Ryzen is good for gamin-

>ryzen is good for gamin-

>intel literally regressing in performance

>single core game does better on Intel

>lower than 152

Why can't street shitters do math?

>muh games

>Benchmarking a sixteen core cpu in a fucking game.

>core i9 7900 btfo by 200 usd CPU
Intel is fucked.

Actually its because of AVX instruciton set that CSGO uses.

>street shitters attack 7700K for stutters
>8700K has minimum FPS 46% higher than 1700X

That's it, it's over, AMD is truly finished and bankrupt.

What? CSGO uses AVX512? AMD BTFO

Quality post, friend

I didn't know that I need 500fps on 1080p very high for csgo. Where are the 800x600 streched to 16:9 benchmarks?

All those idiots that bought Ryzen to go with their 500hz displays are getting btfo right now.

Good thing I got a 60hz monitor so those extra frames all go to waste

Why can't AMD users read graphs that have minimum framerates on them? Is it some kind of metal deficiency they have, or are they colour blind and can't see yellow?

Saying 'it works on my machine' isn't an argument, plus, the 8600K is the same price as the 1700X but BTFO's it.

I don't think Coffee Lake actually supports AVX512.

What marketshare are 240 Hz+ monitors?

Historically, does AMD deliver on sequel products or do people fall for the snake oil marketing?

The AM3 was used for a bajillion times but were the CPUs used there better from the very first one to the last?

If the next generation is merely a refinement on the current process and microarchitecture and the board has adequate power delivery, then there's no reason to believe it needs a new chipset or socket. AIB partners have admitted that Z370 is really just a rehash of Z270 and any real changes will come with Z390 later.

should i upgrade my i5-6500 to 8400 when i use a 1060 6gb?

I knew I was falling for a meme with ryzen, but I thought maybe THIS time was different. Fucking buyers remorse up to my eyeballs. Can't even claim productivity benefits, it loses in most workloads to the coffee lake and any leads ryzen does have are insignificant.

intel is literally 200% faster

nice scotsman

more than AMDs LMAO

>judging the CPU by a shitty cyka blyat infested cash cow with engine made in 2003
>not even in 2K

You aren't trying enough, Brian.

>to be released in two years

>source 2013
>made in 2003
rly makes me think

>97th percentile
>Too scared to show 99th percentile due to stutters

>AMD Haswell 2017 edition is shit
Who would have thought?

Here's ryzen being shat on in the absolute best case scenario for them with a heavily multi, threaded game, with vega, dx12 and 3200mhz ram

Are you new or something?

Given the price of the 1600 that's actually really good.

>Cannot buy it anywhere
>Microcenter charging $500 for the 8400
>Has to buy expensive motherboard because H and B series are not out until 2018
>K series uses more power
>Requires a good cooling solution
>Requires a delid to get that 5.2Ghz stable (which will only be on golden samples anyhow)
>Only 16 PCIE lanes
>Only competetive at 1080p
>Jewish tricks



Not compared to the 8400, which is cheaper and doesn't require special snowflake $200 RAM to not be crippled.

>same $200
>instead of expensive ram it requires expensive mobo
kys jew shill

And so the total cost works out the same. And you get better performance. And you'll be able to get a $60 motherboard for them soon. And you somehow think this is an argument in favour of AMD.

delid this right now

When cheapo mobos for intel come out, pinnacle ridge will destroy the whole line-up of coffee lake. Enjoy your yummy cummy, jew.

>W-We really m-mean it this time, g-guys! Just Wait™

Intel is making you wait for coffeelake anyway what else do you have to lose?

You can pair $199 1600 with $79 mb and OC it right out of the box. It has 12 threads and over time the 8400 will absolutely sour in comparison. Let's not even talk about Intel continuously fucking the customers over with their constant socket changes. Ryzen has guaranteed upgrade path, which saves you additional 150$ or so compared to Intel's.

>no real arguments
>better run the vega fail theme
Nvidia is not intel.

>Ryzen has guaranteed upgrade path, which saves you additional 150$ or so compared to Intel's.
This isn't even relevant. You don't need to upgrade your CPU for several years with the pace they're progressing at, and by that point both of them have changed sockets.


I'm not waiting for anything. My 8400 arrived a few hours ago in fact.

>It has 12 threads and over time the 8400 will absolutely sour in comparison
>muh FineWine™

The 1600 isn't ever going to be any better than it is right now. You fucking AMD fags are still waiting for Bulldozer to become relevant, after you promised all those people who bought a 2500K over an 8350 that they'd regret it in the future when MOAR CORES would see it soar over the horizon.

Besides, I'll be upgrading to an 8700K at some point, and the 1600 will never even come close to that. Or Ice Lake, if that's a better option at the time. Enjoy putting up with shit performance in the present whilst you dream of AMD one day living up to a promise.

>he thinks Ice Lake will be on the same socket
What a fucking retard

>$60 mb

Right... I don't think I've ever seen an i5 mb not totally crippled/outright shit under $90. Typically the bare minimum boards run in 110-120s or so. And when are we going to see those, 4-6 months? That's when Ryzen+ arrives and Intel is forced to abandon Coffee Lake, and pull yet another one over the customers. The ride never ends. But atleast you now have a choice: if you want to be robbed blind, buy Intel. If not, buy AMD.

Coffee Lake can't upgrade to Icelake, it's a brand new socket. Coffee Lake is a one and done platform, Cannonlake isn't coming to desktop, only it's chipset.

AMD cucks in this thread
>t-t-t-t-theres other stuff to done other then gaming!!!!
Like what?
>muh photoshop
>muh video editing
>muh VMs
who in the fuck actually does this stuff? besides intel dos it better.


>pace they're progressing at

Has just been quadrupled thanks to Ryzen. Expect massive jumps in performance over the next 2 gen. Difference between AMD and Intel is you need to buy 2 extra mbs with intel during the next 2 years if you intend to stay current.

>8400 arrives
Enjoy waiting for B series motherboards in 4-6 months!


There will only be a jump in performance if the next chips AMD releases can actually overclock well. I'll be sold on Pinnacle Ridge if it can get a nice 4.5ghz, because currently it's a hard choice between shit OCing from AMD or housefires from Intel.

>the best gaming cpu is a locked i5 with a stock cooler on it
Glad i didny meme myself into spending an extra 280 on the i7 housefire with a cooler just for gayman

It's quite believable that they will achieve 4.5ghz+ because of the node change. The name "leading performance" is more encouraging than "low power plus".

Actually Bulldozer just about caught up with 2500k and will keep improving relatively speaking in the future. Massively so.

But comparing Ryzen to Bulldozer? Ryzen is very good right now, the 1st cpu generation on totally new arch. The only reason I'd pass ryzen for is because r+ will in all likelihood get outsized perf gains and it's just about around the corner.

Hey Intel fags.

Welcome to the world competition. Without AMD you would still be rocking 4 cores right now.

You wanted AMD to die though so you could continue on your 4 core path FOREVER!

Make your fucking minds up.

Thanks ryzen for pretending to compete and getting jewtle to release good chips right when my bulldozer cpu is dyinv

Remember the FX 9590 topkek

>CPU's only matter in games!

The absolute state of Intel goys.

>A good chip
>Less IPS than predecessor
Intel is dying, they reached the peak performance of their cash cow and forgot to buy a new one.

Look how well my 187 dollar locked i5 cpu does

Does as predicted, as 6 core with lower speed.

Yeah, and what was the cheapest 6 core before coffeelake? 600 dollars? 800 dollars? Intel has been kike as fuck for like 5 generations but damn this release really changes pricepoint for a lot of people

Yes I do think there are more 240Hz+ monitors than AMD brand monitors.

But it requires an expensive motherboard you dumb kike

>Actually Bulldozer just about caught up with 2500k and will keep improving relatively speaking in the future. Massively so.
This is some AMDfag level delusion.

Where did I suggest that I thought it'd be the same socket? My entire point is that I don't give a fuck about selling my board along with my old CPU and buying a new one, because saving $60 isn't worth putting up with shitty performance.

Enjoy waiting for "Ryzen+" and praying, down on your knees, that it's not another AMD failure.

>Actually Bulldozer just about caught up with 2500k


Maybe a 9590 vs a stock 2500K in workloads that use more than four threads.

>Enjoy waiting for "Ryzen+" and praying, down on your knees, that it's not another AMD failure.
But that's AMDfriends favorite pasttime.

>Maybe a 9590 vs a stock 2500K in workloads that use more than four threads.
You do realize that 8350 has been trading blows with 2600k in multithreaded workloads since its release, right?

>buys a shitty mid-range cpu
>bwaaaa you just poor
can't make this shit up

t. someone that doesn't even own a 240hz monitor

>shitty mid-range CPU
>outperforms every Ryzen chip

Damn, Intel don't even have to try!

As for muh mid-range, I don't have any need of anything more really. I'd have probably bought an 8700K just because if they were actually fucking available, but they're not. I also considered Skylake-X, but it's trash. Even worse than Ryzen, which takes some doing! No point in wasting money on garbage.

>bottom 1% of fps
learn how csgo works and you'd know that you need only pay attention to average fps. also this is a bs benchmark as people who arent normies play at 1024x768 on low settings

Bulldozer's main issue is actually it's incredibly low IPC, even if you optimize for it performance will still be relatively weak.

>2600K release date: January 2011
>8350 release date: November 2012
>is occasionally competitive in edge case workloads

So this... is the... power... of AMD...

it is good at gaymen, it's just not the best
>Captcha related?

nobody gives a fuck about gaming past age 25, let alone gaining 10% more frames

is ryzen (more cores) or that i7 8700k better for PS/LR?

>is occasionally competitive in edge case workloads
So this is the power of delusion.

Still defending Bulldozer six years later is the actual dictionary definition of delusion. AMDfags will never let anything go, no matter how many shitty products their beloved master dumps onto the market.

>The Fury X is gonna come into its own any d-day now and low the 980 Ti the f-fuck out! Just W-Wait™!

>don't play games
>build gaming pc
Why dont you take your adult money and buy adult things instead of 350 dollar cpus?

>Over 261 average FSP on all CPUs

Sorry, my bad. Calling you delusional was overly generous, you're clearly just retarded.


because when I'm stitching together a photo or dealing with fucking huge LR libraries, I don't want to lag.

>5% difference
>shat on
What is with you faggots and ridiculous hyperbole every time you want to jerk your little dicks off to miniscule FPS differences?

Wow, that's very grown up of you

My build has i5-6500 + GTX 1060 6GB. They work well together.

>locked 187 dollar i5 crushes the entire poozen lineup

Bulldozer had worse IPC then the fucking Phenom II, let it go dude. There's a reason Phenom II x6's have aged so well, they still go for $100 on ebay. A 1055T would be a much better purchase than any of the FX CPU's.

>facetious shit replies

This isn't Reddit.

I don't know any well-functioning adults - ANY - that games seriously enough to care about the minuscule differences in frames that intel vs AMD offer. That includes people who "grew up" with the internet, who are now in their 20s.

stay mad amd fag that your "new" processors are fucking garbage with 10 year old performance. get fucked


I am a software developer and all the mid 20s and early 30s devs here game including myself. Your friends are fags

I thought you were memeing, but then I just looked up benchmarks. Beats every Ryzen CPU and on some games it's 1:1 with the i7.

Yeah my dude, ryzen spooked intel into finally giving us good deals