Alright, Sup Forums... Name a better game engine than Godot

Alright, Sup Forums... Name a better game engine than Godot.
TIP: You can't

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javascripting language

What's the point of a discussion if we apparently can't name one
sage for shit template thread.


This with Typescript


Idk löve?
It's not like it matters what you use

He didn't say to name the worse.

Unreal Engine, always best engine.

>open sores

Notice how he says TIP and not protip because there's nothing pro about Godot.

>binary requires pulseaudio (at least I assume that's what is supposed to be from)
>ok I'll just compile from source and see if I can disable that
>build system is not CMake(or make) but some python based crap
I tried giving it a chance but that shit is not even slightly accessible to autists. Just find libraries for every individual thing you need in your game and put it together.


>libraries for every individual thing you need in your game and put it together
t. never developed a proper game

GM:S 2.

Their naming scheme is amazing isn't it?
AnAL... HUMP...


C++ (using C idioms as much as possible) with Lua all the way.
Lua's language design is elegant and paired with the power of C you can make excellent games.
Dependencies: glfw, openGL

That's not an engine, that's a language.

I'm kind of new to programming, currently learning JS and Lua. I was hoping to learn the Lumberyard engine, but I definitely want to learn how to build things with openGL. I don't know what you mean by C++ with a focus on C idioms. Should I just learn C and Lua, if I wanted to mess around with small projects?

MT Framework

I want to learn how to make games. I am still learning programming basics with python. After I finish this what engine should I go to try and fuck around?. Is it Unity and Unreal ok for learning the basics? How good is Godot? I want to focus more in the programming side of game development.

Godot or GameMaker Studio 2. If you want bloat then Unreal Engine. Unity is garbage.

Godot is legitimately easy and fun to use, I like it. Unreal and Unity seem so cumbersome by comparison, and you have to sign up/make accounts and they have all these jewish terms and conditions in order to use them

give me a quick rundown on godot

>I don't know what you mean by C++ with a focus on C idioms
It means he's meming.
As for your ambitions


Thank you! I'll check these out

maybe once 3.0 comes out and i can program in c++ without having to compile it together with the engine itself

>not developing your games in ncurses and ascii
fucking newfaggs ruined this place with their meme tech


>the code for all of your games is forced to be open so you can't even monetize your shit
Fuck off

both are open source now

I'd say löve is ok for prototyping something, since it comes with a lot of shit out of the box, so you can quickly write anything with no hassle installing libraries, dependencies, etc... But I wouldn't use a LUA based engine for production, for that reason you mentioned.

Yeah. It's fine for small hobby projects.

>You can use it freely for commercial purposes with no limitations.

this is from their webpage

1.You can sell things using opensource or at least gpl. (löve itself is libzip license so commercial products are allowed)
2.i am no game dev i just tried something for fun
3.if i ever made a game i would provide the source code just because people might want to learn how to make a game(keeping art ,names and other shit copyrighted of course)

You don't get it. Your game will be editable by anyone and easy to pirate. There's no way of getting any money from a löve project.

Open source engine, really good (possibly the best) for 2d, starting to move into 3d but not as good as most other 3d engines

Also has its own language, I dont really know what thats like

Most winfags dont know how to compile jackshit. I do not care if it is editable(technically minecraft is editable too)
I would never even dream of putting drm in my software. It would be like GoG anyway so i dont care.

You don't need to compile anything.

LibGDX is pgut, hates will say it's not an engine, but just cause it doesnt have autismo-friendly GUIs doesn't mean you can't make games in it.

Duckgame is made in LOVE2D and I'm pretty sure it made a very good profit.

>editable by anyone and easy to pirate

you mean like fallout and skyrim games?

>literal garbage games made by retarded jews
Nobody cares

> I dont like it so it doesn't count
Fuck off



Do I need to know programming/coding to use it?

yes. unless you don't consider visual scripting programming, but it is programming

>hey guys I'm just the idea guy. Can I make games by just doing right click>new game>genre, and just importing sprites? XD
You need to know programming to make games in anything that isn't shit.

>If you want bloat then Unreal Engine

or if you want a 3D game that looks good use Unreal Engine. If you want to do a 2D hipster game use RPGMAKer, Godot is a meme software like most things in open source.

It's not for indie devs.

>if you want a 3D game that looks good use Unreal Engine

Um no, PUBG is made in UE4 and it looks like dogshit

>or if you want a 3D game that looks good use Unreal Engine.
if you had the budget for a 3D game that looks good you wouldn't be asking Sup Forums NEETs about their worthless opinions on game engines in the first place

>hey guys I'm just the idea guy. Can I make games by just doing right click>new game>genre, and just importing sprites? XD

Isn't that how Clickteam Fusion works? And there's plenty of decent games made with it.

Wrong. Mineycrafta looks like shit and it has sold more than all the million budget Cock of Doody games.

opinion discarded

>Tomb Raider fan game

They are ASKING to get C&D.


what suprises me is the lack of "adult" games made with löve

I will never not shill UE4

Now to inject some intelligence into this thread

I love the movement of source, but it's so stilted on Gold Source which is stilted on Q3 Arena. There's nothing wrong with that, exactly, but it's big and clunky. There's a lot to be desired. Hopefully they're building Source 2 from closer to the ground up.

Dubs tell the truth

Read again.
>that isn't shit
Clickteam fusion is garbage and so are 100% games made on it. I haven't seen a single game made in it that is better than a 2005. Generic flash player game. This is in no way "decent"

godot did nothing wrong

that's true, but I don't see what it has to do with my post

Game maker 6

Utter shit, I dropped it for godot despite the fact that I love coding in C#

>Moving goalposts

Godot scripting language is similar to python and next godot release will support python.

Unity and unreal aren't good for 2D games and I don't think trying to make 3D games as an ndie dev is a good idea.


>he self identify as a indie developer

> I love coding
choose one.

> C#
> I love money.

What the hell else would an independent developer identify as?

I keep hearing that 2D games are easier than 3D but I thought that creating assets for a 2D game is a fucking nightmare unless you are a pixel wizard.

Tell me Sup Forums, what can you do with a game engine aside from making games? They have sound editor, video editor, renderer, IDE, graphic scripting language, etc.

Those are a lot of tools to be wasted in doing childish things like games.

C# is a nice language. And with Mono I can run it anywhere I want/need.

Do you even know what a game engine is?

According to Wikipedia is a software platform to make games.

>I haven't seen a single game made in it that is better than a 2005. Generic flash player game.

Freedom Planet disagrees.

Choose one.

>have to learn some custom memelang because they're too good for lua
no thanks

All these shitty Closed source game engines.

The best Open source one is Torque.

>C++ and C#

I love how godot has grown and I think it's a great engine but unfortunately it's missing a lot of features present in UE4 which are extremely important for my productivity. The foliage tools especially are fucking awesome.

Godot is open source MIT

I would love godot a whole lot more if it supported ECS out of the box and autovectorized and parallelized operations on data. For this reason I might actually switch to Unity when the C# job system is released. I'm considering forking Godot 3.0 and overhauling it for ECS though since the devs say they will never support it in mainline.

Do you wanna compare Godots shitty games to Torques decent games?

What's a nice engine for visual novels? Is renpy still the most recommended?

Game Maker Studio 1.4 is the best, the new interface of Studio 2 is horrible

ENIGMA would be perfect if it was more stable

Your own game engine made in fucking Haskell

No, Godot has no decent games. Just figured you didn't know it was open. It's a decent engine but its userbase is literally all mexicans trying to make the new flappybirds.

not an argument

Kirikiri Z


I am using it right know an i think is easy for 2d games but it is a framework and a engine. You were supposed to know the difference.

UE4 is open source you dumb retard

*not a engine