Hi folks,
I really want to buy into the Thinkpad meme seeing how they’re much better than gaming laptops overall thanks to /tpg/, but the problem is I do play some mildly demanding games.
As far as I’ve seen there isn’t any Thinkpads with a decent GPU, the best I’ve seen is a GT 940MX (might be wrong) which is only enough for 720p lowest in many games, or won’t run them at all. So, I need at least a GTX 960m or GTX 1050 is needed for medium settings @1080p.
Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Thinkpads are bad, but I’m asking if my only choice is to buy a gaming laptop. I’d really would prefer not having to buy a gaming laptop.
Just trying to make a good purchase here. Thanks in advance.
>Some background information, I’m using a shitty laptop from 2010 with integrated graphics and first generation i3, I also have a desktop with a GTX 680 which is decent enough for me at 1080p.
Hi folks
>buy into the Thinkpad meme
Care to elaborate?
Grow up and stop playing video games. Thinkpads are for productive adults who contribute to society. Sorry if it can't play CSGO at 1080p, you fucking manchild.
Well, I expected a response like this anyways. Firstly, I don’t play neo-Sup Forums tier games like fucking Overwatch or CS:GO, secondly adults play games too so stop pretending, thirdly if you don’t have anything to contribute shut your fucking mouth.
>adults play games too
>this is what the average manchild actually believes
I bet you’re at your 40s with a 6 figure salary? Or more likely, you’ve nothing accomplished in your miserable life, wasting time in Sup Forums and spilling out your insecurity? Right?
>Firstly, I don’t play neo-Sup Forums tier games like fucking Overwatch or CS:GO
> secondly adults play games too so stop pretending
Manchildren play games. Games are for children. Well adjusted adults do not play video games.
>thirdly if you don’t have anything to contribute shut your fucking mouth.
I am contributing. By telling you to kill yourself, in making this board and ultimately the world a slightly better place. Hopefully you'll get so upset that you'll return to reddit and never come here again.
>Care to elaborate?
not him but we all use macs here. only the small niche group use stinkpads because they don't have 1k to dish out on an actual laptop
[citation needed]
Honestly so tired to reply to your bullshit. You’re talking like you’re the ultimate authority of this board.
ur joking, right?
imagine being so insecure about your hobby that you fall for uninspired bait this hard
person who sucks at videogames detected
>Honestly so tired to reply to your bullshit.
Yeah but you did it anyway. Maybe you should take a break and go relax with your call of duties, have some fun and never contribute anything to society.
>not him but we all use macs here
No, we don't. Speak for yourself, autistic son of a bitch
Considering I haven't played one since high school, yeah I imagine I probably do "suck" but that's not something to ashamed of. It doesn't bother me in the slightest whether or not I'm skilled in an activity designed to distract small children with lights and sounds so their parents can get a break.
I love it when NEETs with lives full of failures tell others stuff like "you contribute nothing to society" for whatever reason, they try so hard to convince themselves that there's worse people than them
Never change, Sup Forums
sucking at video games indicates mental deficiency. please stop getting mad at others because you have the reaction time of a sloth
no sane person buys apple
You’re a tough one aren’t you..
>I-I don’t play games.. Gaymes are just flashing lights, they’re for CHILDREN! I’M AN A-ADULT!!
came here to post this
thinkpads are great for cad and shit. buying a thinpad for gaming is like buying a mac for gaming - sure, you can get away with it in some games, but they're a waste of money if you want to play muh witcher 3. get some gay acer gayming shit if you don't care about the battery dying after 2 weeks
I love when manchildren project their insecurities onto other people. Afraid to admit playing games is just a form of escapism to distract yourself from your pathetic life? That's fine, have fun.
There's probably the P-series Thinkpads, but their GPUs are workstation tier quadros which are frankly overpriced if you want to game on them. Older Thinkpads have an expresscard slot which could be used with a eGPU, but since you have a desktop that kind of defeats the purpose. It's really sad but there isn't really any good gaming laptop with Apple or IBM tier durability or true minimalist/utilitarian aesthetic.
If you're forced to look for a gaming laptop, go look at the Razer Blade or one of Clevo's (Sager if you're an American) offerings. Best of luck OP
>no fun allowed in a successful man's life
>I love when manchildren project their insecurities onto other people
That's exactly what you're doing onii-fãm
Kek I'm not even upset, me and my friends on the bus are laughing like freaks at your bullshit
It's more sad than you could ever understand if you think a person can't have fun without playing video games. The money you've wasted on games could've been spent on so much more enjoyable activities. A gaming computer could've been a plane ticket to a foreign country, a wonderful experience that will stay with you forever.
>, me and my friends on the bus are laughing like freaks at your bullshit
>He's so poor that he has to choose between a PC and an airplane ticket
Ooooh, NOW I understand your butthurt
>on the bus
Not surprising you're on a bus, children ride buses. Oh, I guess it is time for school to start. Have a nice day, hope you don't get too much homework, that would cut into your video game time.
>I'm more mature than you
>I'm riding the bus with my friends arguing with someone on Sup Forums
Take the L and leave this thread, try again somewhere else
Thanks for the response. Now to think of it, Thinkpads have thunderbolt 3 ports right? How practical is it to get a tb3 egpu enclosure? I could use my gtx 680 with it. I don’t need 100% efficiency.
Not wasting money on garbage doesn't make one poor. I could buy a lot of things I don't need but not buying them is called being fiscally responsible, something I wouldn't expect a child to understand. Your mentality is why people live paycheck to paycheck and accrue debt, while people like me retire early. You'll still be working while I'm drinking tea on my wraparound porch watching my grandchildren play in the yard. But enjoy your youth while it lasts. Go buy the newest shiniest gaming pc. Will games still be fun when you're working 45hrs a week when you're 60? Well, we'll see.
I'm going home from college, I'm studying Computer Science. Sadly I can't game today because I have a part-time job, a bank asked me to make some Selenium bots to automate some tasks, and they'll pay me $15.000 + additional charges for technical support for two years; but I'll play in the weekend and have lots of fun
>gaming on a laptop
'please' leave
stop baiting the retards
stop taking the bait, retards
Stop baiting the retards
>counter argument
Stop taking the bait retards
Never change Sup Forums
It is scientifically proven that video games are for adults.
>children don't lie about their age on the Internet
Oh wow $15000, that'll buy you a ton of video games. How many levels can you get in Halo with that much? All those middle schoolers you're playing with will be so jealous of you.
>he's in college with a part time job
you're in absolutely no position to be bragging kiddo
Yeah, there are thunderbolt ports on the more modern Thinkpads, but I have no idea how they fare with eGPUs. There's alot of TB3 EGPU enclosures these days, it depends on where you are. From what I gather they're somewhat (trans)portable, but they're best suited for say for use in a docking situation.
I'm not into FPS, I prefer stuff like Kingdom Hearts, Mirror's Edge and NieR Automata, I don't play lots of multiplayer games, but I have Rocket League and Dead Rising; sometimes I play visual novels like VA-11 HALL-A
I'll probably buy 2 or 3 games, I'm not an hardcore player, I just want to relax and live good stories. Games like the ones I play are more like art
Yeah, I'm really a poorfag for having a job that gives me more money in a shot than what you earn in a year
>Yeah, I'm really a poorfag for having a job that gives me more money in a shot than what you earn in a year
you wish
Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like I cared about your children's games. I know I asked a question but it was facetious, I thought that was obvious. It's kinda funny seeing how excitedly you started prattling on about it, though. It's like when I ask my nephew what his favorite dinosaurs are.
No, I'm sure
Don't worry, you'll find happiness one day
Now, that's been fun, but now I'll eat lunch. Have a good day and less stress in your life
>gayymeees aree for chiildreen
>im mr adultman, doing adult stuff
I don't get it, if you're going to go for a meme laptop why not just shell out for a military grade resilient one? Why go halfway?
Yes, that's right. Games are for children. I'm glad we agree.
Thinkpad are designed to run work related programs well, not video games.
From my point of view you have two options
>build a seperate gaming rig and leave it at home, while using a thinkpad for work
>buy and ideapad, might look a little gamingy, but will do it all
>too dumb to understand the joke
pic related
>its you dumbass
Dude, you're litteraly taking the bait, stop emberassing yourself
Is this your first day, you sound like someone who learned a bit of Sup Forums lingo from r/Sup Forums and decided to join le sekrit club
What are you actually playing that won't run on, say, the HD4000 in a T430?
Because it'll run Starcraft 2 or Dwarf Fortess or Vampire: The Masquerade or GameCube emulators or even Skyrim so what else do you really want
Look at my Photoshop skills
Also nice phone post; your phone and your compy totally have the same IP rite