Tfw pajeets killed firefox

>tfw pajeets killed firefox

Well who else, really

High salaries killed software development in first world countries just like mass production was killed decades ago.

Nah, innovation and DIVERSITY killed it.

Palemoon all the way.


>Palemoon all the way.
My nigga

Who waterfox here

Too bad there isn't anything half as decent as FF.

firefox was cool when I was like 15.

I haven't used it in years

quick, midori or palemoon

nevermind midori development is fucking stalled

but firefox has improved immensely over the past 6 months

>we censor our add-ons

Waterfox all the way.

>we're slower and buggier

Firefox Nightly all the way.

tfw pajeets killed the entire industry

High salaries means companies are encouraged to outsource or start departments in developing countries where people will work for less.

The bleeding edge of social awareness.

I pretty much switched to Chrome already... It's sad seeing what Firefox is becoming.


Cyberfox is dead, I don't know how much longer waterfox and pale moon can go on their own

What's the story?

>software engineer
>deep learning
>TU Münich
>Kearney & NIXI fellow
>500+ twitter followers
This 'Pajeet' is more qualified and more successful than you will ever be, faggot.

My dad works in nokia and he finds pajeet engineers much more helpful anf useful than the french and Italian ones. You guys hate pajeets because you are codding monkeys just like most of them. Pajeet engineers are fine tho. Id hire 50 year old pajeet instead of a 25 year old ivy league white graduate

lol, suuuure.
Until they ask your dad to do the needful

The one who is bugging him the most now is an annoying white woman called jany actually. He is a system lead engineer so its his responsibility to guide amd help others.

Btw the pajeets whk are working with him are all 40+ years old experienced guys. They aren't some young cs monkeys that just came from pooland. Sup Forums sadly thinks that pajeets can only be young java coders.

>mfw went to better school and work at better company

no one is buying your lies pajeet. The fact that there is an entire meme around how indians will try to burden you with their work because they are incapable of doing it should say something in and of itself.

Did you even read my poat. My dad doesn't work with CS fags. The only pajeets he work with are old ass experienced pajeets who would whoop your ass if you compete with them. Living and working in america for years made them better.

yeah, I read your poat pajeet. maybe you should do the needful and study your english lessons some more.

diversity vs furfags

i currently work with real pajeets living in pajeetstan and they perform well above my expectations
>You guys hate pajeets because you are codding monkeys just like most of them

>what is a typo

I work with pajeets as well. Let me tell you how it works.
First they go to school in india, which is a gigantic scam since open book tests in groups is considered normal. Businesses are getting hip to this so they use their indian degree to go to an american or european university.
When they go to the american/european university, they hire people to do their projects for them so they can just focus on memorizing for the test to get the american/european degree.
When they finally get hired by your company, they have no fucking clue how to do anything and have to be "trained" (i.e. given an entire education in days) and hence you start hearing them asking you (and other employees who actually went to university) to "Do the needful". If you have too many of them working with you, you start seeing projects being outsourced or software being licensed and purchased that you used to be able to do in house because of the incompetence of your coworkers.

On the very rare chance you actually get a talented educated pajeet working with you. You're still screwed since he will be sure to try to get his entire family hired. God forbid he is in a management position.

These 'pajeets' have successful careers based on the merits of their skills.

Meanwhile you spend your days shitposting on an anime forum.

yeah, i mean, you know how great those pajeets are at comp sci, look at all those famous ones like.....

>Merits other than checking a diversity box

>all of this could be easily fixed if anons were actually working on projects instead of designing logos for years and then spamming a technology board about which operating system to use

Have you stopped to ask why you're being replaced with them? This literally is not a problem anywhere but in USA. Maybe white americans are lazy?

Safari master race

Because they're cheap as fuck, you idiot.

To be fair most graduate degrees barely teach you anything about jobs in the real world and those people have to be trained on the job with company money all the time.

It prepares you for academia when most people aren't going into academia. We'd need better associate and trade education so that not everyone spends thousands to get a worthless meme degree and still cost the company money because it's barely useful for anything the job requires.

I'm an Indian. I'm tired of all the things people say about us. I mean, which other country is hated the most? North Korea? We're probably next to North Korea. Several people called me "pajeet", "who shits on the streets" "giv bob and vegana" as soon as I told them I'm from India. I'm now afraid of telling that I'm Indian. I feel ashamed. One person said "US should nuke India" on a youtube video about India and it got hundreds of likes or upvotes. Most of the things people say only apply to poor people and uneducated. People like me in the cities probably never saw anyone shitting on streets. I honestly never saw anyone shit on streets. At least from what I know, people don't shit on "streets" but in an open area like farmlands in villages. I keep my identity hidden and don't tell anyone that I'm Indian. I'm afraid they'll treat me differently. I keep trying to avoid those comments but they are affecting me. Not directly but indirectly. For example, read any Reddit threads about, you'll see hate comments about India. Fuck this shit

Which one?

so are white americans
except for grads, y'all overestimate your value by a good 20k/year

>white americans
Burgers have the best universities, still the public education is a world wide laughing stock.

They banned adnauseum, the same addon that was banned from the chrome web store because it was costing google money.

Basically pale moon took it down because the developer disagreed with it. Pale moon is probably never gonna live it down now

I actually believe you. It's a shame your countrymen have ruined it for everyone else. If there's a job with Indian management or if I I'm contracting for a startup run by Indians I won't work there anymore because every fucking time they'll fuck with my paycheck or try to pull something sketchy with my paycheck or Jew me in some other way.

>best universities
>diversity acceptance rates allow retarded coloreds to get into high entry barrier work environments
um sweetie?

SJW botnet
>Pale moon
Furry botnet
Some 17yo faggot's botnet

Use Chrome. Might as well use something that actually works, if you're using the internet the botnet already got you don't fool yourself.

>You're still screwed since he will be sure to try to get his entire family hired. God forbid he is in a management position.

Look at Microsoft and Google. Fucking jej.

>not making your own startups with the so called superior white males

Yeah, but Chrome don't work.

Most Sikhs I've met were pretty cool, but muslim Indians were pretty much universally despicable.

Firefox has replaces IE as the browser for third world poorfags.

>superior white males
all the white talent is in europe canada and japan
in america the closest thing you'll get is a bunch of retarded chad-wannabes ideamen ready to send you into bankruptcy

Well, thanks for shitting on the last good browser.

>every time i reveal my identity i get insults
>reveals his identity
Fuck off pajeet ranjanstreetshit most of you folks will do anything to be a US citizen , most of americans see you as filthy beggars and thus treat you accordingly.
Also don't be that mad because some ameritards called you names on the internet you are just giving them more power.

can it play yubtub video yet

If they killed it, then they should keep killing it, because 57 is the best I've ever seen of Firefox ever.

Always has

Why are burgers so touchy around pajeets? Why are you unable to compete with them?

most of the "burgers" that actually work aren't touchy at all.
How it really goes is that there are some pajeets that are good at their job, and some that aren't. Almost as if it's the same as any other race....

The reason so many Sup Forumstards and redditors are expressing their anger at pajeets is because they are "stealing" their jobs. Stealing goes in quotes because they aren't necessarily receiving the job because they're willing to work for less, but simply because they're the same level as Americans. This turn of events has led racist Americans to realize that they are not anything special, which they cannot possibly accept.

pajeets kill everything they touch

I had to work with many, and all of them were retarded in some way (or many ways). Not racist, but the truth is that most of them are stupid.

>At least from what I know, people don't shit on "streets" but in an open area like farmlands in villages.

Speaking of which, what's the deal with all the rapes that go on in these shitting fields? They have to be all a bunch of coprophiliacs for wanting to roll around in all those turds.

It's not that wages are too high. It's just that every company wants to cut costs, and our current immigration laws enable companies to do this by outsourcing American jobs to third worlders.

only the companies that can take the imminent quality drop

like mozilla

i despise pajeets as much as the next guy, but it was nu-mozilla that killed firefox, not the pajeets they employ, if you catch my drift

I'm a muslim and not ashamed at all of who I am. Stop being so insecure especially around a bunch of literal faggots.

>IIT Bombay
Frickin nerd