screen width tend to be wider than 16:9 and the names refer to the width (see OPs pic). 1080p is to distinguish the progressive video with 1080 line vertical resolution from interlaced video with 1080 vertical resolution (1080i) and progressive scan video with 720 vertical resolution (720p).

If it's too hard for you, just memorize:
HD (Ready) < Full HD < Ultra HD

>You have to have specific supported proprietary HW in the price of several hundreds of freedom burgers to watch your legally obtained 4K bluray
>or you download the RIPs and stream it on your 6 years old PC connected to a chink 4K TV just fine

Gee I wonder why people complain about DRM.


Explain this shit to me.
I was watching 4k stuff from piratebay for years, how was that "uncrackable" or whatever?
If it was incrackable why couldnt you play it and simply record the output?

What was the problem to begin with?

You can, not sure about audio surround support though

Because they were not full rips, they were lower in quality because of this.

>check trackers
>40-70GB movies


Because that 4k was just upscaled 1080p, now the 4k is real

Fucking retard

>Oh great, now the global network will be congested
That's not how it works, Pai.

>tfw still 1366*768
>tfw no 4k curve monitor.


DVD quality is fine for me . I don't enjoy a movie to a greater extent if its in a higher resolution

16:9 is a consumer aspect ratio that is meant to be a compromise between the TV 4:3 aspect ratio and true widescreen. Which is why the horizontal 3840 is so close to actually being 4k.

They were either captured from capture cards or were netflix rips

2k is 2048x1080 and 4k is 4096x2160, it refers to the approximate number of horizontal pixels.

This. The very highest I torrent is generally around 720p because after that, any larger resolutions become a waste of space and generally aren't worth the better looking resolution

My "4k" monitor is 3840 x 2160 or something though.

>So 4K blurays have begun to be cracked.

They've been up for a while now.

It's techmically UHD, marketers call it UHD 4k to make it sound more appealing. What's funny is that they never called FHD 2k even though 1920 is pretty close to 2000.

>waste of space
>HDD space is less than 3 cents per GB now


> usenet
Somebody still uses that?

Thats never been why they called it 4k idiot. Again, DCI 2k came first which is 2048x1080p.

The human eye can't detect more than 720 pixels, morons.

Fucken oath faggot. Now get the fuck off my lawn, child, with your gay new age shit. The adults have stuff to do and you'll only fuck it up...

A year ago I thought of setting up mutt to check news, but I forgot the stuff in the end. How good is usenet compared to "modern" ( xml-based rss/atom ) newsreaders?

>Because they were not full rips, they were lower in quality because of this.
Not necessarily, if you rip it at high enough bit rate it doesnt really matter.

>filenames stripped of source & encode information
Delete everything and start over.

The more usenet dies the more it thrives.

Flavour of the month shit to shutdown: ToR, piblic trackers, file upload sites, using a terrorist messenger "telegram".

It s like people want to lurk where the cops are looking = retards.

Do research on a non usa provider that isn't controlled by jews.

Heres the global order: topsite>usenet>private trackers> everything else.

You... Really don't know what usenet is, do you?
It's more like WWW than RSS. It's a whole communication protocol and ecosystem.

>Wanting your video folder to be a complete mess.

I remuxed the MKVs too to remove their faggy names from the track titles.

No, I don't.

I also don't know what java is for because I've never tried using it.

You're pretty uneducated. Go read Wikipedia for a few days or something.

Yes, it just ""randomly"" has exactly 4 times as many pixels. It was all an accident.


Why is your news

What's so different and hard about cracking a 4k Blu-ray? Sorry, I rarely pirate anymore.

Actual 4k video is 4096 pixels wide
Films use 21:9 and wider aspect ratios, not 16:9.
Your monitor is gimped, not the 4k standard.

However I must admit that it should be 4Ki, not 4k.
4Ki as in 4 Kibipixel

That's not why the resolution has the name, that's why the name has the resolution.

How does one even get to a topsite? I mean, they're so shut off and high security against anything that I couldn't figure out how to talk to people that run them... And I've been passively looking for 2 years now.

So you be saying, that the already crisp 4k movies can get even sharper?

The 4k rips I watch is not upscaled 1080p, no matter how huge the bitrate is, you notice it.

Who said that?


Know people, or work in a warehouse and steal pre release stuff or offer hardware to groups askin.

Thas about it. Meant to replace the bbs era.. Even.private tracker plebs are locked out and they know it, .. Scene spits on p2p.

Isn't that what this thread is about?
Being able to rip 4k blurays "properly"?

Cinematic 4K is different retardo

Yeah, but ripping them doesn't magically add quality. Playing the movie from the disc will give you the exact same quality as the rip on your HDD.

it's kinda surprising that they didn't crack that until now

and it's all popcorn garbage for the unwashed masses

Occassionally nfos will have contact details. Offer something good.and.prove you aint afraid of the law and be encrypted. Thas all you can do to see if you can build bridges.

at least they're not boring like these movies made by scandinavian hipsters
jesus i hate hipsters, why don't you eat shit? almost no one does that, you would be so unique.

This might blow your mind, but 480p is 4x the pixela as 240p. Should we call 480p 4k now? Read the fucking wiki, you are legitimately the dumbest person on Sup Forums right now. 2k was first, 4k is just an extension of that same naming scheme. Protip: k means thousand.

>generally aren't worth the better looking resolution

Depends on the movie. Size doesn't matter as I usually delete them afterwards. Despite that I still grab large releases.

OK, how do I watch them? Can I play an HDR file on my xbox? how?
does MPV support HDR?

yify encodes when?

Thank you, will look into that. I'm willing to use my bandwidth to get a place among them, just don't know where to start. I'll keep looking, I guess

>mfw most UHD titles are 2K upscales

it's a real shame.

>the best looking 4k films are old ones shot on 35mm

Don't have 4k screen, gigantic filesize, eternal downloads.

Buddy, TVs haven't been 4:3 for like a decade.

>16k becomes the norm
>tfw we'll be watching 20th century moves scanned to 16k and early 21st century movies will be shitty 4k upscales
Hollywood took a pretty big step backwards.

Dumbass, that's completely irrelevant

To bad movies suck and only caters to China

If you use the words bit rate for audio or video nobody will take you seriously. Lossy fags are the worst

Star Wars the Phantom Menace was shot on film and has infinite resolution.

Attack of the Clones was shot on digital and is only 1080p.

I think Revenge of the Sith was a bit higher res but I'm not sure. Regardless theer will be no UHD versions of the two sequels.

I hate these stupid names

why can't they decide if they want to name based on horizontal or vertical pixels?

>Infinite resolution
Isn't the maximum scan resolution for film like 16k of something

>Lord of the Rings was finished with special effects only rendered at 2k

I remember seeing someone say that 35mm film was equivalent to ~17k but I haven't looked into it

Burden of proof you fucking, scum.

wait, were films superior "FHD" / 2K even during the tape/DVD era? I never noticed but i didn't know we had resolutions that good already

DRM more like cancer

Film is much higher quality than any resolution you're going to be seeing any time soon.

Couldn't you just use a capture card?

nigger, people going to the theater in the 1930's were seeing the equivalent of 4k screenings back then. People who grew up on b&w tv and subsequently VHS have no idea what they're talking about
no, shut up

Stupid question but are all the Bluray torrents that are out now just the digital version of a movie or was it already cracked from dvd?

this question is lacking in technical literacy by such a large margin that it doesn't even make sense


>implying Sup Forums news is a political argument

Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

>asking you to prove your retarded statements is a Sup Forums thing to do
wow you’re retarded

i'm not sure what you're asking, but i'll try to clarify some stuff
>Bluray torrents that are out now just the digital version of a movie
a bluray disc already contains a digital movie
>was it already cracked from dvd?
the way 'cracked' is used here suggests you might be mistaking cracking for a form of copying. cracking something means to remove or circumvent some form of protection, it can help the process of copying, but it is not a form of copying in and of itself
>from dvd
we're not talking about dvd's at all, please don't confuse all disc-based video media as being "dvd's", dvd is a specific standard, which is not related to bluray, the shorthand for a bluray disc is "BD"