Stop using full live ISOs to install Linux distributions. Use network installers instead.
But what if I want to save the iso for use after linux is outlawed?
How would you install it on an offline computer, faggot?
Why? Optical media and flash drives have less points of failure and higher install base.
Who the fuck cares? If you use a decent distro the package count won't matter at all.
I have 4600 packages on my workstation and everything works as smoothly as when I installed it via a netinstall and without a GUI.
As a friendly reminder: Arch base installation is way more bloated than Debian's Ubuntu's OpenSUSE's or Fedora's.
> Use network installers instead.
You clearly didn't deal with offline installations.
vir/g/ins use their computer for watching anime and circlejerking in fetch breads. They bully the high package count people without understanding that a single package on Arch equals 3+ on Debian/RHEL based distros and that people actually work with their computers and keep the same installation for years instead of re-installing their minimalist arch every week.
Good boy.
>use network installer
>connection randomly drops for 3 minutes
>lol ur install is fucked
>still having an unreliable network connection
who the fuck knows where I'm installing linux
it could be straight onto the mcdonalds wifi router
it's gonna need to have a solid connection to the internet and not everybody does, especially in 3rd world USA
Upgrade your shitty wifi or buy a fucking ethernet cable ya dooker.
It's not about package count, nigger.
When you use a network installer, you get to choose how you want your system configured during the install, and instead of having to update your packages after the fact you get the latest packages immediately.
Usually you have some basic purpose for your install. Want a desktop system? Select your DE and applications you know you're going to use and the installer installs them for you. You'll get it all done in one go and your system will be ready to do work after installing it, instead of spending hours downloading a 4GB ISO so you can spend hours updating everything and installing the software you want after the fact.
>3rd World shitter connection drops randomly for 3 minutes
>installer waits and continues when the connection is back
>hours downloading a 4GB ISO
Do you know what year it is? I can download that shit in a minute.
I'm sorry, I assumed you were American. If you can download that shit in a minute, why aren't you using the better method of installing Linux in the first place?
I don't install Linux often enough to care about the way I install it. Anyways, I use netinstall because I'm used to it. I like Debian's netinstall and I've never even tried the live one.
Oh, okay. Debian's netinstall is quite good indeed, I prefer opensuse though.
>installer waits and continues when the connection is back
Yeah well can it handle waiting 30 minutes? 3 days?
How long does it take before the thing fucks up?
Windows never gets network installs right
only worthwhile if doing it multicast
because then you can finally say you manually and intentionally used multicast for something
otherwise offline setup is just better
Full ISOs can install a complete system withotu internet access.
On the other side, when connected to the internet the installer will ask if you want to pull the latest binaries from the web, resulting in the exact same system as when you used a network installer.
I usually get the network installer because a 200 MB image is written to a flash drive faster than a 1.5 GB image but that's really the only reason to do this.
Oh, and booting the ISO with "toram" is obviously faster with a small image.
Dude, this is a thing for a while now, just like the 360° walk away thingy.
pico brainlet
I bet you're one of those people who used onlive.
How can I verify it then.
>walk away
Newfags being better than oldfags tells a lot about neo Sup Forums
>using a distro with such a slow package update cycle that they even bother to offer a full live iso
Do you want to install a system that's totally outdated the second it's installed?
yea well guess what faggot my image timestamp is lower then yours so looks like your actually the newfag heh owned kid
First time I downloaded Debian (2009) I burned all DVDs, how about that OP?
And this is a good reason to
I've had the same Arch install for over a year m8
I use Arch because it just works.
shut the fuck up maurice
>save ISO for use after Linux is outlawed
>still installing Ubuntu 19.04 on your machines in 20 years
My install media are rescue media for the OS they install, they get used to rescue other and customer computers, and sometimes I run them live on shop PCs I can't be arsed to fit with a hard disk. It's trivial to download .isos so I do.
It was trivial to download .isos in 1998 on muh Win98SE Celeron 400 via dialup by using a download manager. Eatabaggodix.
Yup been doing this for years.
>implying that even the fastest and most expensive internet connection NEVER goes down
Give me a fucking break. Bad weather, lines being severed by a falling tree. There are all kinds of reasons for a connection loss that can’t be blamed on the user.
My download speed is 500kbps the fuck do you expect me to do?(no i cant get a better connection cuz its 3rd world shithole
aka Devuan netinstaller