Just curious, how can anyone support this company?

Just curious, how can anyone support this company?

Literally created an illegal monopoly so they could get away with releasing tiny incremental upgrades and charging ridiculous prices for years.

Why the fuck would anyone support a company that fucked them over so hard, for so long?

Because they are the performance leader and the competition isn't.

Intel will forever despise Intel for netburst and Itanium, and will always buy AMD for saving us from that hell.

Intel is not a monopoly with ARM around.

>Literally created an illegal monopoly
Through entirely legal ways

>so they could get away with releasing tiny incremental upgrades and charging ridiculous prices for years
It's almost like a company needs to make money not release a brand new architecture for half the price as the previous one and get investment return for their efforts

>that fucked them over so hard, for so long
They don't give me free/cheap things so DEY WUZ EVIL WHITIES N SHEEEIIIITTTT
Neck yourself you fucking poor communist.

Better than anything you've ever done.

You can't build a pos loadout without intaids, nvidiaids and microshit windaids.

They make superior per core mainstream processors.

Have you seen how the 8700k slaps AMD's Ryzen offerings in gaming? Even on CineBench?

I would gladly get the 1900x if I was building a high end HEDT system, but for a main machine I would get the 8700k in a heartbeat.

I mean yeah Intel is lazy as hell, and only does "generational leaps" when AMD throws fire under their ass.

Nothing new under the sun...

Jews have been doing this for thousands of years. That's why they were kicked out of Europe so many times as they kept cheating and lying to Native-European people.

>Through entirely legal ways

Is that why they were fined billions of dollars for it?

You are blatantly wrong you retard.

Looking at the Guru3D and Anandtech benchmarks the 8700K is below the Ryzen 1700 in multithreaded, but much more expensive, especially when you consider the motherboard cost.

>pic related

Think I'd prefer not to pay a company that fucked me over for a decade for a minor improvement when there's other options around.

>Through entirely legal ways

They literally paid OEMs billions of dollars not to use competitors products. And they have been fined for it by the EU, and soon probably by the American legal system too.

The 8700k overclocks with ease and the Ryzen doesn't (due to architecture).

You can easily match the 8700k to the 1700x and even the 1800x with a simple overclock.

Also remember, the 8700k is a 6core and the ryzens are 8 core.

Cinebench is a multi-threaded application, unlike most common apps like Adobe stuff or gaymes.

>Literally created an illegal monopoly

Part of the blame goes on microsoft as well

You can't afford either so who cares?

>Through entirely legal ways

>unicorn lake
Oy vey!

t. JayzTwoCents, Gamers Nexus, Paul's Hardware, Bitwit, Tech Deals, LinusTechTips

DELET. Fake lake is better. Don't talk shit about intel.

tech deals is pretty impartial

>he thinks AMD are any better

These companies aren't your friends or worth shilling online, all they are in the end is your money.

Be it Intel, AMD, Nvidia or someone else.

Keep drinking your own kool-aid.

t. Adored TV, Hardware Unboxed

>he thinks AMD are any better

good point, remember that time AMD was fined billions of dollars for conspiring with OEMs to lock out their competitors from the marketplace?

>muh 20% extra FPS when using a 1080ti and 144hz monitor
Neither of which the endless shills actually own.

AMD are basically intel. Practically exactly the same tech only stolen and rebranded.

>""""supporting a company""""
I just buy things that suit my needs better and couldn't give two shits about the brand name. Get a life, autismo.

AdoredTV is more of a blind Nvidia hater than AMD fanboy desu.

>Through entirely legal ways
You mean like those kickbacks to Dell that went on for nearly a decade?

This. Companies that produce closed-source hardware are after your money, not your well-being. Maybe RISC-V will change that. Maybe not.


It gobbles power for breakfast to beat the 8 core Ryzen CPUs.

Stockholm Syndrome, Apple's use of their processors after dumping PowerPC, and generally gaymen kiddies that get Intel sponsorships, so everyone thinks to be a 1337 gaymur you need Intel.

>2 disinfo shekels have been deposited to your shill account

Good goyim. Keep spamming the lies.


wait so you're saying we can easily jump through hoops for an unguaranteed boost only to match a cheaper product ? sign me up rabbi

I'm a Jew and I have no Idea what you guys a on saying. Jews a smarter because with get forced to learn. We need money to live just like you. I voted for Jeb bush.


The 8400 uses less power than a four core Ryzen chip and outperforms the eight core ones.

Really makes you think.

>another pls buy ryzen thread
I'd don't support a comapny you fucking shills. I buy whatever is best for my needs.

Jews are the blight of the earth.

The EU legal system is cucked as fuck. Shut the fuck up.

How does it feel to know that your entire worldview was dictated by a heroin junkie failure who ended his worthless existence like a coward over 70 years ago?


They can't be open sores and sell products simultaneously.

One expulsion explained, 358 more to go

This is why the 64-bit architecture is known in many circles as "amd64".

>entirely legal
is that why they have been sued for monopolies in several different countries all with separate evidence, and are being investigated by 2 more?