How to get my friends to leave this pos?

How to get my friends to leave this pos?

>having friends

My friends are ok leaving that shit, but the problem is they use Whatsapp instead.

I remember you from yesterday.

Sorry user, it wasn't me

Use messenger lite instead. You're asking how we get normies to leave Facebook.

It's still unfree and doesn't respect our privacy tho

>my friends

The only way to get them to leave is to leave, yourself. If you leave, and they're your true friends, they'll continue to contact you. If they're not true friends, they won't contact you. Simple as that, OP.

Friendships are one of convenience. If you move state you an't just say "if you're my friend, move states with me". That's very arrogant thinking.

It'd be arrogant to expect someone to spend money, yes. But it's not arrogant to get people to switch to free, superior software. I've done this multiple times: lost a few fake friends but it's always worth it in the end.

It's hard to convince everyone to change from something their used too

Correct. You won't keep 100% of your friends.

But it's either all or none

Don't, just stop using it. The ones that matter will ask how to contact you.

>stop using facebook/snapchat/botnet
>no one contacts me ever again

If that's the case then you have no friends.

get new friends

This. If everyone stays because of their friends, no one's going to end up leaving.

Leave it for what?

Anything better

Tell them about discord
Sorry but its the only thing normies will do, its like moving ""up"" from microsoft to google

Just start messaging them over sms.

Get new non-normie, ugly, loser friends.
I'm at the university right now and if you're not on iMessage, no one will fucking talk to you. All the android guys are switching to iphone because of it.

Discord isn't really a step forward I was hoping Wire or something.

get new friends

How am I supposed to do that?

US is fucked.
Glad I live on SA, here people don't give a fuck because almost nobody wastes money on overpriced Applel shit

>How am I supposed to do that?
Go to your local Linux User Group meetup.

>I live on SA
>almost nobody wastes money on overpriced
All the apple haters on Sup Forums are pajeets and other 3rd world shitposters who don't even have running water.
Stay mad Jose! Try not to die from some easily-treatable disease today.

Seriously, are you that kind of retard? You're on a board that Linux is a standard.

GTFO brainlet tech illiterate.

No hablo retard.
PS: Buy some soap with that extra money you saved today.

Alright y'all but... what's SOO wrong about messenger and what are better alternatives?

>inb4 normie

What messaging app has a desktop client for windows and linux and a phone app? That use p2p encryption

>switching free messaging app
>literally moving to a different part of the country

how are these equivalent you autist. if someone wanted their friend to share a piece of gum with them would you be like "do you expect real friends to give you 10% of their salary too? what an entitled greedy person you are"

no one uses facebook anymore

If your friends see no problem in regularly using Facebook to paste their stale memes and their occasional ignorant political commentary, you should find new friends

Wish that was true




They could only fell for another botnet.

>Tell them about discord

>recommending the botnet.

The fuck is wrong with Sup Forums fucking cia niggers

The point is too move away from the botnet

So not leaving it all. Only euroshits use WhatsApp anyway

Oddly enough only one of my friends still contact me through email if I stopped using any kind of social media applications.

That's kinda sad man

Download Signal. It's Snowden approved.

>burgerfart using euroshits
>home of the faggots and land of the condemmed
>most use imessage
really nigger? keep trying

Stay irrelevant and mad

all latin america too

iPhones are a testament to how fucking stupid the average person is. If you disagree with this sentiment, you are probably a brainlet with an iPhone.

Pajeets use them too.

Happened to me. Never had that many friends to begin with.

you can't
there is no point to convert them and in process reveal your power level

I just showed my friends Wire. They were all on board.

First post best post

uhh you don't get to bring friends

Reminder that using non-NSA/American software with non-backdoored encryption means you're a terrorist or aiding them hate freedoms.

>my friends
How about you leave this, pos.

Spam them with cheese pizza

Leave it first and refuse to communicate over that platform with them.

Not really. Most European countries use Facebook messenger.

Tough luck user. If everyone is in a platform it's really hard to make them leave. Facebook is going to fuck up by having annoying ads but most people are going to leave it for WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is the lesser of two evils. It has e2e by default and it has a large user base.

Add me @ james forthgoster

Spam gore

Start by getting friends

Just use the 5mb version. Less botnet.

I left facebook for good 1 year ago. I had only used it "for emergencys" a year prior to that. (these emergencies always resulted in me finding some "interesting" new group or whatever and got stuck for a week or two..). After I left, my good friend totally understood and was fine with using e-mail or normal phonecalls to get hold of me. The rest of my 150+ """friends""" are gone from my life now. And I realize that just because someone is on your friendslist on fb, doesn't mean they are your friends. From a social perspective my life is much more stable, i don't have to pull knifes out of my back everyday. And I can fill my head with information of value instead of pictures of my """friends""" dogs. Just get out before it is to late. It will feel lonely in the beginning, but it's ok.

I refuse to believe that this is anything else but bait.

This is kinda funny because its true, i accepted that im born to be alone